Ronald Speirs

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You were just walking up to HQ with some hot coffee for your boyfriend.
He was in his office finishing all the paper work he had not long just been given.
Ronald Speirs was your whole world. He was not long ago made Easy's new CO, you couldn't be more happy. You got to see Ron a lot more now that he was in easy, but the last couple of days you hadn't seen him as much, you had felt him come into bed but when you woke up the next morning he was never there.
You started to get a little frustrated, well more like sexually frustrated, you and Ron hadn't had sex in... well a while.

"Hey Mia" you were about to walk through the doors to HQ, but stopped when hearing someone's voice.
You turned to see Nix.
"Hey Lew, what's up?" You asked.
"Nothing much, how's Ron with all his paperwork?" He said as he chuckled.
You sighed " Uh alright I guess. Haven't really seen him" you looked down at the coffee you had brought for him.
"Ah right, well you go up and see him, take him away from his work for awhile" Lew smirked up at you.
"What's the supposed to mean lew?" You asked.
"Oh you know what I mean Mia, go fuck him or something, god knows he needs it" you laughed and then put a hand over your mouth.
"Alright Lew, sure thing" you chuckled and started walking inside. You heard Lew laugh.
But you took Lew's words into consideration. Maybe Ron did just need a little break.

You got to Ron's door and walked on in, not bothering to knock at all.
As you closed the door you looked up at Ron. He hadn't even noticed you come in.
You leaned on the doorframe and watched Ron work away. He had an arm leaning on his desk with a hand resting on his forehead. He looked exhausted.
You decided that he needed a break.
You took off your jacket and your garrison cap and placed them on the back of a chair.
You walked up to his desk and leaned on the front of it.
Ron looked up at you.
"Hey darling" he said while looking back down at his paperwork.
You hummed. You had, had enough.
You walked around his desk and took the pen out of his hand. He looked at you all confused. You dropped the pen on his desk and then pushed him back in his chair.
"Darling what are you doing?" He asked.
You didn't say anything. You climbed on top of his lap with your legs on either side of him. His hands went straight to your hips.
Your hands rested on his chest, you leant in and started kissing down his neck. Ron's head went to the side as his grip on you tightened.
"Baby I have work to do, as much as I'd love to do this is I cant" he sighed into your ear.
"No. You are having a break Ron. And plus-" you stopped kissing his neck and moved to look into his eyes.
"I really want you" you whispered and Ron's grip tightened even more on your hips. You heard a groan leave his lips.
You decided to roll your hips down into him. Ron's head went straight back and you heard him moan.
"Fuck Mia, where did this all come from?" He asked as he pulled your face closer to his.
"What can I see, I just really miss you Speirs" He smashed his lips to yours and put his hands under your ass. His hands grabbed your ass and you groaned into his kiss.
"How am I meant to get this work down Mia?" He asked in between kisses.
You rolled your hips against him again and he groaned. You smirked while pulling away.
You looked into his eyes and he looked into yours.
"I guess I'll have to help you then Ron, but after you take me to your room and fuck me." He raised his eyebrows at you and smirked.
"Is my baby a little frustrated huh?" He asked as he pulled you closer to him.
"Yes I am. I want you so bad Ron" you whispered in his ear.
He groaned and he stood up with you in his arms. You giggled into his neck.

Before you knew it Ron thrown you onto his bed and got on top of you.
"Looks like I need to pay more attention to my baby and her needs" he whispered in your ear as he kissed down your neck. You groaned and wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Ron just get on with it" you groaned and you heard him chuckle against your skin as he pushed your top up and over your head.
Before long you both were naked and you were on top of him.
Ron sat you down on him and you both moaned. His eyes shutting as you swung your head back and started to bounce up and down on him. Ron had a tight grip on your hips as he pulled you up and down, making you go faster.
"Ron" you moaned and he hummed while looking at you.
Ron flipped you both over so he was now on top.
"I'm gonna make you scream darling" Ron said with a smirk on his face. You just laughed a little and kissed him while moaning into his mouth as he slammed back into you.

"That was well needed" Ron said as he played with your hair. You were resting your head on his chest with one leg over his hip.
"Sure was" you said and looked up at him. He pecked your lips and smiled at you.
"Glad I came in?" You asked.
"Oh hell yeah" he said and chuckled.
"Well you have Lewis Nixon to thank. He told me to come do this" Ron raised his eyebrows.
"I'll thank him next time I see him" you chuckled at him
"Yeah you better" you sighed and cuddled up closer to Ron.
"Well I'm going to expect that every time you come into my office now darling" you chuckled at him.
Before you could answer someone opened the door. You both looked up while covering your self more under the sheets.
"So you guys have fun? Cause I heard everything" Nix said with a smirk.
"Fuck sorry mate" Ron said and tightened his grip on you.
"Hey nah it's alg, you needed it Ron" you laughed at Nix and sent him a wink.
"Oh yeah thanks by the way"
Ron said as he sat up a bit in bed.
Nic just mocked saluted you both and walked back out.
You laughed and cuddled up to Ron.
"Never leave it this long to have sex again Ron or so he'll me god I'll leave you for Lewis" you felt his body stiffen up and you chuckled.
"You wouldn't really would you Mia?" He asked. You looked up at him and laughed.
"I'm kidding Ron, I could never leave you. And definitely not for Lewis. I mean he's a great guy. But he's not you" you kissed him and he smiled into the kiss.
"Good cause I would be fucking pissed if you left me for Nix" you chuckled and lay back down on Ron's chest.
You were happy to have him in your life, and couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with him.

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