Bill Guarnere

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Sleep was something you didn't get very much if any at all theses days, there was far to much going on for anyone to actually get some proper sleep.
As you sat out in the freezing hole out on OP you could feel your eyes starting to drop, you knew sleeping out on OP was an absolute no no but you were getting so tired just looking out over the snowy field, the temperature dropping more each night.
As you wrapped your arms around yourself for some more warmth you didn't hear the snow crunching under someone's boots.
"Ella" you turned around with your rifle aimed at the person.
"Woah woah it's just me" you sighed as you saw Bill and Babe.
You turned back around and looked out in front of you.
"How are you doing Ella?" Bill asked as babe jumped down next to you.
"Doing just fine Bill" you groaned as you kept your eyes looking anywhere but at Bill.
Everyone knew Bill had a soft spot for you, he had since day one.
"You don't look fine sweetheart, your falling asleep on OP for gods sack" you sighed and rolled your eyes.
"Come on up you get Ella" babe said and you looked at him with a confused face.
Before you knew it Bill pulled you up and out of OP.
You didn't even get a say on any of it.
"Bill I haven't even finished my shift" you whispered as his arm wrapped around your waist, you blushed as his hand rested on your hip. He didn't see the redness form on your checks which you were thankful for.
"You need some rest Ella, even Winters can see that, and babe offered to take over your shift" Bill said as He looked down at you and smiled.

Bill lead you to his foxhole which was empty.
As he jumped down he held his hand out for you to take, you took his hand in yours and you could feel the warmth seeping from his hand to yours.
Bill looked at you as you stood there above the foxhole while holding his hand. He wished he could do more then hold your hand.
Just as you were about to jump down next to Bill, a screaming sound roared through the forest and then the earth shock.
Bill grabbed you by the waist and pulled you down into the hole. You landed on top of him, your faces centre meters apart. As the earth shock harder and closer to you both, Bill pushed your head into his neck with his hand on the back your head.
As you stayed in Bills lap his arms wrapped around you, all he wanted to do was protect you from everything, but he knew there was going to be a time that he might not be able to save you or keep you safe.
The earth shock one last time, you and Bill didn't move for a couple of moments, you both just stayed in each other's arms.
"You alright?" Bill whispered as he let you go a little, you pulled away from his neck and looked into his eye.
"I'm alright" you replied. You both sat there looking into each other's eyes until someones rushed foot steps came your way.
"You two alright!" It was Lip
You got off Bill and blushed a deep red. Bill saw and smirked and then looked up at Lip.
"Yeah lip we are fine" Bill said. With a nod lip was off again.
Bill looked at you as you straightened your helmet on your head.
"Ella come here you need to rest" you sighed but nodded your head. Again you were in Bills arms.
You felt safe in his arms and you felt warm.
You lay into bills side with your head on his chest and a arm around his front, his arm wrapped over you shoulder while his over pulled a blanket over your body, you closed your eyes and tried to let sleep take over you, but it just wasn't wanting  to take over.
You heard footsteps and you felt Bill look up.
"Hey Bill" it was Winters. You kept your eyes closed and listened in.
"Hi sir, everything alright? Am I needed?" Bill asked with a sigh.
"No no Bill your fine, you stay right there. Everything is ok for now" you felt Bill nod his head and then play with your hair that came out from under your helmet.
"You love her don't you Bill?" Winters whispered, you wanted to snap your eyes open there and then but you didn't, you wanted to know Bills answer.
"I suppose you can say that sir, I just don't want to tell her and then it ruin our friendship"
"I understand Bill, but it will be worse to not tell her" you could feel both eyes on you, you decided to cuddle closer into Bill and you heard winters chuckle.
"Well I'll leave you both to it" winters whispered again and Bill hummed as winters walked off.
You smiled to yourself as you thought about what you had just heard.
"I love you too Bill" you said and you felt him freeze under you. You giggled.
"You heard?" He asked and you nodded but still stayed as you both were.
"You little shit" he whispered and you chuckled.
"Goodnight sweetheart" you hummed to Bills words and felt him kiss your hand as he brought it up to his mouth.
"Goodnight" you whispered back, that was when sleep decided to take over you.

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