Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three

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The Next Morning

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"You know that I could never get tired of mornings like this." Sam said as she smiled softly at Jason, they were sitting at the table having breakfast with the kids. "Me either." Jason said as he smiled back at her before looking at Phoenix who was in her high chair.

"You think the kids had a good night last night?" Sam asked him. "I'm sure that they had a great night. They deserve it." Jason said. "Yes they do." Sam said. "You know sometimes I still can't believe how fast time has gone. It's been eleven years since they met. And now they have their own little family. They've done a great job, too." Jason said. "Yeah, I can't believe it either. They really have, they're so great together. I'll never stop being grateful that they found each other. Not to mention the fact that we have our adorable little granddaughter now." Sam said as she smiled softly at him. "Yeah, she is pretty adorable." Jason said as  he smiled back at her.

"Mom, Dad?" Daddy said and his parents looked at him. "Yes Danny?" Jason asked.
"Can we go to the park later?" Danny asked. "I think that sounds like a great idea." Jason said before looking at Sam who nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds perfect to me." She said before looking at Emily Scout. "You're okay with going to the park, right?" She asked her. "Yeah, but could we also go to Aunt Carly and Uncle Sonny's? I want to see Avery and Donna, and hopefully Marion if she's still there when we get there." Emily Scout said. "Yeah of course we can do that." Sam said. "Yes we can." Jason said and Emily Scout smiled happily. "Yay!" She exclaimed and Sam laughed softly. "Well it sounds like we've got a busy day ahead of us. Let's finish our French toast first." She said, Danny and Emily Scout nodded in agreement and they continued eating, Sam couldn't help but smile at Jason and he smiled back at her, they were pretty lucky.

At Sonny and Carly's House

"Well this is a nice surprise!" Carly said happily as she gave Josslyn a hug. "Hi Mom. I just wanted to stop by, especially since I was texting with Morgan and he mentioned that Marion spent the night while Spence and Toby were celebrating their Anniversary." Joss said. "Yes she did. You know I can't believe it's been eleven years since they met. Oh, and you know you're always welcome here. I mean, this is still your home. It sure has felt different around here since you moved into the dorm at PCU." Carly said and Joss playfully rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." She said and Carly laughed softly. "I'm not surprised that you'd want to see Marion, she's upstairs with your sisters." She said and Joss nodded. "You want to come up with me?" She asked her. "I'd love to." Carly said as she smiled softly at her, then they headed upstairs to Avery's room where Emily was sitting on the floor with Avery, Donna and Marion, they were having a little tea party.

"Look who came to say hi." Carly said as she pointed at Joss, Avery got excited and got up and ran over to hug her. "Hi Avery." Joss said as she hugged her back. "I missed you!" Avery said. "I missed you too, even though I just saw you the other day." Joss said, laughing softly and Carly smiled softly at her girls. "Well yeah, but like I said, it's not the same as when you lived here and we got to see you every day." Carly said. "I know, but I'm still over here practically all the time, as much as I can be." Joss said. "But she still misses having you here everyday, we all do. Hey sis." Emily said as she smiled at her. "Hi Em." Joss said before giving her a hug.

"Joss!" Marion said happily as she waved at her. "Hi Marion!" I have certainly missed you." Joss said as she picked her up.  "Okay, now that was just adorable." Emily said. "Yes it was." Carly said as she laughed softly. "I'm assuming you came to see her?" Emily asked. "Yeah, I mean I had to, I've missed her. And of course I wanted to see my sisters too." Joss said. "Can you stay for our tea party?" Avery asked her. "Of course I can!" Joss said happily. "Great. Mommy?" Avery said as she looked at Carly. "I'd love to." Carly said as she sat down on the floor next to Donna and Joss set Marion back down on the other side of Donna, and the tea party continued.

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