Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine

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Cassadine Island, Greece

Jason, Sam, Spencer, Toby and Chase were standing outside the infamous castle.

"Okay, so where do we start?" Chase asked. "Well, I'm willing to bet that there's obviously still some of Helena's minions around here somewhere, making sure that Emily can't escape, so we need to be careful." Jason said.

"You're right, and I think that we should split up, cover more ground." Sam said and Jason nodded. "That's not a bad idea, you can go with Chase and of course Spence will be with Toby." He said.
"We'll be fine." Toby said as he grabbed Spencer's hand gently and she gave him a small smile. "I don't doubt that, but here, just in case you need it." Jason said before handing Toby one of his extra guns, Toby nodded and took the gun and put it in his pocket. "Be careful." Spencer said as she looked at her mom who nodded. "You don't have to worry about me." Sam said. "Yeah and you don't have to worry about me either." Spencer said. "Well that's different, now I know that you can take care of yourself as my PI partner, and you have Toby, but you're still my daughter, worrying comes with the territory." Sam said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, I know." She said. "We'll be fine Spence, and we'll find Emily." Chase said. "I sure hope so." Toby said. "We will, and we're not leaving until we do, I know that she's still here, I can feel it." Jason said as Sam grabbed his hand comfortingly. "I'm not going to say, well you know… I'm just going to say good luck." Sam said before kissing him softly. "Thank you, I needed that." Jason said as she smiled softly at her. "Okay, everyone's phones are on vibrate, right?" Chase asked and everyone nodded. "Okay good, then I guess that we're ready." He said and Jason nodded in agreement. "We'll try and meet up back out here, now let's go find my sister." Jason said with determination in his voice and everyone nodded in agreement, and they went their separate ways sneaking inside to start their search for Emily, hoping to be successful.

With Spoby

Spencer and Toby were searching one of the upstairs rooms looking for any signs or Emily, but they came up empty handed, but as they were about to leave the room they came face to face with two of Helena's minions, Toby immediately went into overprotective mode when he saw that one of the guys had a gun, there was no way that he was going to let Spencer get shot again, not on his watch, he wasted no time in tackling the guy to the floor and trying to get the gun out of his hands. 

"Tobes please be careful!" Spencer shouted, the worry evident in her voice as she stepped back a little, she kept one eye on Toby and her other on the other guy, waiting for him to make his move on her and of course while Toby was busy trying to wrestle the gun away from the one guy, the other one went after Spencer, but she was ready for him, she kicked the guy hard before he had the chance to grab her, and once he stood up she just kicked him again, but harder that time and he fell down again, this time hitting his head hard against the floor, he was out cold, Spencer breathed a sigh of relief and then she looked over at Toby, who had successfully gotten the gun out of the other guy's hands and then he kept punching him until he passed out and hit the floor, then he stood up and made his way over to Spencer. "You okay?" He asked her as he wrapped his arms around her. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay, you?" She asked him as she looked up and down, checking him for any injuries. "Babe, I'm okay." Toby said reassuringly and Spencer nodded. "Good, now let's get out of here before they wake up." She said and he nodded in agreement, he grabbed her hand and they went out of the room, he locked the door behind them and then they headed into one of the other rooms, once they were inside Toby shut the door behind them.

"You know, that was pretty hot." Spencer said as she smirked softly at him and Toby laughed. "Well thank you, and you weren't so bad yourself, Mrs. Cavanaugh." Toby said smiling softly at her. "Thanks, and I have pretty good motivation right now, besides my skills as a PI, I just want my Aunt back." Spencer said, she looked down at the floor and Toby wrapped his arms around her. "I know, and I promise you that we're going to find her." He said and Spencer nodded, she took a deep breath before wrapping her arms around him.
"Okay, as much as I needed that, we should probably search this room for clues, just in case." Spencer said as she reluctantly pulled away from him, Toby nodded in agreement. 

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