George Luz

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Being a secret service agent definitely had its toll on you, you were always put in life or death situations, which any normal person would be scared of but not for you, you welcomed death with open arms, you weren't scared about it at all, it was something that you expected and that you knew it was going to happen one way or another.
If you died fighting for your home and country then you were happy knowing that you tried.
When you got assigned to Easy Company at the start of the war you had never thought twice about love, you shivered at the thought of the word itself, so when you started having feelings for a certain Sargent it shocked you.
You didn't know what to do with yourself or how to act around him, you knew it was bad to have these feeling but you couldn't help it.
Falling in love was not on your list of things to do when you landed in Normandy at all.
Your goal was to help to easy with there mission and then leave, all would be forgotten.
But god had other plans for you, he always seemed to put you and George in the same area no matter what.
George Luz was your Foxhole partner through the start of the war and he still was to this day your foxhole buddy, you couldn't help but smile at all the memories you've both shared.
Bastogne was a place that really broke you in many ways to say the least, before you were a spy how didn't fear anything or anyone, now you were just a girl in a war who just wanted to be saved.
As you sat in the freezing snow of Bastogne you couldn't help up glance over at George as he talked with Malarkey about god knows what, you weren't paying them any attention at all.
You were to busy being in your head like you found yourself doing very often at the moment that you didn't see the two men looking at you with worried looks.
You could feel eyes on you and you looked up to see them both looking at you with small smiles.
"What is it? Spit it out" you said with a snap in your tone, you didn't mean for it to come out to rudely.
"Well we were wounding if you were alright? You look down" Malarkey asked. You scoffed and rolled your eyes and looked away. What was wrong with me you thought.
"If you haven't noticed Malarkey I'm pretty sure everyone is down because of this shit hole of a place, I don't see you two bothering everyone else" you snapped at them again. Your emotions were getting the better of you yet again. You never had shown your emotions to the boys of easy, you didn't want any of them to think you were weak or scared. So you closed everything out, all the sad memories, all the happy and all the time you felt love in your whole life.
You got up as you felt the tears welling up in you eyes, you pulled yourself up out of the foxhole and started walking away from them both.
All you could see was George looking at you through your head, his face was the o lay thing that was swimming around you there. You groaned as you came to a wooden log and sat down on it.

The tears started falling as every little memory of your life came flooding over the walls you had built, the wall crashed as everything weighted down on you like a tone of bricks, you felt like you couldn't breath at all, you closed your eyes tight and sobbed into you had as everything came over you.
The hate the sadness the happy time and most importantly the love. Love. That weird made you sob even harder.
You hadn't heard the footsteps crunching down in the snow, you hadn't heard anything until someone touched your shoulder, you jumped and looked up to see the one you love. George fucking Luz.
Seeing his worried face made you sob and put your hands over your face.
"God holly come here" you heard George say. He sat down next to you and pulled you into his lap while wrapping his arms around you. Your hands cling to his jacket as he rocked you from side to side and kissed your forehead.
This man you thought.
"What's got you so upset huh?" He whispered as he ran a hand through your hair while taking your helmet off.
You had stopped sobbing but you still had tears running down your face.
"It's nothing don't worry" you whispered.
"If your crying darling then that means there is something wrong, come on you can tell me, remember we tell each other everything" you nodded and he kissed your head again.
"The wall I've built for so long has finally come down George, every little emotion and memory is out in the open for me to think about, I feel alone even though I'm not, and to make things worse I've fallen in love with someone" you whispered the last part as you pulled away and looked into his eyes.
"Well for one, I'm glad that wall has broken because you don't need to build one up for us, we all care about you holly, you know that. And second who are you in love with?" He asked. You could see his smile change ever so slightly.
You looked down and whispered " you" but he didn't hear you.
"Sorry who?" He asked as he pulled your chin up with his hand.
You looked him in the eyes and sighed.
" you George luz is who I'm in love you" you said again and looked away. You couldn't bare to see his reaction.
You felt him pull you closer and kiss your check and then move his lips down to your neck and you felt a smirk on his face. You were frozen on his lap. What the hell was happening you thought.
"Good thing I love you as well then" he whispered and you gasped and looked straight at him.
"What" you asked. He didn't give you an answer other then pulled your lips onto his.
In the moment you knew everything was going to be okay as long as you had George Luz with you.
Even thought you had no walls Built up you didn't care. You were just happy to be loved by someone like George.

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