Chapter Twenty Two

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Previously on Pretty Little Port Charles…..

Once he got to the hotel, Jason pretended to be someone that needed to deliver a package to Jerry's room so he played it cool and asked for his room number and surprisingly the lady at the front desk bought it and gave Jason the room number and he went to go confront Jerry and once he got to Jerry's room he knocked and a few seconds later the door swung open.

“Did you really think I wouldn't find you eventually, Jerry?” Jason said glaring at him.


Jason let himself into Jerry's room and Jerry smirked at him. “Well hello Jason, I was wondering when you would show up.”
He said and Jason kept glaring at him.
“Well it took a little longer than I would've liked but I wasn't going to stop looking for you so I could make you pay for what you did to Spencer.” Jason said angrily and Jerry laughed. “Oh yeah that was unfortunate wasn't it? I was aiming for Toby but she pushed him out of the way.” Jerry said and Jason rolled his eyes. “Oh cut the crap you don't care about either one of them you did this on purpose Jerry to stick it to me!
You kidnapped my daughter and then you shoot her and don't you dare think for a second that I'm going to just let the PCPD handle you because Toby and I have other plans for you once I get you back to Port Charles.” Jason said glaring at him and Jerry scoffed. “Oh really I'd like to see you try.”
He said and Jason wanted to shoot him right then but stopped himself but he pulled his gun out and said “You're going to listen to what I say if you want to live, you're going to come back to Port Charles with me right now or I'll just have to call Sonny and tell him to send more of his men out here.” Jason said raising an eyebrow. “Okay okay Jason, you win.” Jerry said and Jason smirked at him. “That's what I thought.”

With Spoby in Hawaii

Spencer and Toby were cuddling on the couch when Toby's cell phone started ringing and he took it out of his pocket to answer it and he looked at the caller ID and it saw that it was Jason.

“It's your Dad babe.” Toby said looking back over at Spencer. “Do you think it's about Jerry?” Spencer asked curiously. “We can only hope.” Toby said before answering the call.

“Hey Jason what's up?”

“Hey Toby, you two doing alright?”

“Yeah we're fine.”

“Good, I think you're really going to be happy about what I'm about to tell you.”

“You found him?”

“I found him. I'm currently with him in his hotel room in Europe but I'm bringing him back to Port Charles right now.”

“You're right Jason I'm really happy. I guess Spence and I will start packing then.”

“Good, I'll see you when you get back.”

“Yeah, so what are you going to do with him?”

“Well I'm keeping my promise to you Toby, I'm not handing him over to the PCPD so you and I can have our way with him.”

“Sounds good, thanks for letting me know.”

“I promised I would, bye Toby.”

“Bye Jason.”

Then after Toby hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket he turned back to Spencer. “My Dad found Jerry?” She asked and he nodded. “We're going home baby
girl.” He said smiling at her her she smiled back and a few happy tears started running down her face and Toby brushed them away with his thumb and then he kissed her passionately and she immediately kissed him back until they had to break apart for air. “I think we should probably start packing now.” Spencer said and Toby laughed. “You're right, but let me just do this first.” He said kissing her again and then they went to the bedroom to go pack up their things.

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