Ronald Speirs

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It was the night of the petrol across the River, the goal was to take prisoners.
You were one of the 15 to be chosen for it.
As you sat in the basement trying to black everything out you couldn't help but think about the possibility of things going wrong, you didn't have a good feeling about it at all. You wanted to voice your opinion to your boyfriend but you knew there wasn't anything he could do.
As you sat next to Johnny you heard footsteps coming down the stairs, everyone looked up to see Speirs.
"Grace can I see you?" He asked. Everyone looked at you with small smiles.
You nodded and got up and followed him out the basement.
"What's up?" You asked, he turned around and pulled you into his chest. You were a little shocked at first but wrapped your arms around him.
"Please be careful Grace" you smiled at your boyfriend.
"I'll try my very best Ron" he nodded and kissed your check.
"We have 20 minutes till you all need to go, I'll be outside waiting" you nodded at Ron and turned around to walk back to the stairs.
"Grace" you turned at Ron's voice and looked at him.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"I love you okay" you chuckled at him.
"I love you as well Ron" and with that you made your way down the stairs.


You and Johnny were running down the stairs with everyone else behind you with the prisoners, you stopped to let them all go first. You and Johnny being the higher ranking officers stayed behind till everyone was across. As you and Johnny carried on running you heard him yell your name.
"Grace!" You turned around and saw a German trying to fight him. You ran over to help him, you ran at the German and pushed him off Johnny.
"Go! Get out of here!" You yelled at him. With that he was up and running off.
You stood up and started running but got pushed to the ground by three Germans.
"Grace!" You heard Johnny yell.
"Go!" You yelled as you got carried away from your company. Everyone saw what was happening.

"Johnny we cannot leave her!" Johnny knew he had to leave you, for the sake of the rest of the company.
He turned back to see you screaming and trying to push your way out of the three Germans hands.
You locked eyes with Johnny and nodded. He knew what that meant.
"Go!" He yelled, everyone got in the boats and got over to the other side.

Little did everyone know but Ron had seen the whole thing unfold. He was stood with Dick and Nix, watching his girlfriend get dragged away. He heard your screams for them to go, he saw you trying to free yourself.
"Grace!" Ron yelled across the river. Your head snapped over to the sound. As you got pushed further away you could make out Ron's figure.
"Ron!!!" You screamed. That was the last thing everyone heard from you. You were screaming for your boyfriend.

Once everyone was over the river they got out and ran to the basement. Johnny felt sick to the stomach. You had saved his life, that could be him getting taken.
And then his thoughts went to Captain Speirs. His CO was surly going kill him for leaving his girl behind. The sound of footsteps brought everyone out of there thoughts. It was the three officers.
Ron had no emotion on his face. He didn't dare look up at any of them. Johnny could see it in his eyes that he was in pain. They all saw him yell out to you. They heard you in return. There wasn't anything anyone could do right now.

As Ron sat at the table with all the other officers he couldn't help but think about you, you were all he could think about. It had been 3 months since you got taken. He had tried to go over on his own to save you but he got stopped but Dick, all he could do was sit and be in pain with losing you. He had promised to keep you safe and here he was without you. He felt like he had failed at life.
"Ron" his head snapped up at his name.
"What" he asked as he looked from Dick to Nix and Lip.
"We need a petrol around the area, see what we can find" Ron nodded and got up and left to go sort it out.

"Anything Lew?" Lip asked and Lewis shock his head.
"Nothing at all, I have no idea if she's even alive" all three men knew how much Ron cared about you, they needed to find you.

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