Chapter One Hundred and Forty One

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A Week Later

At Spoby's House

"I can't believe that this day is finally here." Spencer said smiling at Toby who had just finished hanging the "Happy Birthday" banner on the fireplace mantle. "Yeah I know what you mean, our little princess is finally one year old." Toby said as he walked back over to her and wrapped his arms around her and then he kissed her forehead gently. "Yeah, this last year definitely flew by." Spencer said as she snuggled into his arms. "Yeah it definitely did, so what time is everybody coming over?" Toby asked her. "Not for another few hours." Spencer said. "Okay good, that way we can have some quality family time first." Toby said smiling softly at her. "Yes we can." Spencer said as she smiled back at him before kissing him and he kissed her back, only to be interrupted by the sound of Marion crying from upstairs and they both laughed softly as they pulled apart from each other. "And speaking of our little princess," Spencer said. "Yeah, there she is. I'll go get her." Toby said and Spencer nodded and he kissed her forehead before heading towards the stairs and he walked upstairs to check on Marion leaving Spencer smiling softly to herself.

"Here's our little Birthday princess." Toby said as he walked down the stairs with Marion in his arms and Spencer smiled widely at her husband and daughter. "Happy Birthday my little Marion Lila." Spencer said happily as she walked over and gently kissed her forehead and Marion laughed in response. "You ready for today baby girl?" Toby asked and Marion nodded in response. "Yeah." She said smiling at him. "That's my girl." Toby said before kissing her forehead. "Oh she's definitely ready to be the center of attention for everybody today." Spencer said laughing softly. "Yup you're not wrong about that." Toby said smiling at her before leaning in to kiss her and Spencer smiled into the kiss and kissed him back passionately and Marion babbled happily.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"Now this is what I love to see." Jason said as he walked down the stairs and over to Sam who was sitting on the couch holding Phoenix who had just woken up from a nap. "Hey you." 

Sam said as she smiled at him as he sat next to her, and Phoenix smiled and happily reached her arms out to him and Sam laughed softly. "You want to go to your daddy don't you?" She said. "I think she does." Jason said smiling at her and Sam smiled back at him before handing Phoenix over to him. "Yup, now she looks happy." Sam said smiling softly as she watched Jason hold their baby girl in his arms. "Yes she does, so, are you ready for this afternoon?" Jason asked and Sam nodded. 

"Oh yeah, and so is Danny and Emily." She said happily. "Good, I can't believe that this day is already here." Jason said. "I know, me too. Our granddaughter is a whole year old." Sam said, smiling softly at him. "Yeah she is, Spence and Toby have done a great job raising her." Jason said happily. "Yes they are, and I can't wait to celebrate Marion with them today." Sam said, smiling softly at him.
"I can't wait either." Jason said as he smiled at her before kissing her forehead and Sam smiled back at him.

Three Hours Later

Back at Spoby's House

"We can't thank you all enough for coming over today to help us celebrate Marion's first Birthday." Spencer said as she smiled at everyone. "Absolutely, we wouldn't have missed this for the world." Emily said as she smiled back at her before looking over at Toby who was holding Marion in his arms. "Yeah what Em said." Hanna said, smiling. "We're especially glad that you're here." Spencer said smiling back at her. "Thanks Spence, I'm glad that I'm here too." Hanna said happily. "We're all glad that you're doing better Han." Toby said. "And I appreciate that." Hanna said. 

"Obviously you know that we wouldn't have missed this for the world either." Sam said and Spencer laughed. "Oh we know that Mom, and we're glad that you're here." She said and Marion babbled happily. "So is Marion." Toby said and they all laughed. "Today is all for Marion." Jason said smiling softly. "Yes it is." Spencer said as she smiled back at her dad.

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