Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine

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Two Days Later

Somewhere in the Caribbean

"I can't believe that you found this place Dad." Spencer said as they walked into the beach house that Jason had rented for them.

"Well I was able to have some strings pulled, it was especially worth it for us to have a little vacation." Jason said before looking at Phoenix who was in his arms. "Well I'm just grateful that we could set this up, and get away from Port Charles for a bit. I mean, it's home of course, but it's nice to have a little break." Spencer said and Sam nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Spence." She said as she smiled softly at her. "And the other thing I'm grateful for is that you were able to come with us, Aunt Em." Spencer said as she smiled at Emily. "Me too." Emily said happily. "I'm really glad that you were able to come with us too, Emily. I mean if anyone deserves a little vacation it would be you." Jason said as he smiled softly at his sister. "I'm glad that you're here too, but I'm just surprised that Nikolas was willing to let you out of his sight for more than just hours out of a day." Sam said and Emily laughed softly. "Yeah, but he understood how much I needed this, especially to spend extra time with you all." She said and Sam nodded. "Well we're all glad that you're here, right baby girl?" Toby said as he looked at Marion who nodded happily. "Yeah!" She said and Spencer laughed softly. "See, Marion agrees." She said as she smiled at Toby who smiled back at her.

"Well I think that we should get all settled, then we'll meet back here in the living room and see what we want to do first." Sam said and everyone nodded in agreement. "Sounds good." Spencer said and then everyone headed to their rooms to get settled in.

About an Hour Later

Everyone was now back downstairs in the living room of the beach house.

"Alright, what do we want to do first?" Sam said as she looked at everyone. "Actually, I think I have a pretty great idea." Spencer said. "Oh you do now?" Sam said and Spencer laughed softly. "Yeah." She said, smiling. "What is it?" Jason asked. "I want to start by saying that this is literally something for all of us, well minus Marion and Phoenix." Spencer said. "What'd you have in mind?" Sam said curiously. "Well... I was thinking that maybe we could go outside and have a little family water gun fight."
Spencer said and Sam looked at Jason. "What do you think?" She asked him. "I mean... Now you know that I don't typically do things like this... but I do of course think of the one that you and I had in Hawaii quite often actually because that's one of my favorite memories of us. So, If you and the kids are in, I'm in." Jason said and Sam smiled softly at him. "Oh, I'm in." Toby said and Spencer laughed softly and smiled at him before looking at her siblings. "Are you two in?" She asked them. "Absolutely!" Danny said happily. "Yeah!" Emily Scout said. "Alright then." Sam said, smiling.

"Em, are you okay with staying here with Marion and Phoenix?" Jason asked his sister who happily nodded. "Yes, of course. You guys go ahead and have fun, and I'll have fun here with the girls." Emily said, smiling. "Okay, we will." Jason said.

"Spence? Can we take a selfie before we go outside?" Emily Scout asked her big sister. "Of course we can. Come here." Spencer said, smiling softly as she wrapped her arm around her little sister and pulled out her cell phone, they both posed and she snapped a selfie of them.

"Okay, you two ready?" Sam asked them and they both nodded. "Yeah, ready." Spencer said, then they all headed upstairs to get their water guns, then they headed outside.

"Okay, so... how exactly do you want to start this?" Jason asked Spencer. "Well..." Spencer said before looking at her siblings, then she looked back at her dad. "I think that we should be in teams of two. Toby and I, you and Mom, and Danny and Emily." She said and everyone nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me." Sam said. "Me too." Toby said as he smiled at his wife. "Me three!" Emily Scout said happily and Sam laugh. "Alright then, let's get this thing started then." Jason said. "Oh, it's definitely on." Spencer said before she lifted up her water gun, spraying it at her dad.

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