Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One

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The Next Day

At Spoby's House

"Have you heard from Em?" Spencer asked Toby and he shook his head. "No, she's probably still sleeping, we all hate a long day yesterday." He said. "Yeah, I'm just glad that Carly is doing okay, and thankful that Donna made it through surgery okay." Spencer said. "Yeah me too, I mean I couldn't imagine if we had to go through that with Marion…" Toby said looking down and she out her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, we don't have to worry about that, our daughter is completely healthy." She said and he looked at her and she smiled softly. "Yeah I know, thank God." Toby said and then Marion made a soft babble and Toby looked over at her Pack N Play and she was sitting up and reaching her arms out towards him. "I think someone wants you to hold her." Spencer said laughing softly and he got up from the couch and walked over to the Pack N Play. "Come here my little princess." Toby said smiling softly as he picked Marion up into his arms and Spencer smiled watching him with their daughter.

"Marion, who's holding you right now?" Spencer asked and Marion just smiled at Toby. "She'll talk when she's ready Spence, but hey I'm glad that you've realized that she's probably going to say Dada first." Toby said smirking at her and she playfully rolled her eyes. "There hadn't been any doubt in my mind about that at all." Spencer said smiling at him and he smiled back at her. "So, you don't have any plans today right?" He asked her. "No, just staying here with you." Spencer said.

"Good, because I'm not going anywhere either." Toby said. "Okay hopefully this doesn't sound too clingy, but I don't know what Marion and I are going to do once you go back to work." Spencer said and Toby walked over to the couch and sat down with Marion in his arms. "That doesn't sound too clingy Spence, and besides as I told you before we will make it work, we won't let our work schedules get between our family time, I promise." He said and Spencer nodded. "I know that, I know I say this all the time, but I really am thankful that I didn't keep pushing you away, that I finally let you in because I am my best version of me when I'm with you and now we have our little princess." She said smiling at him and then she looked at Marion who was busy staring at Toby. "You're not the only one who's glad about that, I told you that I wasn't going to give up on us and these past Eight years have been incredible, you make me a better man Spence." He said smiling at her and she blushed. "You are a great husband and a great Father and I know that Marion would agree with me on that." Spencer said smiling and Toby looked down at Marion and kissed her forehead. "Yeah I know that she does." Toby said smiling at Spencer and she smiled back at him. "We both love you." She said. "I love you both so much more." Toby said before kissing her and Spencer kissed him back passionately.

At Perks

"So how's Carly?" Aaron asked Kristina as she finished making a customer's order and after she handed them their coffees she turned back to Aaron. "She's doing good, I appreciate you picking me up from the hospital last night." She said smiling softly at him. "Well I'm glad to hear that, and you know that I don't mind picking you up, especially when you stay over at my place." Aaron said smiling back at her. "Well that makes two of us because you know I like staying at your place." Kristina said. "And you know that makes me happy, and you know that I was relieved when you told me that your baby sister's surgery was a success." Aaron said. 

"Yeah I think we're all pretty relieved that Donna is going to be okay." Kristina said smiling softly at him. "Are you planning on going to the hospital later?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah probably." She said. "How about I go with you? We can check on your new little baby sister together." Aaron said smiling at her. "I would love that, thank you." Krissy said smiling back at him before kissing his cheek.

"Of course." He said and then they both went back to serving their customers.


"It's good to see you, but you know that you didn't have to come back after being here all day yesterday." Carly said as she hugged Jason. "Hey you're my best friend and you just had a baby, of course I wanted to check on you." Jason said. "Well you always have good timing, Sonny just went to the NICU to see Donna." Carly said as Jason sat in the chair next to her bed. "Well I wanted to come and check on you, but I also brought something for you, well I bought it for you and Donna but mostly for you." Jason said as he handed her a pink box with a bow wrapped around it and Carly looked at him curiously. "You don't give presents." She said. "Well this is a special occasion." Jason said smiling softly at her and she smiled back at him before looking back down at the box and she untied the bow from the box and then she removes the top of the box and she teared up a little when she saw the gift laying in the box. "It's a travel guide, like the one you gave Michael." She said smiling at him and he nodded. "Yeah, Africa was the first book he had, I just… you know I just thought it was a great place for you and Donna to start." He said smiling softly at her and she smiled back at him as tears fell down her face and she put the box aside and leaned over to give him a hug. "Thank you." She said. "No thanks necessary." Jason said as he hugged her back and when they pulled apart Carly laughed softly and wiped her tears away.

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