Lewis Nixon

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Something didn't seem right as the plane roared over the clouds in the pitch black of the night. You sat next to George on your right and Eugene in front of you, you were the highest ranking officer on the plan which made you the stick master for there jump.
George patted your knee and gave you a small smile. Everyone knew how nervous you were to be doing this. They were all feeling the same.
You were up in battalion as an intelligence officer with Lewis, you were meant to be on the same plane as him but you got told last minute you had to take over stick 68, so here you were sitting with some of your friends from easy.

Before long the plane jolted in the air and the red light came on, it was time.
Getting everyone up and ready was when the nerves started to finally jump up and down in your stomach.
Eugene was the person after you to jump and he gave you a small nod once you called out your number.
Now you all had to wait for the green light, but it never came.
You made the decision for the men and told them to jump, they all trusted you and just went with it. You were the first out and looked up to see everyone else following. You sighed with relief but it soon faded once bullets started ripping through the air.
One second you were in the air and the next you were falling to the ground, bullets had perceived your shot and you went right to the ground.
Because it was so dark you didn't see the load of fallen trees you were going to land on.
As you hit the logs everything went black.

You groaned in pain and your eyes slowly started to open, it was still Dark and you could still hear planes going over your head with the bullets flying up at them.
You weren't out for long.
As you looked over your body you saw that your leg was bleeding really bad, you tried to stand up to start moving away from your landing zone but you dropped to the floor.
You couldn't put much weight on it at all, but you needed to keep moving.
You sucked it up and started limping your way into the forest, you didn't know how long it had been or how far you had gotten but you cried when your leg couldn't take it anymore.
Just when you were about to sit down you heard leafs crunch under someone's boots, you froze and hoped it wasn't German.

"Flash" someone whispered... you knew that voice.
"Nix is that you" you whispered back and then the footsteps started running towards you.
Once he came out from some bushes you sighed and so did he. He saw your leg and  then looked back up at your face.
"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked as he rushed over to you and helped you down onto the floor.
You groaned and tears formed in your eyes.
"Fucking jump didn't go as planned Lew, ended up getting knocked out" Lew's eyes widened and he took his pack off to grab his aid kit.
"Didn't think you'd know how to use one of those" you chuckled and nodded towards the aid kit.
He glared your way and flipped you off.
"Funny enough Mel I do know what I'm doing" he whispered as he started to clean your wound and you flinched every so offten.
"Sorry" he whispered but you didn't say anything. You watched him as he worked on your leg, his eyes looking over it and then his hands wrapping a bandage to it.
"Like what you see?" He asked while looking back up at your face. You blushed and looked down at your leg.
"Would it matter if I did?" You asked and you saw him grin while closing his pack back up.
"Nah I don't think so" he said while helping you up. His hands holding your hips to keep you up.
"I'll have to carry you, get on my back" he said but you just looked at him.
"What about our packs?" You asked and he shock his head.
"Take what you need out of yours that's important and put it in mine, then I'll carry it as well" you nodded and you went through your gear, you grabbed the important stuff and some personal stuff.
"Hope you don't mind carrying my personal stuff" you asked while closing his pack and you heard him chuckle.
"You make it sound like I've never seen girl stuff before" you flipped him off and he laughed a little.
"Alright come one on you get Princess" you hit his arm but got onto his back with a lot of difficulty, your gun hung over your back as Lewis hung his pack from his chest, your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs around his side, his arms under yours legs to support you.
You groaned when his arm brushed your leg and he muttered a sorry.
Once you were comfortable he started walking off towards where they were meant to be.
After about four hours of solid walking Lewis stopped and put his pack down.
"I need a rest, is that ok?" He whispered and you nodded but realised he couldn't see.
"Yes of course lew" you whispered back.
Once he helped you off his back and sat you down you couldn't help but admire the beauty of Lewis Nixon. You had to admit he was one of the best looking man you had ever seen in your life, you were a sucker for the handsome type, and unfortunately Lewis happened to fall under the handsome type.
'God I could just kiss you' you thought but then saw Lewis look at you with raised eyebrows.
"What?" He asked and turned fully to you.
"Fuck I said that out load didn't I?" He nodded but smirked at you as he opened his K-ration.
"You want to kiss me huh?" You blushed and flipped him off and he chuckled.
"Hey I never said you couldn't" you looked up at him and he grinned while moving closer to you.
"Go on kiss me" he whispered as his face got closer to yours.
"Huh uh- no it okay-" he cut you off by cupping your face and kissing you.
You groaned into the kiss and pulled his face closer, you could feel the smile on his face as he pushed you to lay down as he hovered over you, being carful to not hurt your leg.
Once you both pulled away for some air you covered your face with your hands, you could feel yourself going bright red.
Lewis chuckled and grabbed your hands pulling them away from you.
"Don't hide your face, you can kiss me like that anytime" he flashed you a grin and you whacked his arm and he laughed.
"You can get off me now Lewis" he rolled his eyes and moved off you and you sat up.
"I see how it is, use and abuse me" you scoffed and moved so you were next to him and kissed him again.
Once you pulled away you could see a smile on his face as he stood up with his hand out to you.
"Come on let's get moving" you took his hand and help you back onto his back.
"Onwards great sir" you laughed and pointed onwards.
"Yes Princess" he chuckled and started walking.
Being with Lewis was always fun and now you really knew why you liked him so much.
You didn't know that Lewis felt that same way about you, little did you know that throughout the war you both got closer as officers and while in Bastogne he asked you to be his girlfriend, you of course said yes and jumped on him, you were both like big kids.
It's what got you both through the war.

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