Eugene Roe

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You were sat in a foxhole on your own while Gene went into town to grab some more medic supplies. You was running real low on everything now.
No food, no winter clothes and most importantly little to no bloody medic supplies. How were you meant to treat guys with no morphine or no bandages.
And to top it off it was Christmas Eve and it started to snow a little making it a lot colder then the day before.
You had fallen asleep listening to the Germans singing Christmas carols which was nice I suppose.
When all of a sudden you jolted awake from someone shaking you. Your eyes shot open and you could hear the scream for a Medic ring in your eyes. You looked up and say Babe shaking you.
"Come on Doc winters is calling for you" he said as he pulled you up onto your feet.
You jumped out the foxhole and tripped a little but you managed you steady yourself. "Yell again" you thought...
"MEDIC!" There is was.
You ran off in the direction of the voice and when you rounded the corner you froze on the spot..
Welsh was on the ground rolling around a little and moaning in pain. The officers were the only ones there.
"Doc help come on"
You couldn't move.
Someone ran past you and it was Gene. He started helping Welsh. You walked over slowly and then pulled out some morphine for Gene.. it was your last one.
"Hey Lizzie you okay?" Gene asked while working on Welsh but you didn't say a word.
Eventually Welsh was Carried away by the officers and put on a Jeep.
You sat back on your feet looking lost.
Gene did the same and looked at you.
Behind you two the other officers were looking down on you. Winters and Nixon. They had never seen you freeze before but they understood.. it was getting to much for you and for Gene as well.
"Lizzie why don't you go into town and get a hot meal with Gene huh?" Dick said as he put a hand on your shoulder.
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. You've had enough of playing Medic now.
You shock your head. You didn't want to go into town. It was to much.

"No sir I'd rather stay here" you said just above a whisper. He nodded and got up and he looked at Gene who was still looking at you.

"Come on Lizzie lets get you back to a foxhole" Gene stood up and helped you up and put an arm around you. And you did the same to him.
You walked past Nix and winters and they stood there watching.

"Dick she's exhausted. She's running herself to the bone and she's on the verge of breaking." Dick looked at Nixon but he already knew this.
"I know Lew but we have no idea what it's like to be a Medic.. it must be hard" Dick said while looking at Nix.
"Yeah I can imagine it's pretty shit" Nix said.

Once you were back to the foxhole Gene wrapped a blanket around you and held you close to him. He was worried about you.
"Sleep Lizzie please. You need it and I need you out there when the call for a medic comes" you looked up and Gene and he was looking at you. He kissed your head and you snuggles into his side and ended up falling asleep.
You were grateful to have someone like Gene in your life.

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