Joe Liebgott

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Easy had been off the line for about three weeks as winter started to set in over France.
Replacements had come in and nobody in easy liked any of them.
They were all arrogant- jumped up little shits. They thought they were better then every Toccoa men and all they wanted to do was see some action.
It was the one thing you were absolutely sick of hearing from them.
'When will we see some action!' Or 'this is boring I want to be on the front line'
These boys had no idea what being on the line actually meant, all the friends you lose, all the bullets barely missing your body, the sitting in foxhole while it pissed down on everyone... these boys didn't know how any of that felt and all they wanted to do was see it. It drove you up the wall, it was getting to a lot of the NCO's of easy as well and they didn't know how to handle these new replacements.
All you knew was these boys were going to have a shock when the time came to go out to the line.
And it was coming up faster than anyone knew.

"Mia wake up sweetheart" you groaned and turned over away from the hand that was rocking your shoulder to try wake you up.
"Mia come on we are moving out in 15 minutes" when you heard that your head shot up and you were met with Joes eyes, he smiled down at you and you sighed while rolling out of bed, he moved to give you space.
"What time is it?" You asked and he looked at his watch.
"It's one in the morning" you muttered a curse under your breath as you put your boots on and did your jacket up.
Nobody knew where they were going this early in the morning, most of the men were still half asleep and you couldn't blame them.
Joe helped you lift your pack into the truck and then gave you his hand to pull you up, you thanked him and he just winked down at you.
Everyone else was already in the trunk, you sat down next to Joe and then Malarkey was beside you.
Across from you was Bill and Chuck and they both looked half asleep still.
"Bill do you know where we are going?" You asked as the tall gate was closed and the truck came to life. He looked at you and shock his head.
"No but what I do know is it's fucking cold and we don't have winter clothes for this shit" you chuckled and nodded at him. He wasn't wrong.
About half an hour into the drive one of the replacements looked like he was going to be sick, you nudged joe and he opened his eyes and glared your way until he saw where you were looking and sighed.
"Mate use your helmet to throw up in if you feel sick, them Wash it out over the side with your water" the poor boy nodded and grabbed his helmet. You turned away as you couldn't stomach vomit, the smell was getting to you as it came to your nose, you gagged and everyone looked your way.
They didn't know you couldn't handle vomit, not even joe.
"You good sweetheart?" Bill asked and you nodded slowly as you tried Concentration on your breathing.
"You sure? You don't look to good" joe said next to you.
You couldn't keep it in any longer, you jumped from your seat and leant over Joe who was at the end of the truck, you felt three sets of hands hold you while you thrown up over the side of the truck.
Your hair was pulled back and someone was rubbing you back.
"Can we pull you back up" you sent a thumbs up to Bill and they pulled you back up.
"Sorry, I don't deal well with other peoples vomit" you sighed and took a sip of water.
"That was actually pretty funny" Malarkey laughed and you glared his way.
"You literally divided over Joe here" you blushed as you looked at him. He smirked at you but put an arm around your shoulder.
You leant into joes side and closed your eyes, you felt drained now and all you wanted to do was sleep.
Joe looked over at the eyes that were burning into his head and saw half the truck grinning from ear to ear.
"Fuck off" he glared at them all but a small smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

As time dragged on the truck had stopped about 5 times for breaks and everyone was getting sick of sitting on the hard wood of the seat of the truck benches, you felt sorry for the guys on the floor at your feet.
"Joe I can't feel my ass" you groaned as he chuckled. You and him were the only two awake as the truck carried on over the bumpy road.
Joe looked down at you and then you felt his arms wrap around you and he pulled you into his lap.
"What are you doing joe!" You felt joes chin lean on your shoulder and his hands wrap around your middle with his hands resting on your stomach.
"Thought I'd help with the ass problem, you can start to feel your ass again and I get to feel it, win win if you ask me" you slapped his arm but leant back into his chest. You heard him chuckle and then his lips kissed the side of your check.
This boy knew how to make you weak at the knees that's for sure.
You ended up falling asleep in joes arms and he sighed in content knowing you were getting some rest, he hoped they could hurry up and get to where they are going. Little did Joe know that he'd be wishing you weren't even there in the first place.

The walk into the snowy forest was something that kept everyone on there toes, they couldn't see much at all and they had no idea where the Germans were either.
As they came up to over look Foy they looked around and saw all the trees half broken and foxholes dug with a layer of dirt and snow.
"We are in hell" everyone heard Bill say and nobody made a sound to disagree with him, for once Bill was right about something.
You looked to joe who was walking beside you and he looked down at you.
"Joe I'm freezing" your teeth chatted while telling him. He could see how cold you were, you didn't have a load of body fat to keep you warm, you were very tiny and he didn't know how you were going to make it without freezing.
Just as he was about to answer you, everyone heard a whistle and they heard "IN COMING!"
Joe grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up off the ground and you were thrown into a foxhole, someone else's arms wrapped around you and you looked to see Bill.
"I've got ya sweetheart" you clung to Bill for dear life and he did the same to you.
After a couple of minutes it went silent and Bill let you go a little, you made no real move to get off him until Joe popped up and looked down at you and Bill.
"Here joe you can take your girl now" Bill patted your arm and you went to get up but ended up falling back on Bill, you heard him groan and you gasped.
"I'm so sorry Bill" he waved it off and helped you stand as joe took your hand and pulled you up and out of the hole. You wrapped your arms around his waist and hid your head in his chest.
"I've got you Darling" he whispered and you just nodded.
You knew all these men were going to look after you but you also knew Joe would do anything to keep you safe.
Joe lead you to a hole and he started digging while you did rounds and checked up on everyone, you knew being a medic it was going to be busy out here.
As you walked past Bill and Babe you couldn't help but giggle when Bill winked at you.
You were making your way over to the officers when the words "INCOMING" came again, you didn't have anywhere to go other then to run and find a hole.
As you ran you heard Bill calling your name "MIA!" Joe heard Bill yell your name and he looked up from his hole to see you running straight for him, he sat up a little bit and held out his hand for you, you kept on running and you saw Joe calling you and telling you to hurry up.
An explosion went off to your left and you went flying backwards and landed on the snow. You didn't have time to think before someone's arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you up, you looked and saw Captain Nixon, he looked down and smiled but then you were dropped into a foxhole and he ran off for his own foxhole, what always he doing so close to the line you thought.
You were pulled into someone and you knew it was George. Once the explosion stopped you lifted your head and George patted your shoulder,
"Thanks George" you said as you got out of the hole.
"Fucking damn assholes" you sighed as you jumped into joes foxhole, he wrapped his arms around you as soon as he heard you jump in.
"They are out to fucking get me Joe" you groaned into him.
"I see that, at least everyone is willing to throw you into a hole though" you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"Did you see Nixon?" You felt joe nod his head and he chuckled.
You looked up and joe and kissed his jaw.
"I'm scared Joe, I'm scared of what could happen" he sighed and nodded his head. He looked you in the eyes and then leant in and kissed you.
"I'll protect you Mia, so will Bill and George and Malarkey and the whole of easy" you nodded and a smile formed on your face.
"There's the smile I love, now let's get seated on this shit cold dirt and cuddle before those assholes try exploding my girl for second time today" you giggled at him, joe always knew who to make you smile when needed.
You both sat cuddled in the foxhole just like you were when you sat in the truck, he wouldn't let you leave his lap until there was a call for a medic or you needed to pee.
All you could think of was how much you didn't want to be in this forest, it was freezing and just damn right depressing.
Thank god easy had people like Bill,George and skip to keep up laughing through it all.

Band of brothers imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora