Joe liebgott

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It was your first day at camp Toccoa in Georgia, you hadn't even been in the place 3 hours and the guys were already calling you names and trying to make you cry, little did they know you had grown up with all boys, you've had your share of bullying and being beaten up, it wasn't something new to you.
Some of them backed off after a little while, seeing what they were saying wasn't affecting you at all.
You sat on your cot drawing in a book your older brother gave you before you left. You loved to draw, you could just look at anything and draw it.
As you were drawing you heard footsteps and they stopped at the end of your cot. You looked up to see Roy Cobb, he was one hell of an asshole, or that's what you thought anyway.
"What you got here you little shit" Cobb ripped the book out of your hands and you gasped, I couple of the groups of men had stopped to look at what was happening.
"Aww look you like drawing, maybe you should fuck off back to your home and continue drawing in your room, you aren't made for war you little shit" you just rolled your eyes.
"Give me my book back" you said. And he laughed in your face, he started to go through your book, you hated people going through your drawing without asking.
"Ha look here fellas, the little girl has sat drawing Liebgott, did you know she was drawing you lieb?" You gasped and snatched the book out of his hands while he was about to show everyone who you had drawn. As you took the book Cobb turned around and pushed you by your shoulders, you went flying to the ground and you hit your head.
"Oi that's enough! Leave her alone" joe yelled out as he got up and pushed Cobb out the way, you sat up and went to grab your book but you were meet by someone else's hands. You looked up and saw joe. He smiled at you and took your book, he turned it over and looked at the page.
You closed your eyes and you could feel your checks go red.
"Look I can rip it up if you want me to" you said and joe didn't say anything at first. You got up and sat on your cot, most of the other guys had gone back to talking or playing cards.
Joe gave you back your book and you went to rip up the drawing of him, but he stopped you.
"Don't rip it up, it's actually really good, I like it" you looked at him and he had a smile on his face, you smiled back at him.
"Uh okay I won't then" you blushed and looked away.
"Hey uh Emma don't let that prick get to you alright? He's just an asshole" you chuckled and nodded your head.
"Thanks joe, means a lot" you patted the space next to you for joe to sit and he did.
"So Emma tell me a bit about yourself" joe asked and you sighed.
"That bad huh?" He chuckled and you shrugged your shoulders.
"Well I Uh I'm 21 and I'm from L.A, I'm the only girl in my family apart from my mother, I have 3 brothers who love to take the piss out of every chance they get, I like drawing and sports, that's really me" you told him and he had raised eyebrows.
"So that's why your a little hard nut aye? Being the only girl with all brothers, beat they treated you like crap? I do that same sometimes to my sisters" you chuckled and nodded your head.
"I guess you could say that, but I love them either way" he nodded in understanding, he was the same with his sisters.

"Well look what we have here, love birds already" you sighed and looked up at Cobb and then you stood up, Joe watched you.
"You know what Cobb just fuck off will you, I get it ok, I'm a girl in a mans world, but guess what I've had that my whole life, having all brothers and all, it doesn't bother me one little bit, you can keep your shit up all you want but you aren't going to effect me the littlest bit" you heard clapping from around the room and you looked around to see the guys clapping.
You turned to joe and he had a smirk on his face.
"What the hell?" You whispered to him.
"They were just waiting for you to stand up for yourself Emma" you laughed and looked around and bowed, the guys laughed and stood up to come shake your hand and some even hugged you. You wasn't expecting it.
Cobb had stormed off when the boys started clapping.
You sat back down with joe and he was looking through your drawing book, you blushed.
"You really are good at drawing Emma, hey skip look at this" he said and turned his head over to someone named skip.
Skip got up and walked over to you both.
He looked at you and smiled before looking at the book in Joes hands, his mouth dropped.
"Fucking hell Emma your really good" you laughed and thanked him.
"Names skip by the way" he said and stuck his hand out, you shock his hand and he sat on the cot next to yours.
You spent the next couple of hours just talking and getting to know each other, eventually other guys came and introduced themselves to you.
You ended up meeting George Luz, Shifty Powers, Floyd Talbert, Chuck Grant, skinny and popeye. They all started to warm up to you.

"I can tell you and joe are going to get on just fine" George says with a wink and you blush while looking at joe.
"Why do you say that George?" You ask and he chuckled at you.
"Just wait and see" joe kicked George's leg and gave him a look.
George just chuckled.
You couldn't wait to get to know joe and everyone else better.
And you weren't going to lie, Joe was a handsome guy.

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