Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six

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I can't believe it's already the end of another Nurse's Ball! Enjoy!

I can't believe it's already the end of another Nurse's Ball! Enjoy!

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(Here's the dresses again⬆️)

A Few Minutes Later

"You knew, didn't you?" Emily asked Spencer who laughed softly. "Yeah I did." She said smiling softly at her aunt. "And I'm guessing that she told you?" Emily said to Toby who nodded. "She did." Toby said. "That doesn't surprise me, and who else knew?" Emily asked. "Just Sam and I, and Elizabeth." Jason said and Emily nodded. "Of course you all knew, you did a nice job keeping it to yourselves." She said. "Oh it wasn't easy." Spencer said as she laughed again. "It was worth it to see the look on your face." Sam said smiling softly. "I was definitely not expecting that, but I couldn't be happier." Emily said as she smiled softly at Nikolas who smiled back at her and then kissed her forehead gently.

"Seriously I can't believe how much you've grown up since the last time I saw you." Hanna said to Emma who laughed. "You're telling me." Robin said as she smiled at her daughter. "I wish you could stay a little longer." Maxie said. "I do too, but we'll be back." Robin said as she smiled softly at her cousin. "We're going to hold you to that." Maxie said. "What she said." Hanna said and Robin laughed. "I expect nothing less." She said as she smiled softly at them. "I'm looking forward to your speech, as always I know it's going to be amazing." Maxie said as she smiled softly at her. "Thanks, I hope so." Robin said as she laughed softly. "Oh stop it, like Mom just said, you're going to be great." Hanna said. "Yeah Mommy, don't doubt yourself." Emma said and Robin smiled softly at her daughter. "You're right, I'll try. Thank you." She said as she hugged her, Maxie and Hanna smiled softly as they watched them.

"I'm not surprised that you knew that Nikolas was going to re-propose." Emily said to Elizabeth. "Well I'm your best friend, of course he told me what he was planning to do tonight, and I told him that it was a great idea and that you would be very happy, and I was right because you're absolutely glowing right now." Elizabeth said and Emily laughed softly. "Well I am very happy right now, I mean there were times when I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get to come home and see any of you again... it's been great to just focus on the positive, that Jason found me and brought me home, and here I am at another Nurse's Ball, finally, and Nikolas and I can finally gave the happy ending that we should've had a long time ago." She said as she smiled softly. "And I couldn't be happier for you both." Elizabeth said happily. "Thanks Liz, come here." Emily said before pulling her gently into a hug, Elizabeth smiled softly to herself as she hugged her back.

"Congratulations, I mean I know you two were already engaged, but this was pretty sweet, a way for you two to start fresh." Lucky said. "Thanks, that means a lot to me coming from you." Nikolas said. "Well you're my brother and I'm happy for you, we all are." Lucky said and Aria nodded in agreement with her father. "That was incredibly romantic." Aria said as she smiled softly. "Well that was the plan." Nikolas said as he smiled softly. "I'm very happy for you and Emily, she's back where she belongs, and she's home with you, Jason got his sister back, Spence got her aunt back, and my mom got her best friend back." Aria said happily. "Things are definitely good right now, and I wouldn't change any of it." Nikolas said, a smile on his face. "You deserve it." Lucky said. "Dad's right, and we all deserve to continue celebrating tonight." Aria said smiling softly. "Yes we do." Lucky said as he smiled at his daughter. "And that's exactly what we're going to do." Nikolas said, a small smile on his face as he looked across the room to where Emily was talking to Elizabeth, he was so grateful to have her back.

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