Joe Liebgott

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As easy company rolled into Haguenau people started running and slamming doors as the trucks rolled in. Skyler had heard the voice of a German women saying to hide and get inside to her children, grabbing your little sister by the hand Skyler raced to the back of the house.
Opening a cupboard you started to push your sister in.
"Skyler was ist los" (Skyler what's going on) your little sister asked. Skyler didn't know how to tell her sister that the Americans were going to search there home and take what they wanted, they had both already lost so much.
"steig einfach ein kleiner vogel" (just get in little bird).
You were about to get into the cupboard before turning and seeing the gun you kept on you sitting on the table. As you went to go get it you heard a loud bang and the front door was slammed open, you took the chance and ran over to get the gun while turning back and heading for the cupboard your sister was in.
"You go upstairs and I'll look down here" you heard one of the Americans, you could understand English very well, but you hadn't learnt how to speak it fully. It was a work in progress at the moment, being a German women wasn't safe anymore, you were labeled a traitor or a Nazi, and you was neither.
Hearing footsteps getting closer you climbing into the cupboard and shut the door, there was a small crack of light coming through and you looked down to see your sister's eyes looking up at you with fear.
Putting your finger to your lips to tell your sister to not make a sound you saw her give a small nod of the head.
You looked through the small crack and saw a man stood in the kitchen looking down at the food you was preparing to make for dinner, he picked up a carrot and took a bite from it, he turned around and went to walk out towards the living room when a little sneeze was heard, You looked down at your sister and saw fear all over her face, you heard the footsteps freeze and turn around.
Another set of feet could be heard and stopped next to the other guy while looking at the cupboard Skyler and her sister were in.
"What's up?" The second guy asked.
"I heard a small sneeze, think it came from there" the second guy looked to were the first was pointing.
"What you think someone is in there George?" So his name was George, you thought.
"I don't know Chuck, it sounded like a kid" you saw this Chuck guy looking back to the cupboard and step towards it.
You took a breath in as he got closer, pulling your sister into your side and tightening the grip on the gun, the door ripped open and your sister screamed into your side as you both jumped. Looking up you saw two men looking down at you, there guns held up toward you both.
When seeing you both they put there guns down sighing. But you weren't having it, pointing the gun at them both they put there guns down, trying to show you they weren't here to hurt or harm.
"Hey it's ok, we aren't here to hurt you" George stated while kneeling down. Your sister looked up at the two men with tears in her eyes.
The one named Chuck knelt down like George had and gave you a small smile.
Fear was still running through your system as you looked from man to man, they could be lying for all you knew.
"was willst du" (what do you want) you got no answer from the men but confused looks.
"was willst du" you asked again but they both just looked at each other.
"Chuck go get Joe, he will know what she's saying" Chuck nodded his head and got up and left to find someone named Joe.
"Hey it's okay put the gun down. Can you uh- can you nod your head for me if you understand what I'm saying?" Nodding your head at the man he smiled and nodded back.
"So you just can't speak English?" He asked and again you nodded, you still had the gun pointed at him.
Your sister nudged you.
"Er scheint freundlich zu sein" (He looks friendly) yours sister whispered, you saw George looked down at her and smile while pulling something out of his pocket.
"nein beweg dich nicht"  (no don't move) you said while keeping the gun pointed at him.
Before George could answer or do anything Chuck came back with a guy behind him.
"Joe buddy how's it going" George asked while stepping away from you.
You move the gun as he stepped away but kept it pointed at him. All three men could see fear in your eyes, Joe looked from you to your sister and sighed.
"She understands English, she just can't speak it, we don't know what she's been saying and I think she's just scared" joe looked at George and rolled his eyes.
"Of course she's scared George, there is now three strange men in her home, she's just protecting herself and sister?" He looked at you for an answer and saw you nod.
Joe ignored what ever George was about to say and walked over to you.
"Hey, es ist okay, ich bin nicht hier um dir weh zu tun ich bin nur hier um zu helfen" ( hey it's okay, I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help) you looked into his eyes and could tell he was telling the truth, his eyes were soft and gentle unlike the Nazi men that had been walking around her town not long ago.
