Ronald Speirs

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You woke up to a door being slammed open. "COME ON UP GRAB YOUR GEAR AND RIFLE" tab yelled into the room you and 4 other easy men were sleeping in.
You jumped off your bed and grabbed your gear while still half asleep .

"What is it Tab?" You asked running down the hall next to him and Malarkey who was just pulling his top over his head.

"Grants been shot, we are to find the guy who did it" Tab said looking down at you.

"Are we to shot the bastard on sight?" Malarkey asked.

"No the captain wants him alive" you went to walk out the door with everyone else but Floyd pulled you back.

"No you aren't going" you looked at Floyd. "Tab I'm going to go help, Grant is like a brother to me." you told him trying to wiggle away from him.

"Sophie you aren't going! If Speirs finds out you went out there and got hurt from this asshole he would have our heads" you understood but you also didn't care.
You and Ron had been dating since Normandy and everyone knew about it. They were happy for you both, you balanced each other out.

You knew if anything happened to you Speirs would go off at them for it. And you didn't want that so you stayed behind.

"Fine" you said and Floyd and George led you away back down the hall.

You were sat playing cards with George and Floyd when a door slammed open.

"Where is he!" You looked up and saw Ron. He had his gun in one hand and he was angry. He didn't look at you. He knew you were there but couldn't look at you.

"How's Chuck?" Tab asked
"Where is he?" Ron raised his voice a little more this time.
"Is he dead?"
"WHERE THE HELL IS HE FLOYD!" Ron yelled this time. It made you jump a little and Ron saw, he looked at you with an apologetic look.

"He's in there" you pointed towards the door. Ron walked past you and the two boys. You followed behind him.
"No you stay here" Floyd said but you slapped his hand away and followed Ron into the room.

You stood next to Johnny and he put an arm around you. You looked at the piece of shit Im front of you, he shot your best mate, your brother. You started to get angry as tears formed in your eyes.

"Where's the weapon" Ron asked looking at the private from I company.
"What weapon" the private said, he got Rons gun End straight across the face.
"When you talk to an officer you say sir" Ron spat at him.
You decided it was your time to say your piece.

"You are such a piece of shit you know that! You shot my best friend and think it's fucking funny!" You let go of Johnny and started walking over to him. Ron put his arm around your waist to stop you going any closer. He could see how pissed off you were.
"Ron let me the fuck go!" You snapped. Everyone looked at you both. They had never seen you talk to him like that before. They were a little scared to see Ron's reaction, but he stayed calm.
"Better get a grip on your girl" that got everyone's attention.
Ron's grip on you loosened as he knew that really got to you, you went straight for the guy. You pulled your side arm out and aimed it at him. Everyone watched but Ron knew you didn't need to do this.
He pulled your arm down and looking at the boys.
"Get this piece of shit out of my sight, let HP take care of him" everyone left the room while dragging the guy away.
"Come here babe" Ron said while pulling you into his chest.
Some of the guys were stood outside the door watching you and Ron. You both never really shown your affection towards each other in front of people. The boys looked in Aw as Ron had you up against his chest rubbing your back.
"It's alright soph, chucks going to fine" you pulled away and looked up at him.
"He's not dead?" You asked.
"No he's going to make it darling, surgeon  said he's got along road ahead but his going to be fine" you smiled up at Ron.
Ron cupped your face in his hands and used his thumb to wipe away some of your tears, he loved looking at you when ever he got a chance.
You leant into Ron's touch and he smiled at you. He tilted your head up and pulled you closer and put his lips on yours, you smiled into his kiss, you love this man more then anything.
You both pulled away as you heard wolf whistles. You looked to the door and saw all your mates stood there, you went bright red and put your head in Ron's chest to try hide. Ron chuckled and put his hand on your head and the other around your waist.
"Alright boys that's enough bugger off" Ron said and the boys laughed and winked at you. You rolled your eyes at them.
Ron pulled away and started to wake out but extended his hand for you to take.
"Come on let's go cuddle, I'm tired" he said. How could you say no to that. You laughed but grabbed his hand and you both walked out hand in hand while all the boys watched. They all had smiles on their faces.
You spent that evening cuddling into Ron while he ran his hands through your long brown hair.
"Thank you for tonight Ron, I just wanted chuck to be okay. He's like a big brother to me " you told him while drawing shapes on his bare chest.
"Your welcome babe, I know how much chuck means to you but I also didn't want him to hurt you. That guy was a piece of shit" you giggled and nodded your head.
"Get some sleep soph, we are moving out tomorrow morning"
"Alright, night Ronnie" he smiled and kissed your head as he pulled you closer.
"Goodnight my darling" he said as you fall into a deep sleep.

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