Lewis Nixon

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Nixon's Pov

It's been 6 bloody months without her.
6 months of no kisses,hugs and sex and it's driving me crazy. I miss seeing her smile or hearing her laugh at George's bad jokes and I miss looking into those amazing blue eyes.
6 months since you had to leave to go to the Pacific to help the army over there. And from what I've seen it looks horrible over there.
I was away with my thoughts and didn't even realise Dick and Ron were looking at me while I looking at a spot on the table.
"Lew you good?" I heard dick ask me. I looked up and shock my head a little. "Uh yeah I'm good sorry was just thinking" something I've been doing a lot recently.
"You thinking of Rory aren't you?" Ron asked.
I looked up at him and then looked back at dick.
I was going to answer but Vest came in holding a letter.
"Captain Nixon sir I have a letter for you" he comes walking over to me and put it on the table.
"Who's it from vest?"
" I believe it's from lieutenant smith sir, that's your girl isn't it?" I just nodded at him and picked up the letter. It was from you for sure. He knew that writing anywhere.
I waved vest away and started opening up the letter from you.
Before I took it out of the envelope I looked up and saw both Dick and Ron looking at me.

I pulled it out and started to read.

Dear Lew
I'm not sure when you will get this but I hope it doesn't take to long. I hope you are well Lew, I miss you so much Lew and I miss Easy of course, I wish I wasn't here right now. It's horrible over here. Worse then bloody Germany it's self.
I hope you aren't worrying about me to much Lew or I'll have to worry about you 2x as much.
I know it's been hard for you knowing I'm on the other side of all this but I just want you to know that I'm fine and I'm taking each day as it comes.
I'm hoping to be back with Easy soon. I've asked to come back cause I'm sick of it.
Well that's all I have to say right now so I'll leave it at that.
Stay safe for me Lew please
I love you
Ro x

I finished reading it and then read it again. I had tears in my eyes. She is the light of my life.
"So how is our favourite girl Nix?" Dick asked him.
"She uh she's good from what she says. Also said she misses Easy and wishes she was with us all. And uh she said she might be coming back to Easy soon so I'm happy about that" I told them but they could see I was still unhappy.
"Well I'm sure she is doing everything she can over there to get back to you as soon as possible right?" Ron asked him while reading a newspaper.
"Yeah guess so Ron" was all I said.

Your pov:

God it's been a long time since I've seen Easy and I can't wait to see them. I just got to where everyone is. Nobody has seen me yet which is good cause I'm surprising everyone and most importantly I'm surprising Lew.
Ron is the only one that knows I'm here and is coming to get me any moment now.
I hear a Jeep pull up next to me and the person has the biggest smile on his face as he gets out.
"How's our favourite girl huh?" Ron asked as he pulls me in for a hug.
I laugh cause he's never done that before.
"I'm actually so happy to be back I've missed everyone so so much." I tell him.
"Yeah but you have missed a certain Captain Nixon more haven't you?" He asked me with a smirk on his face.
"Well obviously Ron. Right let's get going shell we cause I have a boyfriend to surprise."
"Yes ma'am" was all he said and I laughed.
As we drove I saw loads of people who I can not wait to see but I need to see Lew first.

The Jeep comes to a stop and I get out with Ron and we walk in to what I think is CP for now.
"Right wait here and I'll go see what he's doing then walk in 5 mins after okay? Ron asked and I gave him a nod.
This is going to be good.

Nixon's Pov:
I was sat at my desk trying to write a letter back to Rory but didn't know what to say at all.
I hear a knock on my door and say "come in"
I look up and see Ron with a massive smile on his face.
"What's with the big smile Ron?" I ask
"Oh nothing, what are you up to?"
" I'm trying to write a letter to Ro but it's just shit ever time I write it." I tell him.
I hear another knock on the door and groan.
"Come in" I yell.
Not even looking up I hear the door open and close and I can see out the corner of my eye that Rons moved over a little.
I look up and what I see almost made me have a heart attack.
You were stood right in the middle of the room with a smile of your face.
"Are you going to come hug your girlfriend or should I bugger off back to where I came from?" She asked me.
I laughed a little and jumped out of my chair and ran up to her and picked her up and spun her around while Holding her close.
She squeals a little and then giggles.
God I've missed that.
"Hi Lew" she says once I've put her down.
I didn't say anything but pulled her face to me and kissed her.
"God get a room will you" Ron said well laughing
I pulled away from Rory and looked back at Ron.
"Well this is my office mate to you can go now"
Ron started to walk out but then stopped and looked at us both.
"Have fun but not to much" and he walked out
"I've missed you Lew" I look down and see those eyes I've missed.
"And I've missed you babe" and with that I picked her up and placed her on my desk and stood in between her legs.

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