Chuck Grant

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You were sat with Ron and Dick in a office, all three of you had been going over the plans for the next week, which in all honesty wasn't a great deal, with the war coming to an end there wasn't much for the soldiers to do.
You were really just waiting for your boyfriend to come of Guard duet.
Chuck was your boyfriend and had been since Georgia, you both were inseparable.
"What are you doing after chuck is back?" You turned to Ron and smiled.
"I'm not sure, probably go take a walk or something" Ron chuckled and carried on reading the paper in his hands.
"You know your both very cute together" dick announced and you chuckled at him.
"Thanks Dick, didn't know you felt that about me and chuck" he laughed and smiled up at you.
It hadn't been to long with you heard a Jeep pull up outside.
"MEDIC!!" You looked up at Ron and you both jumped up and ran outside, Ron got there before you and he froze, as you approached the Jeep Ron turned around and grabbed a hold of you while trying to lead you away.
"Ron who is it!" You asked.
"You don't need to see Maxine" you frowned in confusion and pushed Ron's arms off you while turning back around and walking to the Jeep, Ron still tried to stop you but you pushed past Dick who was now there with Eugene.
You froze when you saw Chuck laying there with blood coming from his head.
You felt hands come around you and pull you off the ground.
"No! Put me down! CHUCK!" You screamed as the tears came.
You kept screaming as Ron kept you in his arms.
"Max calm down" he whispered in your eye. You couldn't stop looking at chuck. Ron hadn't dragged you to far away but just far enough.
You started to sob.
"Let me go! I need to be with him" you yelled at Ron but he wasn't letting you go.
"Ron let her go" dick said and with that you run off towards Chuck.
You picked his hand up and put it in yours. He was unconscious. You sobbed as you saw him laying there.
"Come on chuck stay with me" you whispered in between sobs.
"Max I need to take him now" Eugene said and you shock your head no.
"No no you can't-" you didn't get to finish your sentence.
"Ron take her away" dick said.
Before you knew it Ron's arms were around you yet again. He carried you away while you screamed and kicked to be let go.
"Hey!" You and Ron looked at the voice. It was Lewis.
"I'll explain soon Lewis, but for now can you help me?" Lewis didn't say another word to Ron.
They both had to hold each of your arms and pull you into a room. Once in the room you broke. Chuck had been shot.. you didn't even know if you were going to see him again.
"Alright someone tell me what's going on" Lewis said and Ron let you go but stood by the door.
"Chuck got shot" Ron whispered and that just made you cry even more, you collapsed onto a sofa and hid your face in a pillow.
"Shit" Lewis said. They both looked at you and sighed. This wasn't a good way to end a evening.
Ron walked up to your side and sat on the edge of the chair.
"Max" he whispered
"Go away!" You yelled into the pillow. You heard Ron sigh but he put a hand through your hair, he knew it was something Chuck did to calm you down, you sobbed harder at the thought of losing chuck for ever.
"I'm fucked!" You yelled into the pillow and you could feel yourself start to shake.
"You aren't fucked Max, he's going to be alright okay" Ron said as he still ran his hand through your hair.
"How do you know that Ron?" You said as you started to calm down.
He didn't say anything for a little while.
"Well chuck couldn't live without you" Ron whispered and you sat up and looked Ron in the eyes.
"I can't live without him Ron, what if he doesn't make it? He's been in my life for three years now, what am I meant to do if he gets taken from me?" He looked broken for you.
"Well it won't be the same but you have me, Lewis and you have Dick, hell you have the boys as well, we are all going to help you if he doesn't make it, but i know he's going to make it" you cried and Ron pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping around you while his chin rested on your chin. Lewis stood and watched the whole thing.
"I'm going to go see what's going on with him alright?" Lewis said and Ron nodded.
"I want to come" you said and Ron shock his head.
"No your staying here for now, you need to calm down first" you weren't going to argue with Ron, not now at least.
After awhile of laying on the sofa with Ron by your side you started to close you eyes and sleep drifted in, you went to sleep and Ron got up and put a blanket over you. He sighed to himself and ran his hand through his hair.

Ron stayed with you until Dick and Lewis came in.
"We got the guy who did it, do you want to deal with him?" Lewis asked. Ron nodded his head. He was going deal with this asshole for you and for Chuck. You both didn't deserve this at all, you had both already been through so much.
While Ron went to sort out the guy, Lewis and Dick stayed to watch over you.

Ron had been gone for an hour when he walked back in and he looked pissed off. Just as he sat down you woke up and sat up.
All three officers watched you. You had your head in your hands and sighed.
"Please tell me that was just a fucked up dream?" You whispered just loud enough for one of them to hear.
"I wish I could say it was darling" Lewis said and he got up to come sit next to you. You sighed and leant into Lewis and he pulled you into his side some more.
"He's going to live Max, I went and saw him myself, he isn't awake but he's going to live" you looked up at Ron, you jumped off the couch and went and hugged Ron, he chuckled and hugged you back.
"Thank you Ron" you whispered and he just patted your back.
"Don't thank me, I'm just doing my job" you rolled your eyes.
You spent that night on your own but some what a little happier knowing Chuck was going to live.


While you stayed in Austria chuck got sent back to America and you were devastated to say the least, you didn't even get to see him.
The last time you saw him was the night he got shot.
It had been 5 months since then. You missed him like crazy. You had heard that he was up and moving around again which was great.
As you stood on the ship with the rest of easy you couldn't help but feel nervous.
You were stood with Floyd and George, they both knew how nervous you were to see chuck again but they knew it would all go once you saw him.
As you made your war off the ship with all of easy, you kept your eyes open for chuck. He had told you he was coming to get you, he needed and wanted to see you, you could tell from his hand writing that he was still learning to right again. The bullet had scratched past a nerve in the brain causing his left side to develop slower in the right.
"There!" You followed Floyd's finger and you saw chuck standing there with a smile on his face, he looked exactly the same the last time you saw him, apart from the blood and not being awake.
George patted you on the back.
"Go get him max" you didn't waste another moment. You dropped your bag and started pushing through people, chuck had his arms open as you got closer and you jumped into them, you wrapped your legs around him and his arms went around you to hold you against him.
"Oh my god Chuck! I've missed you so much" you whispered into his neck. He chuckled.
"I've missed you as well Max" you pulled away and he put you down.
Before long his lips smashed against yours and they moved in sync. Once you pulled away you could feel tears rolling down your face. Chuck saw and wiped them away with his thumb.
"Don't cry sweetheart, I'm okay, we're okay" you nodded and hugged him again.

It didn't feel real to be in his arms for the first time in what felt like forever. You couldn't see life without chuck Grant by your side every step of the way.

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