Shifty Powers

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Shifty lay in bed while looking up at the ceiling, his mind wondering from one thing to the other.
He had no idea how long he had lay there thinking away, it was starting to get light outside when you rolled over.
You put an arm over shifty and moved closer to him. You weren't expecting to feel his hand land on your arm and rub it with his thumb.
"Mhm shift" you sighed groggily. He looked down at you and smiled to his self, you had your eyes closed and a small smile on your face.
You could tell that shifty hadn't slept, since both of you had gotten back from the war he had trouble getting to sleep, you knew that and tried to help the best you could.

"Good morning darling" shifty whispered as he kissed your forehead. You let out a happy sigh and cuddling closer to him.
As you moved closer to him he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you rested your head on his chest, you still hadn't opened your eyes but you could feel shifty's eyes on you.
"You didn't sleep?" You asked and you heard him sigh.
"Yeah I didn't sleep, I couldn't get to sleep" he whispered and you sighed while kissing his chest.
You both lay there in silence for a little while until you sat up on your side while leaning on your elbow, shifty had his eyes closed but opened them once you sat up a little. He raised an eyebrow at you.
"Darrell Powers you are just the love of my life you know that? So from now on if you can't sleep then you wake me up okay! If you don't sleep then I don't sleep" you told him as he just shock his head.
"Darling I'm not waking you up if I can't sleep, that isn't fair On you, and you are also the love of my life sweetheart" you blushed at his words but then became all serious again.
"Darrell I'm being serious, I want to be here for you if you can't sleep, it's what partners do to help the other" you saw him smile and blush.
You leant down and kissed his check and you heard him chuckle.
"What would I do without you huh?" He asked as you lay back down with your head on his chest.
You smiled and chuckled a little.
"You would be lost without me" you said and he laughed but agreed with you.

Sometime in the early hours of the morning you had managed to go back to sleep while being in shifty's arms, as you started to wake up you could hear heavy breathing.
You looked up to Shifty and saw him pasted out with his arm still around you, you smiled to yourself knowing that he was finally getting some sleep. The light of the sun shinning right through the windows into your room.
You looked over at shifty's alarm clock and saw that it was 11am in the morning. You both had been asleep for a while now, you didn't want to wake Darrell but you really needed to go toilet.
As you slid out of his grip you heard him groan and move a little, you froze on the spot so you didn't wake him, once he had settled down you got off the bed and made your way to the bathroom.

Once you left the bathroom you made your way back to bed, you didn't want to leave shifty, you wanted to stay with him until he woke up.
As you got back into bed he groaned and you chuckled to yourself.
"Why did you leave me?" He groaned while rolling over to face you, you sighed knowing he had woken up to you moving.
"I needed to pee" you whispered and he nodded with his eyes still shut.
"What time is it darling?" He asked as he opened one eye.
"It's 11" you told him, you watched his eyes both shoot open, you laughed and shock your head at him. As you lay back down he pulled you into him.
"Well I feel better after sleeping, maybe I just need you in my arms to sleep from now on" he whispered into your neck as he left a gentle kiss to your head.
You smiled and hummed in response.
You turned your head a little and chuckled. He looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"I remember when we were in Bastogne, you told me you couldn't wait to hold me every night when we sleep. Ever since being back you haven't really done that" you laughed a little while thinking about it.
Shifty thought about it and face palmed his head which made you laugh even more.
"You are absolutely right darling, I must feel like we are still in the army or something... so used to not holding you so now I just forget"
You chuckled at how cute he was, and he was going to be your cuteness for a very long time.

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