Chapter Fourty Six

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The next day

At Spoby's house

"Tobes you didn't have to stay home from work for me I'm fine now." Spencer said as she laid next to Toby on the couch. "Spence I wasn't going to leave my wife home by herself with morning sickness." Toby said as he kissed the top of her head. "I wouldn't be totally alone, Maggie's here." Spencer said looking over at their fur baby who was chewing on her bone on the floor. "You know what I meant." Toby said and Spencer nodded. "I do, but I'm fine now I promise you can go to work, besides I told my Mom I was going to work from home today and there's some background checks I need to run." Spencer said before starting to get up but Toby pulled her back to him on the couch.

"You don't have to do that right now babe, just stay here with me." Toby said as he played with her hair. "Fine, but only because you're so darn persuasive." Spencer said before smashing her lips into his and he immediately kissed her back as he moved his hands down her back and Spencer moaned into his mouth slightly before passionately kissing him again.

At the PCPD

Chase was going through case files when Nelle walked into the station and went over to him.

"Hi Chase." She said happily and he looked up at her. "Hi Nelle, what can I do for you?"
He asked curiously. "I just wanted to make sure that Sharon is still in custody?" Nelle asked and Chase nodded. "Yes she is and I'm not going to let her get away Nelle you have my word." He said and she nodded.

"I just wanted to thank you again for your help the other night." Nelle said. "All I did was arrest her Spencer did the rest." Chase said. "Exactly you're the one that arrested her and now I'm officially free and I can't thank you enough for that Chase." Nelle said smiling at him. "Well you're welcome." Chase smiled back at her and then Nelle surprised him by giving him a hug and he hesitated at first but then he hugged her back, and then Alison walked in and saw them hugging.

"I'm not interrupting something am I?" She asked and then Chase immediately pulled away from Nelle and smiled at Ali.

"No not at all, hi Ali." Chase said before kissing her on the cheek. "Ali I swear this is not what it looks like, I was just thanking Chase it was a friendly hug I swear." Nelle said. "I wasn't saying it didn't look innocent." Ali said but Chase knew her better than that.

"Ali I swear nothing is going on between us okay? I am completely in love with you." Chase said smiling at her and she smiled back at him. "I am completely in love with you too Chase." Ali said before kissing him.

"Well I should get going now, thanks again Chase." Nelle said. "You're welcome." Chase said. "Bye Ali, we're good right?" Nelle asked and Ali nodded. "We're good." She said smiling at her and then once Nelle left Ali wrapped her arms around Chase and kissed him passionately.

"Do I still sense a hint of jealousy?" Chase asked smirking at her. "No, I'm just showing my amazing boyfriend how much I love him." Ali said running her hand through his hair. "Well don't let me stop you then." Chase said and then Ali killed him again. "Okay as much I would love to continue this, you're still at work." Ali said and Chase sighed. "You're right, I'll see you tonight though right?" He asked and she nodded.
"Of course." She said and then she kissed him one more time before leaving the station leaving Chase blushing and wanting more.

At Sonny and Carly's house

Emily was sitting on the couch reading an issue of Crimson when Josslyn came downstairs.

"Hey Em, can I talk to you for a minute?" Josslyn asked and Emily Immediately put the magazine on the coffee table and nodded. "Of course Joss, come here." Emily said as she sat up and patted the seat next to her and Josslyn sat down and looked at her. "What's up sis?" Emily asked. "I need some advice from my big sister, relationship advice." Josslyn said. "Are you and Oscar having trouble?" Emily asked and Josslyn nodded. "But what happened? I thought things were going great between you two." Emily said. "They were, until I had to go and screw things up." Josslyn said looking down at her hands. "What do you mean by that, what did you do Joss?" Emily asked curiously and Josslyn sighed before looking back up at her. "Well yesterday we were talking and I may have mentioned wanting to have sex with him and he said he wanted to wait until it's the right time and now I feel like I pressured him into talking about it and I don't know what to do and I haven't talked to him since." Josslyn said and Emily took a deep breath before speaking. "Okay, well first of all I think Oscar has a point about waiting Joss, you're only fourteen there's plenty of time to talk about sex when your a little bit older and further into your relationship." Emily said and Josslyn nodded.

Pretty Little Port CharlesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora