Chapter One Hundred and Eighty

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The Next Morning

Somewhere in the Caribbean

"You know, I could get used to waking up to this amazing view." Spencer said as she smiled up at Toby, she was sitting in his lap and they were in a chair on the balcony of their room. "I couldn't agree with you more. This view is absolutely amazing." Toby said as he smiled softly at her and she laughed softly and blushed. "Why thank you, Husband. I was talking about the scenery here, but of course you are always an amazing sight to see, too." She said, running her hand through his hair. "Thank you baby girl, I don't know how I got so lucky to get you." Toby said, kissing her cheek gently. "You know I ask myself the same question. You're so good to me." Spencer said, smiling softly at him. "Because you deserve it. But do you want me to stop?" Toby said, teasing her. "No, of course not." Spencer said, laughing. "Good, because I could never do that, anyway." Toby said. "I love you." Spencer said. "I love you too." Toby said before kissing her forehead gently.

"I love how happy Marion seems here." Spencer said and Toby nodded. "Yeah, although as long as she has us, I'm pretty sure she's happy anywhere." He said. "Well she is pretty perfect." Spencer said as she turned her head to glance back in their room where Marion was peacefully sleeping in her Pack N Play. "She absolutely is, just like her mother." Toby said and Spencer blushed. "You know that her daddy is pretty perfect, too." She said before kissing his cheek gently.

"Thank you babe. So, are you ready for some breakfast?" Toby asked her. "Yes please." She said happily. "I thought so. You stay here with our little princess, and I'll go and make us some breakfast." Toby said and Spencer nodded. "Do you want anything specific?" Toby asked her. "Surprise me." Spencer said. "Done." Toby said as he smiled at her. Spencer then reluctantly stood up from his lap and he stood up from the chair and they headed back inside their room. "I'll be right back." Toby whispered to her before softly kissing her cheek and then he left the room and Spencer smiled softly to herself as she walked over to their bed and sat down, she then glanced over at the Pack N Play where Marion was still sleeping peacefully.

At The Metro Court

"Wow Mom. You really outdid yourself." Josslyn said as she walked out into the new area on the rooftop, the Metro Court Pool and Spa. "You really did." Emily said as they walked over to the lounge chairs by the pool.

"Well thank you my girls. I wanted this spot to be the perfect summer hangout for everyone." Carly said. "Well you definitely nailed it." Joss said. "Agreed." Emily said. "I'm glad that you two think it's a hit." Carly said. "Oh, it's a huge hit! And we know that everyone else is going to love coming here through the summer, especially to specifically come up here." Joss said and Carly laughed softly. "She's not wrong." Emily said. "I hope you're right about that." Carly said. "Oh trust us." Joss said and Carly laughed. "I do." She said as she smiled at her. "I can definitely see Spence and Sam coming up here to interview clients and talk business." Emily said. "Me too, they'll love it when they get back." Joss said. "Oh I'm sure that they will. I already can't wait for them to get back, even though they just left yesterday." Carly said, laughing softly. "We miss them too, and Jason, obviously." Joss said. "Yeah, and I'm sure that you both miss Toby, too." Carly said and Em nodded. "Yeah we do." She said, smiling softly. "But they definitely deserved this vacation." Joss said. "Yes they absolutely deserved it, and Sonny was happy to let Jason take the time off. He knew that he and Sam deserved the family time with the kids." Carly said. "Yeah, we're really happy for them." Joss said. "Yeah, me too. Okay I better get back to work, I need to find Belle to discuss some things. I'll leave you two to it." Carly said before walking back into the hotel and the sisters smiled at each other.

"Hey Em, you wanna get in the pool?" Joss asked her. "You read my mind." Emily said and Joss laughed softly, they set their bags down and took their bathing suit covers off and headed over to the pool.

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