Lewis Nixon

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Being in a company full of men was never easy, hell you knew from the day you sighed up that it wasn't going to be easy.
You had joined the paratroopers as a married women, you were married to a Navy Captain and he was out at sea while you trained.
He had no problem with you being in the army and liked that you took an interest in the military.
Over the course of two years you had become very close to a certain intelligence officer.
He was always there for you to talk to, he always knew how to make you smile and laugh when you needed it, he gave the best cuddles while you all sat in your foxholes in the rain, but most of all he gave you all his attention, he knew you were married and just like you, you knew he was married, except your marriage was actually working out, or was it?
Over time you stopped getting letters from your husband and got one every so often, where as you were sending him letters all the time.
Being in Holland you spent most of your time with Lewis when he was around and not up in Battalion, and even he sort you out to just be able to see how you were doing or if you needed anything.
It was almost like a piece of you had stayed in England before jumping into Holland, you didn't feel like you were married at all anymore, you started blushed around Lewis, you started watching him a lot more, you always smiled when he was talking to you, but now you just couldn't bring yourself to say it, but you had developed feeling for Lewis.
You knew it was wrong with being married and everything but everything with Lewis felt right and made complete senses, you just didn't know how you could be married and have feeling for someone else at the same time.

While going through Holland Lewis had asked if you wanted to share his foxhole with him, he did it to keep you warm but to also spend time with you.
He had noticed small changes in you over the first couple of days in his foxhole.
One you couldn't hold his gaze for very long anymore, second you fidgeted with your fingers which was something you only did when you were nervous, and thirdly when he pulled you into his side for the night you would automatically grab his necklace with his dog tags on it and you would hold them in your hands, he didn't know why you did this but he liked it either way.
One night when you were asleep in his arms with your hand holding his dog tags he took your left hand and looked over your wedding ring, when he looked at it he got angry and jealous.
You had told him that you hadn't gotten any letters from your husband and that when you did they were short and to the point, he never asked how you were doing or anything and it made Lewis angry knowing your husband seemed like he didn't care about you.
And it made him jealous to know that he put that ring on your finger, admittedly it was a lovely ring but it just didn't seem like something you'd wear, he had heard you say a couple of times how the Dimond was just to big for your taste but what could you do?
Lewis never asked you about it after hearing that.
So he chose to do what any man would do when they find a pretty girl, he makes you fall in love with him, he already knows he awaits a divorce when he gets home so why not try and get you to like him now.

It had been about a week of sitting in the freezing winter snow in Bastogne while looking over Foy. It had been 2 months since you last heard off your husband. You were sat in your foxhole when Lewis came and jumped in it.
"Hey you" he groaned while sitting down opposite you and flashing you a smile.
You smiled back and folded your arms over you chest a little more.
"Hello Lewis" you hid a yawn in the arm of your jacket and heard him chuckle.
"Tired are we?" He asked while lighting a cigarette.
"A little more then tired Lew, I'm fucking freezing my ass off" he raised an eyebrow and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Sargent Rice!" You looked over your shoulder and saw vest looking in each hole.
"Over here?" You yelled and vest came running over holding a box and a letter.
You looked at Lew in confusion and he shrugged his shoulders.
"This is for you Sargent, all the way from the Pacific" you took the box and the letter and just nodded while looking at them both.
You hadn't seen Lewis shift in his spot where he was sat.
"From the husband then?" He tried to ask nicely but you could detect jealousy in his tone.
"I suppose so" you sighed while opening the letter.
"I mean takes him 2 months to even answer so I'm surprised he even made the effort for this" you waved a hand at the box.
Lewis didn't saw anything as you started to unfold the letter to read. He'll find out what's in it, you normally tell him.

Dear my love Annabelle. 5/12/44
I'm so sorry I haven't been in contact with you as much as I should of been, I know it must be hard being in a company on the front lines all the time, I read about your company all the time In the war news. I am proud of you Anna.
Over the last couple of months I've been thinking about a lot of things like I'm sure you've done the same.
I don't feel like I'm married anymore Anna. I look at my ring and I try for the life of me try to be happy but I'm not. I can't even remember what you look like these days.
I have no idea when you'll get this letter but I hope it doesn't take long to find you.
Anna there is something I do need to tell you, although I'm not really sure how you are going to take it. So here it goes.
While being out at sea I've gotten very close to one of the women that helps out on board. In a stupid decision of mine I ended up sleeping with her. I feel horrible knowing I've been keeping this from you for so long now, I just knew it would hurt you, but I knew you needed to know as well.
I really am sorry Anna but I want a divorce, I'm in love with this women and I'm pretty surprised you haven't found someone else to take pleasure and comfort in whole out where you are.
In the box I've sent are all of the things I brought with me that reminded me of you and also some photos, I want you to have them back.
Once this war is over we can get a proper Divorce.
I hope you are safe out there Anna and I hope you find some happiness within someone.
With all my love Hamish.

Your mouth was open a little bit and a tear slipped down your check, Lewis looked from the letter to your face before taking the letter from you to read.
You didn't think anything of it and started to open the box next to you.
Inside was his weeding ring, photos from your wedding and before it, a dried rose that you had given him the day he left for sea, a drawing you did of him, and the last thing was a bottle of your perfume that he took with him.
You heard Lewis sigh and fold the letter up.
"Well that's uh" he didn't really know what to say.
"It's great Lewis" you whispered and put the box to the side, Lewis looked in it and had a look through the photos, he smiled at the one of you standing under a tree, just you in a white dress and smiling at the camera.
"He's a fucking idiot is what he is" you looked at Lewis and raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry?" You asked while leaning back against the dirt wall of the foxhole.
"He's a fucking idiot Bella, he's losing the most amazing, Gorgeous, most intelligent women I've ever meet" he shown you the photo and you looked from it to Lewis who had a smile on his face.
"Your free to do what you want now Bella" Lewis had started calling you Bella since Georgia and it's stuck ever since. You didn't mind one bit.
"I always thought I'd always have a happy marriage and never get divorced, and now look at me" you wiped a tear away from your eye and Lewis came to sit next to you.
"Annabelle no marriage is perfect, fuck look at mine for a great example, you and me are in the same boat, you cares what others think, what matters is what makes you happy."
You looked into Lew's eyes and you smiled.
"You make me happy Lewis" you covered you mouth and he smirked before pulling you into his side.
"Yeah well you make me pretty happy as well darling" you giggled and wrapped an arm around his back.
"So now that he's out the way, can I have you for myself now?" You looked up at him and scoffed.
"Pretty sure you always had me to yourself Lew" he chuckled and nodded.
"I suppose your right, but now I get to do this" he leant down and kissed your lips, his lips were soft but hard and moved against yours like a puzzle piece.
Lewis pulled away and you snuggled into his side and then pulled his dog tags out from his jacket.
"You like those?" He asked while rubbing your arm. You nodded into his side.
"Let's me know I'm not alone out here" you felt a kiss to the top of your head.
"You my sweetheart a not alone out here, you have me and easy. I'm going to shower you with love and affection like you should of been having months ago"
You smiled at the thought.
"I haven't felt loved in a whole Lew" he nodded against your head.
"I haven't given love in a while but I'm sure we can both help each out as we go along" you looked up at him and kissed his jaw before resting your head on his chest.
"Thank you Lewis" he hummed into your hair.
"Anything for you" you drifted to sleep with those words swimming in your mind. You were in love with this man and you weren't afraid about it anymore, you were free to do as you pleased and it took a weight off your shoulders for the time being.

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