Ronald Speirs

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To the army you were just a Sargent and a sniper for easy company but to the boys you were easy's little ray of sunshine. That's how you got the nickname sunshine.
Your actually name was Poppy Sawyer but everyone just knew you as sunshine now.
You were a short girl but a powerful one at that, most boys in other companies didn't like to mess with you.
But there was one group of boys from Dog company who just loved to mess with you. You actually knew One of them in particular, you went to high school with him and he mad your life hell.
He actually almost killed you one time.
All of easy knew about your pass with him. Only because he went around and told everyone so You had to tell the truth.

It was on one sunny afternoon after being at the shooting range where everything went down hill for you.
Adrian Mitchells had followed you all the way down to the range and back up again.
You were just making your way back into camp when you felt someone's hands go over your mouth.
"Well look who we have... little miss sunshine all on her own"
You froze. You knew exactly who it was and you knew you weren't getting out of this one with help.
You kicked Mitchell in the shine with your boot and he let you go groaning in pain.
"You little bitch, your going to get it this time" you didn't have time to react when you felt a punch to the face, and then a foot to your stomach. You went straight to the floor holding your stomach.
"Stop it please" you begged
He just laughed and kicked you in the ribs, you heard a crack. That was definitely broken.
Then you got another kick but it wasn't to your stomach it was to you head.
Blood was dripping out of mouth and your eyebrow and you were in absolute agony.
"What do you want Adrian. I haven't done anything to you" you asked him.
He bent down to your level. "I just never liked you" and with that he kicked you again.

"Oi what's going on here!" Someone yelled and Adrian froze on the spot. You didn't get to see who it was, everything just went black on you.

"Did you do that to her private" Lieutenants Speirs asked.
He didn't say anything. But turned and run off.
Speirs shock his head 'I'll deal with him later' he thought.
He made his way over to you and was shocked to see your mouth bleeding and your eyebrows and you had foot prints on your stomach.
He knew what had happened and wasn't happy at all.
One of his own men and beaten you up. The love of his life beaten up and passed out cold on the gravel.
Ron picked you up in his arms and carried you to HQ.

"Dick get a medic!"
Dick looked up and saw Ron walked in with you in his arms with blood dripping from your face.
"What the hell happened!!" Dick asked looking at Ron.
" Adrian Mitchells decided to beat the shit out of her... get a medic here right now Dick"
Nix walked in about to talk but saw you and ran over. He was like a big brother to you.
"What the fuck happened" so Ron told him what had happened.
"I'm going to string that little bastard up"
"You'll have to beat me to it Nix"
They sat next to you.
"When I got there she was holding her stomach, I think he kicked her more then once as well" Nix was pissed now and so was Ron. They sat and waited for a medic to get here.

"Is she going to be alright Gene?" Nix asked. Gene has looked you over and they all got to see the damage down to your ribs and stomach. It was all starting to go purple now from the bruising.
"While she has a small break in one rib but with rest and pain kills she should be fine. If she has trouble breathing you need to get me ASAP, she may have a small concussion depending how hard the blow to the head was. She should wake up in a couple of hours"
"Thank you Gene" Ron said and Gene just nodded and left the officers to it

You were in so much pain but everything was still black. You had a ponding in your head and loads of pressure in your ribs and that's when everything came back to you.
Your eyes shot open and your breathing got faster but it hurt a little.
"Hey sunshine shhh it's okay, your alright" you looked over and saw lieutenants Speirs sat on the floor in front of you holding your hand.
He saw you look and went to take his hand away but you didn't let him, he was fine with that.
You went to open your mouth to speak but groaned in pain and tears started forming.
You looked around the room and saw Ron,Nix and Dick sat there watching you.
"Hey kiddo what happened, can you tell us?" You looked at Nix and then at Ron in front of you. You softened when looking into his eyes. They were full of concern which surprised you a little but didn't at the same time.
Secretly you had a crush on lieutenant Ronald Speirs but nobody knew.
"Uh well I went to walk back from the range and all of a sudden someone puts there hand over my mouth and started talking to me.. I knew it was.." you took a breath in and looked at Nix. He nodded for me to carry on. "I knew it was Adrian and I froze. I kicked him in the shines so he wold let go of me but he punched me in the face and kicked me in my stomach.. he then kicked me again and again and then I heard a crack and one of my Ribs broke I think... and honestly I don't remember much after that. I do know he kicked me in the head though once or twice"
You finished talking and looked up and saw all three officers faces. They were most definitely not happy.

Ron was livid. He was completely utterly fucking pissed. Nobody touches a women like that and get a away with it.
"When I get my hand on that piece of shit I'm gonna kill him" you looked up at Ron's voice and he went to get up but you pulled his hand.
"Ron please don't just- please stay with me" Ron softened at your voice but he heard how scared you still were.
"Okay I'll stay here with you sunshine" Nix and Dick looked at each other and they knew they should leave the room, so they did.
You hadn't realised but you had bandages on and were all cleaned up. Gene you thought.
"Ron how long was I out?" He looked at you and looked down at your guys hands.
"About two hours" He was pretty worried and you could see that on his face.
"Thank you for saving my life Ron, I feel like if you hadn't of come with you did I wouldn't-" Ron cut you off.
"Don't say that last part poppy.. please don't" he had never used your first name before but you liked it.
You both were sat up on the sofa you were on looking into each other's eyes when you looked to his lips and he looked to yours.. you wanted to kiss him so bad. You didn't know that's what Ron was thinking as well.
Ron cupped one of your checks with his hand and you leaned into his touch. He smiled when you did that.
He decided to just do it and kiss you.
He leaned in and then stopped just before your lips were touching. Almost like he was asking for permission, you just nodded and you felt his lips on yours moving in complete sync and you loved it. He lay you down on the conch but being careful of your rib and stomach and got between your legs. He never broke the kiss once. You moaned into the kiss and he smirking. He finally got to kiss you and he loved every second of it. Ron pulled away and just looked at you. You had a massive smile on your face and blushed like made.
"I think you may have just fixed me sir" Ron raised an eyebrow at you and you giggled.
"God I could get use to hearing that" he said while kissing you.
"You might have to find another way to fix me" you smirked at him and he knew what you were implying.
"You Sargent are bloody naughty, but you'll have to wait till your healed. I don't want to hurt you"
You rolled your eyes at him. "As if you could do that" he chuckled but got off you and you groaned a little trying to sit back up. Ron helped you up and sat back down next to you. You didn't say anything to each other and you didn't need to. He saved your life and you saved his. There was no need for words.
Adrian ended up getting punished for what he did. Ron was there for it and watched the easy boys beat the shot out of him.

 Ron was there for it and watched the easy boys beat the shot out of him

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