Chapter Twelve

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The next morning

At The Metro Court

In Spoby's hotel room

Spencer woke up wrapped in Toby's arms and he was smiling at her. “Good morning, fiancé.” He said kissing her forehead. “Mmmm I like the way that sounds, you calling me your fiancé.” Spencer laughed before turning around and kissing him.
“Mmmm, last night really was perfect wasn't it?” Toby asked and she nodded.
“Absolutely.” “So, when do you think we should get out of this bed and get dressed and go tell people our news?” He asked rubbing his nose against her neck gently and she smiled. “I don't know, I don't really want to leave this bed right now, I just want to enjoy this moment with you.” Spencer said smiling at him and he smiled back and kissed her again. “You know I think I know what we can do with this extra alone time.” Toby said smirking at her. “Oh really? And what would that be?” She asked smirking back at him. “Sit up baby girl.” He said gently and she did as she was told and he sat up as well and then he began to massage her shoulders. “Toby…….”

“You want me to stop?” He asked kissing her neck gently. “No.” Toby laughed. “I didn't think so.” He then began to lift her shirt up (actually it's his shirt lol, well it's the one from their first kiss obviously lol.) And then he began to slowly trail kisses down her back. “Tobes.“ “Yes baby?” “I love you so much.” “I love you too Spence.” Spencer then turned around and passionately kissed Toby and it soon turned into a heated makeout session.

A little bit later

At Jason and Sam's penthouse

Spencer and Toby had just gotten back from the Metro Court and Jason and Sam were sitting on the couch in the living room.

“Hey you two, how was last night?” Sam asked. “It was perfect.” Spencer smiled looking back up at Toby. “Yeah it was, actually we have some news.” Toby said.
“Yeah?” Sam asked. “What's up?” Jason asked. “Well, last night….. Toby proposed!” Spencer said happily showing off her ring.
“Oh my gosh Spence Congratulations!” Sam said getting off the couch to hug her daughter. “Congratulations you two.” Jason said also standing up. “Thank you, but you two already knew, didn't you?” Spencer asked raising her eyebrow. “Toby may have talk to us to get our blessing the other day, which there was no question of course we gave it to him.” Sam said and Spencer smiled turning back to Toby. “You did?”
He nodded. “I did. I wanted their permission first babe.” He said before kissing her again and Jason and Sam smiled watching them together.

Now Jason, Sam, Spencer, and Toby are all sitting on the couch in the living room and Spencer’s head is resting on Toby's chest and he's stroking her hair and Sam is sitting in Jason's lap.

Spencer sighed. “What is it babe?” Toby asked. “I don't want to get up and leave you but I should probably meet with the girls and tell them about our engagement.” Spencer said. Toby sighed. “Yeah I know.” He said kissing the top of her head.
“I guess I can text them right now, Spencer said pulling out her phone and texting the girls,

Hey can we meet at Perks, I have some news I want to share with you, it's good I promise. 😉

“Okay I guess I better get going to Perks then.” Spencer said reluctantly pulling herself off of Toby. “Be safe okay babe?” Toby asked. “Hey, I always am.” She smiled at him before giving him a kiss and then saying goodbye to her parents and then she headed to Perks to meet with the girls.

At Perks

“So Spence what's this good news you wanted to tell us?” Aria asked curiously.
“Yeah what's up?” Hanna asked.
“Let me guess, it's about you and Toby right?” Emily asked and Spencer happily nodded and Alison was trying to act surprised even though she already knows what it is obviously. “Well…. Last night Toby sort of proposed and now we're engaged!”
Spencer said smiling and holding up her hand so they can see the ring. “Oh my God Spence I'm so happy for you guys!” Aria said. “It's about time!” Emily said. “Okay I have a confession, I kind of already knew, Toby asked me to distract you yesterday.” Ali said laughing and so did Spencer. “Yeah I kind of figured that out, thank you Ali.” Spencer said.”You're welcome.” Ali said Smiling at her. “Wait why didn't he ask me?!” Hanna asked. “Why do you think he didn't? You would've told her!” Ali said and the others agreed and Hanna sighed. “Okay okay you're all right.” She said and they all laughed.

“That is a beautiful ring Spencer.” Hanna said admiring it and Spencer blushed looking down at her ring. “Yeah it is isn't it? It was actually Toby's mom's.” She said and they all gave sad smiles. “Toby said he knows she would've wanted him to give it to the love of his life and of course that's me so here we are.” She smiled and so did the girls.

“Spence did I hear that right? Toby finally proposed?! Kristina asked walking over to them, and giving Spencer another cup of coffee of course, Spencer nodded happily. “He did.” She said and Kristina hugged her.
“I'm so happy for you, my niece is getting married!” She said happily and Spencer laughed hugging her back. “Thanks Krissy.”

At Kelly's

“So Toby what is it that you wanted to tell us?” Michael asked. “Well it's about me and Spencer.” Toby said smiling a little.
“Okay, what is it?” Morgan asked.
“I sort of proposed last night at the Metro Court.” Toby said smiling. “Dude that's great!” Michael said. “Congratulations!” Morgan said. “But you do know since we've basically been like Spencer's brothers we kind of have to tell you if you hurt her-” Michael started but Toby interrupted him. “I get it, but it's not going to happen Michael, I love her more than anything in this world I would never hurt her.” “Oh we know that Toby, but it still had to be said. Morgan said and they all laughed and continued to talk and catch up with each other.

A few hours later

Back at Jason and Sam's penthouse

“Mmmm I missed you.” Toby said kissing Spencer. “I missed you too Tobes.” Spencer said kissing him back. “How'd it go with the girls?” He asked. “Good, they're all really happy, and I kinda figured out Ali know because you told her to distract me yesterday.” She said and Toby smirked at her. “Yeah I had no doubt you would figure it out.” He said and she laughed before kissing him again. “As much as I would love to continue this, I think we have someone else we need to tell first.” Toby said and Spencer looked at him curiously. “Who?” “Your little brother.” Toby said and she laughed. “Oh right of course, we should tell Danny now shouldn't we?” She asked and Toby nodded so they walked upstairs to Danny's room.

“Hey buddy.” Spencer said to Danny as her and Toby walked into his room. “Hi Spence! Hi Toby!” Danny said smiling happily at them. “So buddy we have some news that we wanted to share with you.” Toby said bending down to Danny's level. “Okay, what is it?” Danny asked curiously. “Well….” Spencer started and Then Toby finished for her. “I proposed to your big sister last night Danny.” Toby said smiling up at Spencer and she bent down to him and Danny and wrapped her arm around him. “You did?!” Danny asked excitedly. “He did, we're engaged Danny.” Spencer said smiling.
“It's about time!” Danny said giving them a hug. “We figured you'd be happy.” Spencer said and her and Toby laughed.


In Spoby's bedroom

“Well I don't think that could've went any better.” Spencer said looking up at Toby, they were lying in bed together and To you was playing with her hair and her head was on his bare chest and she was of course wearing one of his shirts. “You're absolutely right.” Toby said kissing her. “God I really do love you Toby, and I can't wait to be Mrs. Cavanaugh.” She smiled at him. “I love you too Spence, and that makes me so happy, I can't wait to marry you either.” He said stroking her hair and then he passionately kissed her again and she kissed him right back.

And there was Chapter 12!
Of course it also had to happy and sorta fluffy lol. Now the next one is gonna be action packed and hopefully funny lol.
I gotta rewatch the GH scenes I'm basing it on first before I write it though lol. But it's going to be fun!

Until chapter 13!


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