Eugene Roe

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The jump of a life time, today was the day, the day history was about to change for good, and for the better.
As you sat on the tarmac checking off your list of medic supplies, you couldn't stop thinking about your family and if you were ever going to see them again.
It had already need two years of hard training and you had sacrificed not seeing your family for it. Now you were putting your life on the line, and very literally, you had no idea if you were going to make it past the Jump or even live to see the world in a better please.
Gene was sat next to you while also looking over his gear, he was concentrating while sifting through his bag.
"Gene what do you think will happen when we land?" You asked randomly.
You watched as Gene looked up at you slowly.
"Well uh I suppose we will all be fighting to stay alive, I'm not sure really" you nodded while playing with your shoelaces, Gene kept an eye on you for a couple of moments and then went back to going through his bag.
"Gem... please just uh try stay safe okay?" He asked and you looked up at him.
"I'll try my very best Gene" he smiled at you and you smiled back at him.
You couldn't get over his smile.
You shock your head to try snap yourself out of your thoughts, you had a small crush in Eugene Roe, like who wouldn't? He was really smart, supper sweet, wasn't rude like most men, and really cared about how a women should be treated, he was just perfect.
"Gemma why are you staring at me?" You snapped out of your thoughts again and looked into genes eyes. You blushed and looked down.
"Sorry Gene I just zoned out" he didn't say anything but carried on putting things in his medic bag.
You looked out the corner of your eye and you could see a small smirk on his face, god he was just so cute.

As you sat on the plane, you could feel the nervous creeping up into your chest, it felt like you couldn't breath properly.
You scanned the faces that were sitting around the plane.
You could tell everyone was nervous, you were either going to make it out or not, it was a horrible thing to think of.
As you looked in front of you, you saw Gene looking right back at you, you gave him a small smile and he smiled back. He gave you a thumbs up to ask if you were okay, you nodded back with a smile.
After a short while Gene got up and came over to you, you moved over a little into chucks side and he smiled down at you. As gene sat down he took your hand in his, something he did when he was nervous. A lot of the boys made fun of him for it but he didn't care.
"You alright?" He yelled over the plane engine.
"I'm fine, you?" You yelled back while leaning into his ear a little. He just gave you a small nod to say he was alright.

You and Gene sat there next to each other until the red light came on. You felt him squeeze your hand and you squeezed his back.
Before you knew it you were stood in front of Gene waiting to jump. Bill and winters were in front of you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see it was Gene. He gave you a small nod to you, you returned it and faced the front of the plane again.
Before you knew it the green light came on and you were jumping out of the plane, the blast of the wind came crashing into you, you felt yourself dropping but no shoot opening, you started to panic as you were free falling in the air, all of a sudden your shot opened up and you lifted up into the air. You were yanked upwards and you felt the harness tighten around your legs and you screamed in pain.
As you came down onto the ground of a muddy field, you could feel the pain in your thighs from the harness. As you lay there on the field you could hear footsteps in the mud. You shot up from your spot and the footsteps stopped.
"Gemma!" You looked at the person in front of you and sighed.
"Gene thank god, can you help me?" You asked and he rushed over to your side.
"What happened are you hurt!?" Gene asked and you nodded at him.
"What happened?" He asked.
"My shot didn't open right away and then when it did my harness went really tight around my thighs, I can't get my harness off Gene" he looked you over and nodded. As you watched him you saw him pull out a knife.
"What are you doing?" You asked him and he grinned a little.
"Well I'm going to cut the harness off you, it will be better off won't it?" He asked with a smirk and you chuckled.
"Alright yeah, cut it off then" Gene didn't waste anytime and started cutting away at the straps of the harness, as you felt his warm hands touch your thighs and you froze a little, of course you had held hands but never had genes hands been anywhere else on you.
It felt nice though, you felt love and warmth while his hands cut you free.
"There all done" Gene whispered and you thanked him.
As he sat next to you he looked into your eyes, you looked into his and you could see so many emotions going through him.
"Come on let's get moving, don't fancy getting court out here" you nodded your head as he helped you up.
All the way to the farm you and Gene made small talk about life back home. Needless to say you and Gene got on very well through out the war.

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