Chapter Sixteen

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The next day

At Sonny's office

Jason and Sonny were standing over Spinelli who was sitting at Sonny's desk typing away on his laptop looking for Jerry's location.

“Spinelli you have to keep looking! I promised Toby that I would find him and take him down!” Jason said desperately wanting to get his hands on him and make him pay for shooting his daughter.
“Jason I promise you that I will find him and we will get Justice for the doe eyed one okay I have never let you down and I don't intend to start now I just need a little more time.” Spinelli said and Jason sighed.
“We'll get him Jason, don't worry.” Sonny said and Jason sighed. “I know we will.”
“Jerry will pay for shooting Spencer I promise you that Jason.” Sonny said with determination in his voice.


Sam was sitting on the bench in the main level of the hospital, while everyone else was still waiting upstairs outside Spencer's room, she just needed a minute to herself it was too painful being around everyone right now. She was sitting on the bench with her head in her hands when she heard a familiar voice. “Hey Sam.” she quickly looked up and gave a sad smile. “Maxie, hi.” Sam said as Maxie walked over and sat next to her. “How's Spence doing?” Maxie asked with concern. “No change. Toby hasn't left her side.” Sam said. “Well we all know how strong she is, she'll pull through, she's done it before.” Maxie said and Sam nodded. “You're right, I just wish she would wake up soon.” Maxie put her hand on Sam's shoulder comfortingly. “Hey it's going to be okay, she is going to wake up.” “I hope you're right Maxie.” “I'm always right aren't I?” Sam nodded. “So where's Jason?” Maxie asked. “Still hunting down Jerry.” Sam replied. “Well let's just hope he finds the piece of trash sooner rather than later.” Maxie said. “You and me both Maxie, and Toby keeps blaming himself for letting Jerry get away but I don't blame him for a second because he was focused on helping Spencer.” Sam said. “You know it amazes me how strong their love is, I know Toby would do anything for her.” Maxie said and Sam nodded. “Absolutely, but I know it's hurting him that he tried to save her and then she ended up getting shot protecting him.” Sam said trying not to cry all over again. “Let's change the subject okay I need good news, how's the baby? Sam asked and Maxie gave a small smile. “Good, I'm actually waiting for Nathan to show up for childbirth class right now but I wanted to check in with you and see how Spence was doing.” Maxie said and Sam gave her a small smile. “Well I really appreciate it Maxie, thanks for always being such a good friend.” “Oh Sam it's no trouble at all really, I love you guys.” And then she gave Sam a comforting hug.

In Spencer's Hospital Room

“I really need you to wake up baby, please.”

Toby cried as he still held on to Spencers hand tightly just praying that she would wake up. He then heard someone come in the room but he didn't bother looking to see who was there. “I was hoping that maybe I was going to see that she had woken up but I guess not yet, don't worry she'll come back to us.” It was Kiki’s voice. She walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. “How you holding up Toby?” He didn't even take his eyes off of Spencer to took at her, he couldn't. “I just want her to wake up.” He said as more tears ran down his face.
“She will Toby I promise, Spencer is very strong and she loves you more than anything.” Toby sighed. “Yeah and that's exactly what got her in his bed, she was protecting me, I should be in this bed, not her!” Toby cried. “Toby don't you dare blame yourself okay? Spencer protected you because she loves you so much she wouldn't want you blaming yourself.” Kiki said. “But Kiki what does it matter that I'm still here if I lose the one person in this world that matters most to me?” He cried kissing Spencer's hand. “Toby I promise you Spencer is going to wake up and you will get married, there is nothing that she can't fight through to get back to you.” Kiki said comfortingly as she rubbed his back, he was shaking. “T-thanks Kiki.” He said and she gave him a quick hug. “You're welcome, now I have some other patients to check on but I'll be back soon okay? And I'm sure Ali will come to check on her too, she's just in the middle of her shift right now, she wanted to stay right outside Spencer's room but of course Epiphany told her to at least finish her shift like Spencer would want her too. Toby laughed and said “That would be Epiphany.” Kiki gave a small smile. “Yup. Okay I'll be back okay?” She said and Toby nodded and then Kiki walked to the door and said “Don't lose hope, okay?” “That's easier said than done Kiki.” Toby said. “I'll be back later okay?” And he nodded still not taking his eyes off Spencer and Kiki then walked out of the room and then Toby began to talk to Spence again.

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