Joe knelt down and looked at your sister and then to you, he sent you a smile and took something out of his breast pocket, it was a chocolate bar.
Something your sister hasn't had before with how expensive chocolate was in Germany.
"Es ist okay, es ist nur eine Schokolade" (it's okay it's just chocolate) your sister looked up at you and you nodded your head at her, she took it out of joes hands and hugged it, Joe chuckled a little.
"was sagst du Sofia" (what do you say Sofia)
Joe watched and listened. Sofia looked up at him and smiled "ich danke Ihnen sehr" (thank you very much). Joe nodded his head as to say thank you, turning back to see George and chuck still stood there.
"Go on guys I've got this" they both nodded and left the house.
"kannst du mir deinen Namen sagen? und warum versteckst du dich beide in diesem schrank?"
(Can you tell me your name? And why you are hiding in this cupboard?) looking into his eyes you knew he just wanted to help the best he could, even if he was on the other side he was still nicer then anyone he'd met in a uniform before.
"Mein Name ist Skyler , und wir dachten, du wärst die Deutschen, wir haben versucht, uns zu verstecken, damit sie mich und meine Schwester nicht mitnehmen" (My name is Skyler, we thought you were the Germans, we were trying to hide so they wouldn't take me and my sister) Joe nodded but got a little confused with your last sentence.
"warum sollten sie euch beide mitnehmen? ihr beide deutsch?" (Why would they want to take you both? Your both German?)
You shock your head before taking a breath in, clearly the Americans didn't know much about what the Nazi Germans were doing.
"wir sind juden, sie jagen leute wie mich und meine schwester, um sie in lager zu stecken, juden verschwinden immer wieder, ich bin seit einem jahr untergetaucht." (We are Jews, they are hunting people like me and my sisters to put into camps, Jews keep disappearing, We've been on the move for a whole year in hiding)
Joes face was mixed with angry and hurt, he was a Jew, these two women in front of him have been trying to stay alive because of some assholes who keep hunting then down, it didn't sit right with Joe, women shouldn't be hunted down regardless of there religion or colour.
"Ich bin Jude, meine ganze Familie ist, lass mich dir bitte helfen, dich in Sicherheit zu bringen."
(I'm Jewish, my whole family is, let me keep you safe, please)
You didn't know how to react to his request, nobody had ever asked to keep them safe, not after there parents had died anyway.
"Bitte" (please) you whispered as tears started to fall down your face as you nodded your head. Joe moved closer and pulled you into his chest while wrapping his arm around you. Clinging to his jacket while crying, you felt his hand run up and down your back.
"Nobody going to hurt you or your sister Skyler" he had spoken to you in English, you knew little bits in English so you pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.
"Uh-" you hit your hand on your forehead and heard him laugh as well as your sister.
"Uh-shit- thank you, J-oe" he smiled and shock his head.
"At least you know how to use profanity in English huh" that made you laugh and nod.
Joe saw a smile form on his face as your laugh.
"You have a beautiful laugh" you rolled your eyes and heard a chuckle come out his mouth.
Hearing a giggle come out of Sofia Joe looked down at her.
"Aren't you the cutest little creature" smiling down at your sister you saw her eyes light up at Joes words. Sofia stood up and walked over to Joe, she stood in front of him and took a hair clip out of her hair, giggling she held it in front of Joe to take.
"You want me to have it?" Joe asked and he watched her little head nod, smiling he took it and clipped it to her jacket collar.
"Thank you" he whispered as he picked her up and put her on his shoulders.
Looking back at you Joe could see the small smile on your face and how relaxed you now were.
"How about I get you both some hot food? Maybe a different place to sleep?" Joe asked as he stuck his hand out for you.
All you could do was nod your head and put your hand in his, Joe pulled you up and you hooked your arms around his and walked out the kitchen.
It was hard to trust people in times like these, but one thing for sure was you could trust another Jewish person.
Joe ended up teaching you more English throughout the night while Sofia cuddled into his side fast asleep. You and Joe became good friends after the war, he wrote to you all the time until one day you showed up at his house. You had left Germany to start a new life for you and Sofia, Joe was overjoyed to see you both on his doorstep and you finally got to meet his family.
After many years you became fluent in English thanks to Joe.

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