Chapter Forty Three

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Four weeks later

At Spoby's house

"Home sweet home." Toby said happily as he carried his beautiful wife over the threshold and into their living room and then the gently placed her on the couch and went to get the rest of their bags from the truck and then once he was finished he went over to the couch and sat next to Spencer and she snuggled into him and he kissed the top of her head.

"As much fun as we had in Paris, I am glad to be back home." Spencer said. "Yeah me too." Toby said. "And now we have to get busy unpacking." Spencer said. "No you let me worry about that later, let's just stay here like this for awhile." Toby said before kissing the top of her head again. "Okay I like that idea." Spencer said smiling. "What time is your appointment?" Toby asked as he played with her hair. "Not until 12:30." Spencer said and Toby nodded. "You're coming with me right?" Spencer asked and Toby nodded. "Absolutely, there's nowhere else I'd rather be." He said before kissing her forehead making her smile. "Well good because I'm really nervous." Spencer said.

"Spence everything will be fine." Toby said trying to reassure her. "It's just- What if we're wrong Tobes?" Spencer said and Toby shook his head. "Don't think like that Spence, Everything will work out the way it's supposed to." Toby said and Spencer nodded before kissing his cheek. "Thank you." Spencer said as she rested her head against his chest. "For what?" Toby asked curiously as he rubbed her back. "For always keeping me sane and saying exactly what I needed to hear." Spencer said. "Babe you know you never have to thank me for anything, I do it because I love you and I will always be here for you Spence, never forget that." Toby said and Spencer nodded.

"I know, and I love you too Tobes." Spencer said and Toby kissed the top of her head again. "I guess we should probably head over to your parents and pick up Maggie."
Toby said and Spencer nodded.

"And I'm sure as happy as Danny's going to be to see us he's going to be a little disappointed that we're picking up Maggie." Spencer said and Toby nodded. "I don't doubt that at all." He said laughing and Spencer smiled. "Alright I guess we should get going then." Toby said and Spencer nodded and then they got up off the couch but before they could make it to the door Spencer got really dizzy and almost fell on the floor but luckily Toby was right there and he caught her in his arms and helped her steady herself. "You alright?" He asked with concern in his voice and Spencer nodded. "Yeah I'm alright." Spencer said giving him a small smile and he just wished there was more he could do for her.

Ten minutes later

At Jason and Sam's penthouse

"Welcome home you two." Sam said as she hugged Spencer and Toby. "It's good to be home." Spencer said smiling. "So how was Paris?" Jason asked. "It was pretty
amazing." Spencer said smiling at Toby
and he smiled back at her. "Well we're glad you had a great time." Sam said. "Yeah we really did." Spencer said. "We just wanted to thank you again for letting Danny watch Maggie for us while we were gone." Toby said. "Oh it was no problem at all we all enjoyed having her here." Sam said. "So where is Danny Anyway?" Spencer asked curiously. "He's upstairs in his room with Maggie, I'll go tell him you're back." Jason said and Spencer and Toby nodded and then Jason gave Sam a quick kiss and then went upstairs to Danny's room.

"So why don't you two tell me more about your honeymoon?" Sam asked as the three of them sat on the couch. "Well we did a lot of sightseeing and Toby even surprised me by setting up a picnic at night underneath the Eiffel tower." Spencer said smiling at Toby and he smiled back at her. "That is absolutely beautiful." Sam said. "Yeah well I only wanted the best for my wife." Toby said making Spencer blush. "Well you definitely did a pretty good job of accomplishing that baby." Spencer said before kissing him on the cheek.

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