Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three

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A Few Days Later 

At Spoby's House

"Come on baby girl, come to Mommy." Spencer said as she reached her arms out towards Marion, she was sitting on the floor in the living room and Marion was across the room in Toby's arms, they were trying to get her to walk. 

"Come on Marion, you can do it, walk to Mommy." Spencer said encouraging her to come to her, however she wasn't budging, she stayed clinging to her Father who laughed softly. "You know maybe we should switch places, because you know she'd be wanting to get to me." Toby said smiling. "Toby!' Spencer said and they both laughed. "What I'm not wrong, Marion am I wrong?" Toby asked her and the little one shook her head. "No." She said and Spencer couldn't help but smile. "See, I told you." Toby said laughing. "Okay, okay I get your point. Let's just switch places." Spencer said before standing up and walking over to him and he handed Marion to her before walking across the room to where Spencer previously sat on the floor.

"Okay Marion, go get Daddy." Spencer said encouragingly as she stood Marion up in her arms and she babbled as she reached her little arms out to Toby. "Come on baby girl, come here to Daddy." Toby said smiling softly as he reached his hands out towards her. "You can do it baby, walk to Daddy." Spencer said encouragingly as Marion continued to reach for Toby. "You can do it Marion, just put one foot in front of the other, like when you're in your walker." Spencer said before looking at Toby.

"You've got this baby girl, come to Daddy." Toby said smiling softly at Marion who was eager to get across the room to her Daddy, she finally took a small step with her right foot and Spencer smiled proudly. "That's it Marion! Now go get Daddy." Spencer said before carefully letting go of her so she was standing on her own and she started to make her way to Toby, her little feet wobbling on the floor as she made her way over to him, she stumbled a little bit halfway to him and Spencer and Toby were worried that she was going to fall down and then get upset, but Marion was able to steady herself and she made it to Toby successfully.

"That's my girl!" Toby said smiling as he caught Marion in his arm. "Good job baby girl." He said before kissing her forehead and Marion babbled happily and clapped at her achievement. "You did it baby girl you walked by yourself for the first time!" Spencer said happily as she wiped the happy tears from her eyes and she looked at Toby who was smiling softly at her and she smiled back at him.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"You know that I love seeing you like this." Sam said smiling at Jason who was sitting on the floor playing with Danny and Emily, Phoenix was upstairs sleeping. "Well I love being like this with you and our kids." Jason said smiling softly at her. "You're a great Father Jason, never doubt yourself about that." Sam said. "Yeah well it's a little hard to do that when you keep reminding me." Jason said. "Well Mommy isn't wrong though." Danny said and Jason smiled at his son. "Well thank you Danny I appreciate that." He said and Sam couldn't help but keep the smile on her face, she was so lucky to have this life with Jason and their kids, and she wouldn't trade it for a second and she knows that Jason wouldn't  change anything either.

At The Metro Court

"So how have things been going?" Serena asked Emily who was working at the bar. "Things are good, I guess you haven't convinced your sister to finally get her butt back over here to Port Charles?" Emily asked and Serena laughed. "Nope, apparently she's enjoying Paris too much, of course I don't know how much she can enjoy it without me there." She said smiling softly. "Well I can say that we are all happy you came back, but the person who was most excited, besides your parents of course, was Spence." Emily said and Serena nodded. "It's been great being back here, especially getting to babysit Marion whenever Spence and Toby need me to." She said smiling. "Yeah she's pretty adorable isn't she." Emily said. "Oh yeah." Serena said. 

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