Donald Malarkey

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Easy had been pulled off the line coming out of Foy. It was a happy day to be rid of that blasted forest, you couldn't remember what the sun actually felt like on your skin. As you sat in the trunk next to Don and George you couldn't help but laugh out loud, everyone turned to you.
"You alright honey?" Don asked in your ear, you nodded and everyone had a small smile on there face as they watched you both.
You and Don had started out as friends in Georgia but after Normandy he asked you to be his girlfriend and you of course said yes, you've been together ever since.
He worshiped the ground you walked on as you did for him, you both knew how to help the other out wether it be to make the other smile or just knew how to make each other happy, the guys loved seeing you both together it made them happy to know that even at a time like this you could still find love within someone.
You and Don told each other almost everything, expect you were keeping a little secret from him, and that was the fact that you weren't sleeping right, haven't been since Bastogne and you didn't know how you were going to get yourself to sleep tonight, even if you managed to get to sleep you knew the nightmares would come out to bite you like they always do.
So all you could think of was to pray to god you didn't have a nightmare tonight, not tonight when it would be the first night spending it closer to your boyfriend in a proper room and bed for once. Just please not tonight you thought.
As you got into bed you couldn't help but look around the room, Don was across from you in his bed reading a book he found and he looked up at you- he gave you a smile and you blushed. He always knew how to make you blush in the easiest ways.
"Right lights out" Don said as he got up to walk over to you.
He bent down and captured your lips in his.
"Goodnight love" he whispered as he pulled away and blown out the candle and went to his bed. You lay down and looked up at the ceiling.
After a little while sleep took over you as it did with everyone else.

All you could see was white snow lining the dirt floor as you walked, you could hear screams for medics and the shelling's going on above you. You stopped as you looked down and saw bloody footprints in the crisp white snow, they shouldn't be there was all that ran through your head.
"Bethany" someone yelled out and you froze when you looked up to see skip and Muck in a foxhole waving up at you.
"Fucking run- hurry up get in here!" Your feet started moving until you got knocked to the ground by a blast. You went to get back up but you couldn't move, you saw skip waving at you to hurry and then the next thing you saw was the foxhole get blown up.
Your voice got court in your mouth as you saw red blood drip off the branch's of trees from above. It was there blood.
You screamed and covered your mouth but you couldn't stop the screaming that left your mouth.

You were woken up by hands on your shoulders and bodies looking over you. You gasped and your eyes went wide.
"Hey hey it's okay it's just me, it's Don" you sighed and calmed down a little.
"I'm sorry" you whispered as you sat up, everyone was out of bed and looked worried.
"It's alright babe, it's not just you who gets them" hearing that you started to cry, Don pulled you into his chest and waved everyone off telling them to get back to bed.
"It was so real Don, the whole thing it was-" you couldn't continue.
"I know babe, I know, I get them as well you know- how about we lay down and I'll stay with you yeah?" He asked and you nodded into his chest, he helped you lay down and he got in next to you and pulled you close to his chest.
"I've got you" he whispered and you nodded again. What did you deserve to have a man like him in your life.
"Go back to sleep Beth" you looked up at him and he kissed your forehead.
"I can't" you chocked out. His hand came up to brush away your hair- he had a small smile
On his face as he looked at you.
"Yes you can Beth, I'll be right here, you are the bravest women I know" you smiled a little and then kissed his jaw.
"I love you Don" you whispered as you closed your eyes.
"And I love you Beth"
You ended up drifting back to sleep In the arms of your man. The other boys listened to the whole thing and couldn't help but gush about it.
"God you guys a cute" grant whispered and Don chuckled while playing with your hair.
"You got a good one Don" Liebgott said as he sat having a smoke. Don didn't stop looking at you while his friends talking a little.
"That I do joe, that I do" he whispers and kissed your head.
He couldn't wait to go home now, home to life with you.

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