Ronald Speirs

922 16 0

Being back at home was so different, there wasn't as much noise and it was warm.
Something you hadn't been used to in over three years, once getting home your family was overjoyed to see you, you got hugs and kisses from everyone, but it just didn't feel that same.

It had been a couple of months since the war ended and you still couldn't find the strength to get up and get on with your day, it felt like something was missing from your life but you didn't know what.
You'd get phone calls from the boys or letters sent to you, it was the one thing that kept you going everyday.
Your parents started to become a little worried when you stopped eating certain meals that you used to love or when you'd scream in your sleep because of nightmares, they just didn't understand what you were going through, everything you had seen was replayed each night once going to sleep and it would alway end up with you shaking or crying, the army taught you everything you needed to know but what they didn't teach you was how to deal with everything once coming home.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room you stared out the window as children in the street played, everyone was at work or at school and it was the only time you let yourself leave your room.
The phone ringing brought you back to earth and made you jump a little, getting up and answering it you knew it would be one of the boys.
"Hello" you asked into the phone and heard a chuckle on the other end.
"Hey kiddo how's it going?" Lewis always checked up on you the most out of everyone, he was the only one who could read right through your walls, and he could even do it over the phone, it scared you how well he could read you.
"Hey Lew! I'm alright yeah" you hoped you sound a little convincing.
"I'm detecting a bit of bullshit there" sighing you knew he'd know.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" You didn't even know were to begin, you didn't even know how you felt.
Taking a breath in and letting it out lewis could tell you were on the verge of crying.
"Hey why don't you get on a train and come stay with me for a bit?" You considered it, it could do you some good to get away from your family for a little, get away from your mother trying to marry you off, something you knew would become a headline topic once getting home.
"Can I come over tonight?" You whispered, there was a pause before Lewis agreed.
"Sure thing kiddo, I'll pick you up at the train station" smiling into the phone you noticed you hadn't smiled in a while.
"See you later then" with that you hung up and ran to your room to get a bag ready, you didn't know when you'd be back but you needed a break from everything.
As you got to the door you remembered you should leave a note for your parents.
Writing a note you stuck it on the entrance table and left the house, this was something you needed, even if your parents didn't understand it.


As the train pulled into New Jersey you felt the butterflies bubble in your stomach, you didn't even know why you were so nervous, it was just Lewis for goodness sakes.
Maybe it was because you hadn't seen him for over three months but you shrugged it off while standing and grabbing your back.
As you walked off the train you looked out to see if you could see Lew anywhere.
Seeing a hand raise and wave at you, you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face as you raced over to him, dropping your bag at his feet you hugged him.
"How's my favourite girl" laughing into his chest you couldn't believe you were finally with him.
Pulling away he picked your bag up and hocked an arm around your shoulder.
"It's good to see you Lew, like really good" smiling down at you he kissed your forehead.
"You too short stack" rolling your eyes at the nickname he gave you all those years ago he lead you to his car.

As he started driving he turned to look at you before looking at the road.
"Go on say what you want to say" chuckling he looked at you again.
"Tell me what's wrong? I can tell you aren't feeling yourself just by your voice" looking at him while he drives you couldn't help but sigh.
"It's that noticeable then?" You asked and saw him nod.
"It's just- my family don't understand anything of what I've been through, all my mum wants to do is marry me off to some rich guy and I don't want that, I just want to be able to have a full nights sleep without waking up screaming" you hadn't noticed you were crying until you felt a tear drip onto your hand as you were looking down at your hand.
Lew put his hand over your knee and squeezed it.
"I know it's hard to- to adjust to normal life, I've found it hard as well just like everyone else from easy would have, but your mum shouldn't be trying to marry you off because she feels like it" finally someone who agreed with you, smiling at him you looked out at the road while grabbing his hand.
Everyone in easy always thought you both were together because of how close you both were, like holding hands, cuddling into his side or even sitting in his lap, but neither of you had romantic feeling for the other, you were like brother and sister but friends.
"I have a surprise for you at mine" looking at him you raised an eyebrow and saw him grin but not say a word.
You decided to just leave it until getting to his.
"You know Lew this is the first time I've left the house in three months" Lewis looked over and raised an eyebrow before looking back at the road.
"Serious?" Nodding your head he whistled out a sigh which made you swat at his arm.

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