Joe Liebgott

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That had been over two years since the war had ended for Easy company and for your fallow brothers.
For you though it kept going.
You decided to stay in the Army and see where it took you, you were excited to see all your friends going home, all expect one.
Joe Liebgott.
You and Joe had always had a close bond throughout the war, you got drunk together you laughed together you basically did everything together if you were able to.
When you had told him you were staying in the Army he was angry but he didn't show it to you, he saw a smile on your face and he realised that he couldn't stop you from doing something you wanted to do. Even if it meant losing you and never seeing you again.
Life after the war for Joe was hard, he decided he didn't want to see anyone from Easy, he didn't write to anyone and he never went to any reunions.
He just couldn't deal with the fact that you weren't going to be there.
He hadn't heard off you In two years and he didn't know if you were alive or dead.
All he knew was you had stayed in Germany to help clean shit up over there. That was all Joe knew.

You had felt bad for not writing to Joe over the last two years, you hadn't wrote to anyone for that matter. Not even Dick or Nix, even though you said you would. The only times they heard about you was from Ronald Speirs. He to stayed in the army and was stationed not far from you. He didn't see much of you but when he did see you he definitely court up so see how things were going.
You had always been the same easy going girl that he first met in Georgia, but now you were a Captain and running things, he was a lot higher then you now but he still treated you like you were both equal, which in ways you were.
You both Fort in the same war and ended it in the same company.

Once 1947 hit you had decided that, that was enough for you. You wanted to go back home and start your life. The only thing was that you didn't know where to go, your family didn't want anything to do with you after you left for the airborne.
You couldn't go home to Washington.
Ron had told you that Dick and Nix would take you in if you needed a place to start off with, so that's where you went.
To the Nixon firm in Nixon New Jersey.
You had looked at the paper Ron had given you and read which floors they were on and made your way into the building.
Floor 3 was the floor you needed, and that's where you would find your old XO and intelligent officer. It brought a smile to your face as you walked onto the floor.
You were in your uniform still and you definitely stood out.
You needed room 60. That was where there office was apparently.
As you got to the door you took a deep breath in and knocked.
A "Come in" from a certain voice called and you opened the door and walked in.
Both of the men looked up from the papers they were looking over and froze when they saw you standing there in your army uniform.
"Fuck me dry look at you!" Nix was the first out of the two to get up and pull you into a bone crushing hug.
"Hiya Lew" you laughed as your arms went around his neck. He pulled away and looked you over.
"Are you hear for long or" you nodded.
"I'm here to stay, I want to settle down with someone" he grinning and hugged you again.
Dick walked over with a smile on his face, your rank hadn't gone unnoticed to him unlike Nix who hadn't seen.
"Well I think congratulations are in order On your return Captain" you giggled into dicks neck as you hugged him. It took nix a couple of moments but he seen laughed and pointed to your rank.
"Fuck you even got to Captain" you smirked.

All three of you court up over lunch that day and then ended back at Nix's house.
"So what are you really doing here In Jersey?" You looked at Nix and blushed. He knew full well what you really were in Jersey for.
"I'm looking for a certain person Lewis Nixon" he grinned and looked at Dick who also had a grin on his face.
"You don't say? Well I just so happen to know where this certain person is" you nodded for him to carry on.
"Your looking for Liebgott right?" You sighed and nodded.
"Well he's in San Francisco, 234 Bullsbrook road" he wrote it down for you and handed it over.
"You leaving tonight?" Dick asked, you looked up and shrugged.
"I'm not honestly sure Dick" he nodded in understanding.
"Well I say go get him" you chuckled but then stopped when a thought came to mind, Nix must of been reading your mind before he grabbed your hand.
"And don't worry poor Joe isn't seeing anyone" you sighed and squeezed Lew's hand.
"Well then I'll go tonight then, I'll definitely let you know how it all goes.
"Are you sure? Last time we heard that we didn't hear from you for two years Grace" you laughed and nodded.
"That's true, but I promise I'll call you both as soon as I figure things out"

So that night you got on a train to San Francisco to finally see Joe again.
As you sat on the train all you could think about was the last time you saw Joe.
He hadn't cried when he hugged you goodbye but you could see the tears forming in his eyes, he held to tight and told you "you come find me when you feel fit ok?" You had just nodded and kissed his check.
Joe left you as he got on the truck to take him away with the rest of the easy guys.
That was the last time you saw Joe. What if he doesn't actually want to see me? You thought.
You didn't get a chance to think it over as the train pulled into the station.
Grabbing your things and getting off the train, you got a cab and gave him the address.
It took half an hour to get to joes from the station. Once you were stood outside his house it all started to sink in.
Joe was inside that house. Joe could have found someone else. Joe could slam the door in you face. Joe could be happy? You had no idea.
Taking a few steps up to the door you stopped and looked at your watch. It was 7 in the morning, he's got to be up right.?
You knocked on the door and waited. You heard nothing so you tried again. A thud came from somewhere in the house and then you could see a shadow through the misty glass of the door window. The door swung open.
"This better be fucking go-" Joe froze when he saw you standing there with your bag hanging off one shoulder and a small smile on your face.
"Gracie" he whispered.
"Hi Joe" you saw him smile and walk towards you, you dropped your bag as Joe pulled you into a bond crushing hug.
"Fuck what are you doing here? Wait how'd you find me?" You smiled as you pulled away.
"I wanted to come home and start over, the Army has given me everything I need. And I had to see Nix to find out where you lived" a blush formed on your face as you told him how you found his address.
Your faces you still close together and Joe stepped back a little, he looked you up and down and then a smile came onto his face.
"You made it to Captain just like you wanted, god look at you grace" he paused as you looked down blushing a shade darker.
"God your even more beautiful then the last time I saw you" you felt joes hands cup your face and pull you closer, his lips smashed against yours and a groan left your lips, it had taken you both almost 5 years to actually kiss each other.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you deepened the kiss as he pulled your body flush to his.
Feeling your body against his he groaned into the heated kiss, joes hands slide down your back and rested just above your bum. Pulling away you both leant into each other so your foreheads were touching.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time" you chuckled as your hands ran down his sides and then back up to his chest.
"So have I Joe, I've missed you since you left" he pulled away to look into your eyes.
"Then why didn't you come home with me? We could of been together right after the war, I've been lost without you by my side Grace" you sighed and looked up into his eyes while holding his hands in yours.
"I'm sorry Joe, I really am" he waited for something more to come out of your mouth, you knew that.
"I just wasn't ready back then, I needed time to sort myself out and to also carry out what I wanted to do" you saw him nod but he still looked upset.
"If you'll have me Joe then I'd like to make up for lost time" he processed what you said and a smirk formed on his face.
"What?" You asked and he just pulled you close to him.
"Does that making up for lost time includ in the bedroom as well?" You raised an eyebrow but laughed.
"Sure Joe" he pulled back a little and you rolled your eyes.
"I want to see if those British girls were telling the true about you and how amazing you are in bed, but I'll let you know I'm going to be disappointed if you turn out to be shit Joe" you saw his eyes turn dark and his hands tighten on your hips.
"You better come inside then so I can show you what I'm made of then sweetheart" the hairs on your skin stood up as you pushed him inside his door and kicked it shut with your foot.
Joe lifted you up so he was holding you up and your legs wrapped around his waist, you both some how made it up the stairs to his room and that's how you spent your second day back on American soil, in bed with Joe Liebgott, you told him about all the things you've done over the last two years and he told you what he's been up to, you asked if he'd come with you to see some of the guys from easy and he agreed, knowing it would be good for him to see them again.
You both couldn't wait for what the future held your both.

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