Ronald Speirs

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The church was the first time you had sat indoors in over 2 months. You had forgotten what it was like to sit under a roof and to feel the warmth of the fire inside.
You sat next to George and Floyd with your feet up on the seat in front of you, you were looking at a certain Lieutenant that was sat opposite you while talking with Lip.
Lieutenant Ronald Speirs was the man you had a massive crush on, of course nobody knew about it and you planed to keep it that way.
You had been staring right at him but you were in your own little world, you didn't see him looking right back at you with a smirk on his face.
"Lip what's up with Hazel?" Lip looked over at you and then back at Speirs.
"Uh nothing sir? She dose that a lot, she's just in her own little world" lip told the the lieutenant and he chuckled and nodded in understanding.

While looking into space you felt a sharp pain in your side.
"Ow what the fuck!" You snapped as you looked at George, he chuckled and pushed your shoulder a little.
"What was that for George!" You raised your voice a little. Some of the guys started to look over at you both. Even lieutenant Speirs looked and grinned when he saw your annoyed face, he had always admired you, you of course didn't know this.
"You zoned out, had to bring you back to earth" you hit his head and got up while putting your jacket on.
"Aww come on Hazel where you going!" George yelled as you walked off. You stopped and turned to him. Oblivious to the fact Speirs was watching you.
"I am going for a smoke George! Before I punch you in the head!" you said as you pulled the finger at him and carried on walking out.

You had been sat outside for a couple of minutes smoking away when you heard footsteps.
"George piss off" you snapped but you didn't get a response. You looked up and saw Lieutenant Speirs stood there looking down at you with a smirk on his face.
"Oh sorry sir, I thought you was George" you sighed and looked back out in front of you.
You heard him chuckle and sit down.
"Don't worry about it" was all he said as he lit his own cigarette up.
"What's going on in that head of yours Hazel?" You looked over to the lieutenant and just gave him a small smile while looking away. You could feel the tears forming, you wouldn't let them fall tho, not in front of Ron, not in front of anyone.
"It's nothing" you whispered and you felt a hand on your chin and your face be turned to your left, you came face to face with those big brown eyes of his.
"Don't make me make it an order Sargent, now tell me what's eating away at you" he asked and you could feel the red forming on your checks.
"I can't sleep at night sir.. my mind is always working 24/7, if I close my eyes I get nightmares. I don't know what I'm meant to do" you whispered to him as you looked away. You could feel his eyes on you.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked while taking a drag from his cigarette. You didn't know if you wanted to talk about it, you didn't know if you had the strength to talk about.
Ron still watched you, he could see you debating with yourself.
"You don't have to tell me Hazel, but just know it's better to talk to someone, and I'm not going to judge you on anything either, I'm not here for that" you looked at Ron and a tear rolled down your face, Ron's thumb wiped it off your face. His touch sent chills down your spine.
"I just- sleeping isn't something I have often anymore sir, while everyone else is fast asleep I'm laying there with my mind going wild, I just don't know why I just won't shut off, it's starting to get to me now." Ron watched you as the tears kept rolling down your face, you were known for being a hard nut, so for Ron seeing you cry was something he and nobody else had seen.
"Well what is actually going through your head?" He asked and you sighed while playing with your hands.
"Just everything out there, the things me and everyone have seen and done, it's just eating me away" you felt Ron's arm wrap around your shoulder and pull you into his side, you leant into his touch as his hand rubbed up and down your arm.
"You know Hazel you are the strongest women I've seen and know, this war does things to people and I don't want it to affect you even though I know it is, you need to let everything go that has happened and just accept it has happened" you understood what he was saying.
"It's just so hard Ron" it was the first time you had used his first name. You couldn't see the smile on his face when you said his name. You felt his lips touch your head and you blushed.
"You know Hazel you really are amazing, I know this isn't the time but you deserve to know, I really like you" you pulled away and looked at him. You had red checks and he looked really shy, something you had never seen before.
"You- you like me?" You whispered and you heard him chuckle.
"Yeah I like you" he said back to you.
You wasted no time and cupped his face in your heads while pulling his face to you.
Before you knew it your lips were on his and his hands were pulling you onto his lap. As you straddled his lap Ron's hands rested on your hips and yours around his neck.
You pulled away after a very heated make out and rested your forehead against his. You chuckled and felt Ron's lips kiss your nose.
"Sweetheart you are really something" he whispered and you smirked.
Your mind slowly forgetting about the sleepless nights and horrible dreams. You could tell you would start having some good sleep and most definitely not on your own, Ron was going to be there for you and you knew it.
As you got off his lap he groaned and tried to reach you with his hands. You winked at him and ran off.
"Catch me if you can Speirs!" You yelled over your shoulder.
Ron smiled to himself as he pushed himself up off the step and ran after you.
"I'm gonna marry her on day" he whispered to himself as he court up to you.

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