Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five

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Two Weeks Later

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"Okay, I've finished three background checks, and scheduled a few meetings with some more potential clients." Spencer said as she looked at her mom, they were sitting at the table with their laptops and some case files as well.

"That's good. I've finished too, how'd you get through those so fast?" Sam said. "You know that I learned from the best." Spencer said as she smiled softly at her and Sam smiled back at her. "Are you doing okay?" She asked her. "Of course I'm doing okay Mom. Things are really great, you know that." Spencer said before taking another sip of her coffee. "I know that, but still. I'm your mom, I was just checking because you sort of seem a little bit... preoccupied." Sam said and Spencer looked up at her. "I appreciate your concern, Mom. But seriously, I'm fine." She said, smiling softly at her before taking another sip of her coffee. "Okay, great. I was just checking." Sam said. "I know, and thanks Mom." Spencer said. "No thanks necessary baby girl." Sam said as she smiled at her. "I love you Mom." Spencer said. "I love you too Spence." Sam said happily.

At Kiki and Griffin's Apartment

"I think it's great that we were both able to get the morning off from work." Kiki said as she smiled at Griffin. "Yeah, me too." Griffin said as he smiled back at her. "I feel like I can't remember the last time we were able to have a proper breakfast together." Kiki said. "Yeah, me either." Griffin said. "Well the important thing is that we're together now." Kiki said. "Yes we are." Griffin said.

"Do you have a late shift tonight?" Kiki asked him. "Yeah, and I'm assuming you're going to be busy with your class tonight?" Griffin said and Kiki nodded. "Yeah, but the good thing is that I'll be graduating before too long." She said proudly. "And you're going to make an amazing nurse." Griffin said and Kiki felt herself start to blush a little. "Thank you for that." She said, smiling softly at him. "Well it's true, you're amazing." Griffin said as he sat down on the couch next to her. "You're not so bad yourself." Kiki said and they both laughed. "Well thank you for that." Griffin said as he wrapped his arm around her before leaning in to kiss her and she smiled into the kiss and kissed him back happily.

At The Metro Court

At Crimson

"Hey Han, did you finalize the deal with that designer in Italy?" Maxie asked as she looked at her daughter. "Yup, just finished doing that actually." Hanna said as she looked over at her. "Great, nice job." Maxie said. "Thanks." Hanna said happily before looking back at her laptop.

"Hey Mom?" Hanna said and Maxie looked over at her. "Yeah?" She asked curiously.

"I was thinking that maybe we could get Brooklyn to do a cover shoot for us again." Hanna said and Maxie nodded. "Yeah, I think that's a great idea, if she's up for it." She said. "I'm sure she will be, she loves helping us out." Hanna said. "I know that, and you know I'm open to any other ideas you may have as well." Maxie said, but then her attention went back to her laptop and she didn't say anything else.

"Mom? Is something wrong?" Hanna asked her. "No, of course not." Maxie said. "Mom." Hanna said as she looked at her and Maxie sighed softly. "Okay, okay. We're partners, I'm not going to try and hide this from you." Maxie said. "Okay, what's wrong?" Hanna asked curiously. "I'm not exactly sure, but somehow... there's some money missing from the budget." Maxie said and Hanna's eyes widened. "What? How is that possible?" She said, in shock. "I have no idea." Maxie said.

"How are we going to get to the bottom of this? Should we call Spence or Sam?" Hanna asked, Maxie shook her head. "No, not yet anyway. This might not even be that serious, I mean, it could just be a mistake. Just let me look into it for now." She said and Hanna nodded. "Sure, hopefully you're right Mom, that it's just a misunderstanding." Hanna said. "Me too Han, me too." Maxie said as she turned her attention back to her laptop so she could look into the missing money.

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