George Luz

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It's been 2 years since the war and you and George hadn't changed a bit.
He was still the massive flirt with you and loved to joke around with you when ever he could, which so happens to be all the bloody time.
You were still the same outgoing girl that George fall in love with. You weren't afraid of trying new things and you had the kindest soul.
You both were completely different with many ways but you both just clicked.

You were stood at the breakfast bar in the kitchen looking down at a book. George was yet to get home from work.
You were 8 months pregnant with your first child and it was a girl.
George was so excited when you told him it was a little girl.
'I get two princesses' he told you when he found out. He rung all the boys and told them and they were so excited.

You heard the keys open the front door and then it closed again. You heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. You didn't look up, you knew it was George.
"So uh do we get a hello or?" You turned around and saw Floyd and Shifty.
You screamed and put a hand over your mouth.
"What the fuck" you said as you walked over to them and hugged them.
"Wow look at you Mia" Floyd said looking down at your stomach. You placed a hand on it and smiled.
"Yeah it's big huh" and they both nodded.
"How did you get keys to our house?" You asked and shifty laughed.
"We saw George and he gave us a spare key to surprise you" Floyd told you as he took at seat at the dinner table as did shifty.
You stood in the kitchen talking with them for about half an hour when George walked in.
"There's my girls" he said while kissing your check and putting an arm around you.
"You both just keep getting more and more adorable" you laughed at Floyd.
The boys stayed for dinner and then were on there way. They had other people to see the next day.

George was cleaning in the kitchen and you were sat on the sofa still looking at the book you had been reading. You and George still hadn't chosen a name for your little girl.
All of a sudden you felt a liquid sock under you. You then felt a massive pressure in your stomach. You put a hand on your stomach and groaned.
"George!" You called
"On second" he said.
"George my waters just broke!" You yelled out to him. George came running in.
"Does that mean the baby's coming?" He asked.
"Yeah it does, can you help me up?" He didn't need to be asked twice. He pulled you up and helped you into the car.
"George we don't even have a bloody name for her" you told him as he drove you to the hospital.
"She can be like Heffron and be called Babe" you laughed.
"No George my baby is having a name" he chuckled.
"Worth a shot" he said and you laughed again but stoped when another load of pain came.

12 hours later your little girl was born.
"How about Delilah?" George asked you thought for a moment and smiled.
"I love it George" you looked down at Delilah and kissed her head.
"You did amazing baby" George said while kissing your head.
"No we did amazing" you told George and a tear fall from his face.

George loved his little girl with all his heart. He now knew why his mother had so many kids. They were the light in the darkness. And George loved his princess until the day she got her first boyfriend and he couldn't call her his little girl anymore, she was growing up.

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