Chapter Four

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Okay hello everyone and here is Chapter 4 of Pretty Little Port Charles! Now this one I'm super excited for y'all to read and I'm very proud of it it was fun to write because this one is going to be mainly Spoby with a little bit of Jasam, my two favorite ships my babies 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Also with Spoby babysitting Danny and Emily! Super cute super fluffy, and maybe in the end a little sexy lol just enjoy!

A few days later

At Jason and Sam's penthouse

Spencer and Toby were sitting on the couch when Jason and Sam came downstairs.
“Hey you two.” Sam said. “Hi mom, dad.” Spencer said smiling at her parents.
“So we have a favor to ask.” Sam said.
“Okay go ahead.” Spencer said. “Yeah what's up?” Toby asked. “Well  your mom and I talked it over with Lulu and she is letting us rent The Haunted Star all to ourselves tonight.” (Lulu’s boat.) Jason said.
“And we were wondering if you two wouldn't mind watching the kids tonight?” Sam asked. Spencer looked over at Toby and he nodded “Of course.” Spencer said. “Okay good. We will probably be back tomorrow.” Sam said and Spencer and Toby nodded. “So are you going to play dominoes and tequila?” Spencer asked. (Hardcore Jasammers like me know that's their thing 😍 Spoby has Scrabble and Jasam has dominoes and tequila 💙) “Maybe.” Jason said looking at Sam who was smiling at him. “Well you guys deserve this little break.” Spencer said.
“Well thanks Spence.” Sam said smiling at her eldest daughter. “Seriously I don't think we can thank you guys enough for agreeing to watch the kids tonight.” Jason said. “It's no problem really you know we love watching them.” Spencer said smiling and Toby nodded agreeing with her.

A bit later

Jason and Sam had already left for The Haunted Star and Spencer and Toby were in the living room with Danny and Emily.

Spencer was sitting on the couch holding Emily and she glanced over at Toby playing with Danny on the floor.
“Toby you know you're like the big brother I never had?” Danny asked and Toby laughed “Well thank you buddy.” And Spencer looked over at them and said “Umm Danny you know I love your friendship with Toby but you do remember that you do have a big sister right?” She asked. Danny looked over at her smiling “Spence I could never forget you I love you too.” And she smiled back at him “Well thank you Danny I appreciate
that.” and then she turned her attention back to little Emily and kissed the top of her head. “We have an amazing brother don't we baby girl?” And at this moment Toby was looking over at them from across the room smiling to himself.

After a little while Emily was laying in her Pack N Play sleeping and Spencer was still sitting on the couch and Toby and Danny had joined her and Danny sat in the middle.
“Spence?” Danny asked. “Yeah buddy?” Spencer replied. “You and Toby love each other a lot right?” Danny asked. Spencer looked over at Toby who was smiling at her and then she looked back at Danny and nodded. “More than anything.” “So why aren't you two married yet?” Danny asked curiously. Spencer was in awe of what a little smarty pants her brother is and she glanced over at Toby and he was still smiling at her and she looked back at Danny and said “Well buddy Toby hasn't asked me yet.” And Danny turned to Toby “Why haven't you asked Spence to marry you yet Toby? Everybody knows you're going to be together forever.” And Toby looked at Spencer and she was blushing so hard and both of them were trying not to laugh. “Well Danny I'll let you in on a little secret, I fully intend on proposing to your big sister one day, I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment but I do love her more than anything in this world.” Toby said smiling at Spencer who was still seriously blushing.
“Well I'm glad to hear that, I was just checking.” Danny said smiling at him and Toby laughed in response. “Danny you are a piece of work.” Spencer said smiling at her little brother. “Well thank you Spence!” Danny said happily and Spencer and Toby laughed.

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