Shifrty powers

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(So this one is a little something following on from another shifty one I've done, it's to do with his wife Elizabeth and daughter Emily)
(It's pretty crap but oh well)

Through the war Elizabeth had letters from her Husband Darrel or'Shifty' as the boys in his company called him, it definitely suited him.
Every time she got a letter from Shifty she would read it to his Daughter, Elizabeth was determined to always talk to Emily about her father, she knew everything about him already, last time she saw her daddy was when she was 2 and now she's 5.
Shifty tells you how much he misses his little girl and how he can't wait to finally hug the life out of her.
She's always asking when will daddy be home from his mission, and it brought tears to her eyes knowing she had no idea when Darrel should be home.
Elizabeth had gotten a letter from Darrel telling her that the war was over completely and that he'd be coming home, he just didn't know when.
When she had told Emily she screamed with delight and jumped up and down.
She knows what daddy looks like as she's seen loads of photos of him.
She prayed he be home soon.//

It was a Friday lunch time in Virginia and Elizabeth had just finished cleaning the living room from Emily's mess that morning when there was a knock on the door, she could hear whispers and something telling someone else to shut up.
As she opened the door and looked at the person on the other side in the eyes she covered her mouth with one hand.
It was her Husband in all his glory, standing on their porch with his bags on the floor beside him, he flashed you a massive smile.
"Don't you just keep getting more gorgeous Lizzie" you sobbed and ran into his arms. He wrapped you in a hug and held you close to him, you could feel him shacking a little and you tightened your hold on him.
"You here! Your really here" you whispered into his chest.
"I'm here Darling" you pulled back and saw movement over his Shoulder.
"Darrel" you nodded to the group of men behind her husband.
"Oh right, Lizzie this is some of Easy company, they insisted they'd meet the women that so called has to put up with me" she chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Well your very easy to put up with" someone whistled and she blushed.
Once Darrel had introduced the men to you, Darrel turned to you and looked around to the door.
"Where's my little girl?" A massive smile came onto his lips.
"Oh my god she's out the back" Elizabeth dashed inside and heard Darrel follow along with the easy company men.
"Emily guess who's here" you yelled out and turned to Darrel.
"She's been so excited to see you Darrel" she could already see tears forming in his eyes.
"Who mummy!" Came the small voice of his daughter.
A little brown headed girl came running in the door and froze when she saw everyone. She looked to the men in front of her and smiled while jumping on the spot.
"Daddy!" She screamed and started running to him, dropping the teddy bear she was holding. Shifty knelt down and opened his arms for her to run into.
The easy boys watched on and couldn't help but shed some tears at the Powers reunion.
"Hey Em" shifty whispered as his daughter wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Daddy's home mummy" Elizabeth wiped a tear away and walked up to her two favourite people in the world.
"Yeah daddy's home honey" Emily squealed into her fathers neck and shifty chuckled at his Daughter.
He realised he didn't really know much about his daughter anymore.
She was now walking and talking, she wasn't doing any of that when he last left.
Shifty didn't let her go for awhile that day, and Emily didn't seem to mind, she was happy sitting in her fathers lap while he talked to his mates about her mummy.

"Shifty you've got a beautiful family mate" he turned to Floyd and smiled while looking down at Emily.
"Yeah Tab I do, I can't wait to spend more time with them both now" Floyd nodded and smiled while watching Emily play with her daddy's uniform tie he was wearing.
"She's adorable" Floyd whispered and shifty agreed with his friend Floyd looked up to see shifty watching his wife.
"I mean she's pretty adorable as well" shifty sent tab a glare and Floyd laughed while leaning back in his chair.

Shifty was happy to be home, he wasn't going to leave for that long any time soon, he wanted to make up for lost time with Elizabeth but also Emily.

Band of brothers imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें