Ronald Speirs

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It was D-day plus 3 and you were still missing.
Three days since you jumped, three days since you had slept and three days since you had eaten.
You were exhausted but you couldn't rest knowing that the Germans were not to far away.
You wondered how many others were still out missing and you also wondered if your best friend Ronald Speirs had made it.
What are you thinking.. of course he made it it's bloody Ronald Speirs.
You had been walking for almost 6 hours when you heard 88's going off and yelling. You were in the right place at least.
You made your way up a muddy road and saw soldiers walking around. You had made it.

"Dick has anyone else shown up?"
"Not that I know of Ron. I'm sorry" Ron was worried about you. You hadn't shown up yet and it had been three days.
"I'm fucking worried about her. What if she doesn't even make it, what if she's dead."
"Ron stop thinking the worse alright. Easy still has loads of guys missing. I'm sure she will show up"
Ron just nodded at Dick.
Where the hell were you.

"Hey guys look it's shorty!" You looked up and saw George Luz pointing at you.
You ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "God I've missed you guys"
"What the fuck happened to you shorty?" You looked over at Bill and everyone was now looking at you.
You had a bruised neck from fighting a German and he tried suffocating you.
"Oh uh well I ran into a German and he tried suffocating me but I stabbed him in the head and here I am"
"You've been alone for three days?"
"Yeah unfortunately"
Everyone looked shocked

"Hey shorty" you looked past George and saw Nix standing there. You ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
"Hey Lew how's it going?"
"Yeah not bad not bad. But listen I know a certain lieutenant Speirs that is worried sick about you so I'd go find him"
"Really he's worried about me?" You chuckled as Lew nodded his head at you.
You walked over giving everyone a wave and went to look for Ron.

"Ron sit the fuck down will you"
"That's the first time I've heard you curse Dick"
Dick just rolled his eyes at Ron.
Ron sat down and didn't even hear you open up the tent flap.
"Hey boys" you said as you leant on the tent pole.
Dick looked up and let a sigh of relief out and Ron got up and jogged to you.
"Where the fuck have you been you had me worried sick shorty"
"Well I was fighting some asshole German and then walked all the way here on my own so that's why it took me so long"
"You've been on your own for three days?" Dick asked
"Yeah was absolutely boring I tell ya"
Ron just pulled you into a hug and kissed your head.
He pulled away and looked down at you and then saw your purple neck.
He pointed at it then looked at you "what's this?"
"Oh a German tried to suffocate me"
"He what!"
"Hey calm down I stabbed him just like you taught me"
"That's my girl" he said and hung an arm around you. You looked up and raised an eyebrow and Dick was smiling from ear to ear as he heard what Ron said.
"Your girl huh?" You said and he froze when he realised he had said it out loud.
"Uh no I mean-" you cut him off "Hey it's okay your my guy so it's alright" you kissed his check and walked over to Dick.
Dick laughed at you and then looked at Ron and shock his head.
Ron stood there frozen. "Did you just say I'm your guy?"
"Uh yeah guess I did" you smirked at him and he ran over to you and knocked you onto the floor and pulled you into him.
"What are you doing Ron?"
"Doing what I should of done a long time ago"
Ron smashes his lips to yours and you kissed him back. His hands ran through your hair and Dick took that time to leave you both to it.
You both were still kissing with him on top of you on the floor.
"Never knew you felt that way for me Speirs" you said as you pulled away
"Yeah yeah shut up and kiss me would you"
You laughed and kissed him.
He was just amazing

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