Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine

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Two weeks later 

At Spoby's House

"Okay I think we're almost ready to go." Toby said as he walked downstairs holding Marion in his arms and her diaper bag over his shoulder, Spencer turned around and put her phone in her purse and smiled softly at them. 

"I was just telling my mom that we're getting ready to leave." She said and Toby nodded.

 "Yeah, and Maggs seems excited." He said and Maggie barked happily and Spencer laughed. "Yeah definitely, I can't believe that Emily Scout is already three years old." She said smiling as she walked over and kissed Marion's forehead gently and her daughter babbled happily. "I know me either, she's growing up fast, and she has an amazing big sister." Toby said smiling softly at her. "Well thank you for that, and thank you for taking the day off work so we can all celebrate as a family." Spencer said. "You know that you don't have to thank me, there's nowhere else I'd rather be." He said before kissing her forehead gently and she smiled softly at him. "Okay I guess we better get going." Spencer said as she grabbed Maggie's leash and then the family headed out the door.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"Happy 3rd Birthday my beautiful baby girl." Sam said smiling at Emily Scout before kissing her forehead making her laugh and Jason couldn't help but smile at this sight as he walked over and sat next to them on the couch.

"Let me guess, Danny's upstairs excited about Spencer, Toby, Marion, and Maggie coming over?" Sam asked him. "Oh yeah, especially Maggie obviously, and Phoenix is sleeping." Jason said before kissing Emily Scout's forehead. "Okay good, you know in a matter of hours it'll be a pretty full house in here, all to celebrate our little girl." Sam said smiling softly at him. "Yeah, it's going to be a good day." 
Jason said before kissing her and Sam kissed him back.

About an Hour Later

"Well somebody missed me." Spencer said laughing as Danny hugged her tightly.

"Well of course I missed you, you're my big sister!" Danny said happily and Toby smiled softly as he watched them, and then of course Maggie happily attacked Danny by licking his face and they all laughed. "Well Danny is definitely happy that you're here, and so are we. Now how's my granddaughter doing?" Sam said as she walked over to Toby who was holding Marion in his arms. "I would say that she's doing pretty good right now, right baby girl?" Toby said before kissing his daughter's forehead and Marion babbled happily in response. "I can see that, you're a great father Toby." Sam said as she smiled softly at him. "Well I'm not going to argue with that because it's true." Spencer said smiling at Toby and he smiled back at her. "So, where is the birthday princess?" Spencer asked curiously. "Your dad should be bringing her back down in a few minutes, and Phoenix is still asleep." Sam said and Spencer nodded. 

"Spence!" Emily Scout said happily as soon as Jason put her down, and then she ran happily to her big sister and straight into her arms. 

"Happy Birthday baby girl." Spencer said 
as she kissed her forehead and Toby, Jason, and Sam all smiled softly as they watched them.

A Few Hours Later 

Now pretty much everyone else that was invited had showed up to join the party, Kristina, Aaron, Molly, TJ, Alexis, Drew, Kim, Oscar, Josslyn, Sonny, Carly, Avery, and of course little Donna. (And Brooklyn who's still staying with them lol.)

Toby was playing with Danny and some of his toy cars and Maggie was lying next to them watching them intently, Spencer smiled to herself as she watched them, and then she glanced across the room to where Sam was playing with Marion, and then she saw her dad and Sonny over in the corner talking, she told Toby that she would be right back, kissed his cheek and then went over to talk to them.

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