Lewis Nixon

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Finally being able to have a roof over your head and a shower to wash yourself was a miracle, your head still couldn't wrap it all together. Easy company had finally gotten taken off the front line and got moved to a small town just off of the line, it had building, showers and hot food, we all couldn't ask for more at this point in the war.
As you sat in an armchair in HQ you couldn't help but get lost in your head, something that happened more often then you would like to admit.
You weren't even listening to anyone who was surrounding you in the room, all you could think about was all the friends you had lost throughout Bastogne, Joe,Bill,Buck,Skip,Penkala, and Skinny, out of the list in your head you knew of two that were actually dead. You were there the night you saw Skip and Penkala get blown up, you froze next to George as it all happened, it's all that was running through your head, like your brain was wanting you to relive the moment over and over again.
You hadn't noticed that four officers stood looking at you and calling your name.
It wasn't till you felt a tap on your shoulder and your head shot up to see Winters,Lipton,Speirs and Nixon looking at you with worry written on there faces.
"Sorry what?" You asked while standing up to give them your attention.
"Ginny are you alright? We called your name five time" you shrugged your shoulders at Dick.
"I'm fine, just thinking was all" he nodded but looked to Nix who was still watching you.
"Hey Lieutenant why don't you go have a shower and go to bed huh? Get some shut eye?" You looked to Speirs and just nodded your head.
"Uh yeah guess I can do that" you whispered as you walked past them and out the door.

"Nix maybe someone should keep an eye on her? She seems not all there at the moment" Ron said as Dick and Lip nodded.
"Well I suppose if you saw your two best mates get blown up then I guess you would be like her? Lost and in her head all the time, I'll keep and eye on her tho, she's starting to worry me a little" the officers nodded at Nix.
"It's only a matter of time till she breaks down, someone needs to be there for her, she's always been there for everyone else when they need someone" Lip said as they all started walking towards the doors out of HQ.
"Lips right, she's always been there for everyone else" dick said as he looked up to the sound of running feet. It was Liebgott.
"Sirs" he said as he got to them all.
"What is it joe" dick asked. They all could see the worry in his face.
"It's Ginny" that was all Lewis had to hear before he ran past him and started making his way up to your room in the building the officer were kept.
None of the others had followed, knowing Lewis would be able to sort or help you out, they knew his feeling for you, everyone did apart from yourself.
As Lew made his way up the stairs and into your room, he stopped as he heard you crying in the shower, he froze outside the door.

As you got into the shower you didn't even feel the water as it hit your skin, you didn't strip fully, you had learnt to shower in your shorts and bra as the boys used to walk in all the time without knowing.
You couldn't help but get lost in your head again, you were starting to get annoyed with yourself, you couldn't keep yourself together for even a minute.
Before long you could feel tears rolling down your face and you didn't stop them, as more tears rolled down your face you sat down on the shower floor with your knees pulled to your chest, you started to sob as your mind played everything over yet again.
You hadn't heard the door open or hear the footsteps coming closer, it wasn't until someone's hands touched your arms that you jumped and saw Lewis in front of you, his uniform getting soaked as the water from above hit him, he was knelt in front of you while searching your face.
"Lew" you whispered as you put a hand to your mouth as a sob came out, you saw his eyes soften and he pulled you into his arms.
"Shhh Ginny I've got you" he whispered as he sat down on the shower floor while pulling you into his chest, you gripped onto his uniform shirt like it would save you from the horrible world outside.
You felt his hands run up and down your back. You had realised this was the most skin you had shown Lewis before, yet it felt right for him to be touching your wet bare skin.
After a couple of minutes you felt Lewis pick you up and made you wrap your legs around him, he turned the water off and grabbed a towel on the way out of the bathroom.
"Let's get you dried off and in something warmer clothes yeah?" He asked as he put you down. You just nodded your head as he wrapped a towel around you.
"I'm sorry Lewis" you whispered and you saw him shake his head.
"Don't be sorry, definitely not for this Gin, it's okay to cry and it's okay to feel how you are feeling, I don't think anything less of you" you looked up at him as he also had a towel in his hands as he dried his hair, your lip quivered and the tears stared again. Lew saw and walked over to you.
You crashed into his chest again and his arms made there way around you.
"Why are you so perfect Lewis Nixon" you whispered into his wet shirt, he chuckled as he rested his chin on your head.
"I'm not trust me" you pulled away and wrapped your towel around you a bit more.
"You are to me" you whispered ever to quietly, but you think he heard because he froze while looking at you.
You turned around to grab some clean clothes that were sat on your bed and as you turned back around you saw Lewis was stood with no jacket or shirt on, you felt your checks heat up and no doubt they were red as a cheery. As you looked at his face you saw a small smirk form as he looked away a little.
You unwrapped the towel around your body and wrapped your hair up in it that was still dripping down your back, you could feel eyes on you and saw Lewis looking you up and down.
"Do you mind" you chuckled as Lewis went red this time.
You turned around to grab your clothes off the bed and then felt arms around your waist, you gasped as Lew's chin rested on your shoulder.
"Lewis" you whispered, you didn't get a response apart from his lips on your neck, he left small kisses along your neck as you leant into his touch, it's what he was hoping would happen.
"Ginny you know I like you more then a friend right?" Lew whispered and your eyes shot open and you turned around to face me, you took your towel off your head and looked up at him.
"No I didn't, did you know I like you more then a friend?" The shock on his face was hilarious, he didn't waste another minute as he ducked down and locked your lips with his, you moaned into the kiss.
Kissing Lewis made everything just float away, all your problems and worry's were gone as your lips moved with his, it's almost like he was some type of medicine and he was helping your every need.
As you pulled away you felt Lewis pick you up and place you on the table, he stepped in between your legs and peaked your lips once more.
"Right you need to go to sleep, go get dressed and I'll wait here" you smiled up at him and nodded. You jumped off the table as Lewis moved out of your way.
Once you were dressed you walked out to see Lewis in a new shirt and pants, he must of gone and got changed as well you thought.
You walked over to your bed and got under the cover, you could feel your eyes getting tired.
"Thank you Lewis, for everything" you whispered as you lay on your side facing lew. He was sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed your arm with his hand.
"Anything for you Gin, now get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up" you nodded as you took his hand in yours and locked your fingers together, you heard him chuckle and kiss your hand. All your worries disappeared that afternoon, you knew having Lewis by your side was going to get you through the rest of this war. And you were right.
Lewis was there ever step of the way until the very end.

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