Bill Guarnere

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"Zara!" You snapped your head up at the sound of your name being yelled.
You looked around the forest to see Bill waving you over. You got up from your spot under the tree and made your way over to Bill and Skip who were talking with a new private.
"What Bill?" You asked as you rolled your eyes at the smirk he had on his face.
"This here private is Sargent Zara jackson, don't fuck with her alright, but this one has been shot in the thigh on D-day and shot in the shoulder as well" You rolled your eyes at Bill.
"Don't pay attention to this dick head" you told the private and he laughed at your statement.
"Oi that was uncalled for Zara" Bill groaned.
"You will Live Bill, get over it" you said as you walked off with Skip laughing as you left.
You just wanted to sleep in a nice warm cozy bed but that most definitely wasn't going to happen.
Bastogne was a shit show in your opinion, it was almost like living in hell itself, if this is what hell is like then you really didn't want to go there.
As you were about to drift off to sleep someone jumped in next to you making you jump as your eyes snapped open.
"Oh shit sorry Zara, didn't know you were sleeping" you glared at Bill as you closed your eyes again and pulled the blanket closer your face. Stupid Bill you thought.
As you sat there with your eyes closed you could hear Bill playing with something. The sound was driving you up the wall.
"Bill for the love of god shut up will you!" You snapped at him. He stopped right away. You felt bad for snapping but you just wanted some rest.
"Hey Bill"
"Hey George what can I do for you"
You didn't open your eyes once as the two started talking.
"She a sleep?" George whispered, you could feel there eyes on you.
"Yeah I think so, she ah she snapped at he for making to much noise" Bill whispered back. You heard George chuckle and pat bill on the shoulder.
"She can't stay mad at you forever Bill, it's you we are talking about here" Bill scoffed at George's words.
"If only mate, not going to lie she scars me sometimes, with that annoyed face she makes or her glare, Jesus that shit just sticks to you like glue" you couldn't help but chuckle and open your eyes.
"Good to know I have that affect on you Bill" George laughed as Bill turned to see you wide awake.
"Fucks sack" he groaned. You chuckled as you looked from Bill to George.
"I'll leave you both to it then" George said as he stood up and walked off. You were a little confused as to what George meant but shrugged it off.
"So your scared of my glare Bill?" You teased as you saw his checks go red, you just chuckled at him.
"Go back to sleep Zara" was all he said. You rolled your eyes at how silly he was being, you found it funny how he thought your glare was scary, at least you were good at one thing you thought.
"What Bill?" You asked with your eyes closed.
"What are you going to do when you go home?" At his question you opened your eyes to see him sat across from you and looking at you. You sighed and sat up a little more.
"Well I suppose I'll go back and finish my degree and then I have no idea Bill, why?" You saw him nod to your answer.
"Why do you ask?" You asked again.
He didn't answer right away. When you were about to close your eyes again he started to talk.
"Well I was just- Um, no forget it" you smiled at how shy he was being.
"Oh come on Bill it's me your talking to here, what is it?" You asked.
"I was going to ask if we both make it through this hell would you I dunno want to come home with me? And then maybe I can actually take you out on a proper date?" As he finished he looked up at you, he couldn't read what you were feeling at all which made him worry.
"Oh, well I wasn't expecting that... wait you want to take me out?" You asked.
"Was that all you got from that?" He asked with a smile.
"Well no but is it really what you want to do?" You asked just above a whisper. You watched him nod and you gave him a smile.
"Well I don't know about you but I'll take you up on that, you just have to stay out of trouble" he chuckled at you as he got up to sit next to you.
"I'll try my best, come here" he whispered, you leant into his arms and put your head on his chest, you could hear his heart beat, it made you feel safe from the world outside of your foxhole.
You wanted this war to stop so Bill can take you out on a date.


A couple of days after you and Bill shared a moment in your foxhole, everything turned for the worse.
Bill had gotten hit trying to save Joe.
When you found them both you screamed. Bills eyes meet yours as you crashed to the ground, luckily George was there to hold you up. Bill hated seeing to like that, he wished he had just stayed with you.
All he remembers from that day was you yelling at him "you said you wouldn't do anything stupid Bill!" He couldn't even say anything to you other then Kiss you as he got taken away on a Jeep. He saw you try to run after him but George pulled you into his arms, he reminded himself to thank George after the war.

Today was the day you were finally going to be able to see Bill again. After he left Bastogne everything just seemed to be really difficult for you, you didn't smile or laugh as much as you used to, you weren't talkative like you were when Bill was around, George tried his best to make you smile and laugh but you just couldn't knowing that Bill was hurt. You had no idea you cared so much for the man until after he actually left.
You were stood outside the address of his house. He had no idea you were coming and had no idea that you knew where his house was, he still lived at home from what he always told you about his home.
You managed to get his address from Lewis and now you stood in front of it. You had never felt so nervous in all your life.
As you walked up to the door you flattened your uniform pants, you could feel the sweat coming out of your hands. As you took a deep breath you brought your hand up to the door and knocked three times.
It didn't take long for the door to open, a young girl was on the other side of it, instantly you had second thoughts, maybe Bill had chosen someone else?
"Hi how may I help you?" The young girl asked.
"Uh um I was wondering if Bill was here?" You asked while looking over her face.
"Oh yes Bill is he-" the girl got cut off but the one voice you missed so much.
"Sis who is it?" Sis? You thought... oh my god this is bills sister. You sighed in relief.
"Uh it's a girl Brother, in an army uniform" as she said that you heard Bill obviously getting up rather fast. Bills sister opened the door wider so you could see, as you looked through her you saw Bill, he was stood leaning on the doorframe with his crutches.
"Zara" he whispered, you nodded as you could feel the tears forming.
"Hi Bill" he let a small sob out and tried to walk over to you. You dashed past his sister who was smiling from ear to ear.
Once you got to him you wrapped him in a hug, you felt his arms go around you, not only for a hug but for the support at the same time.
"Zara what are you doing here?" He asked as he pulled away.
"The war is over Bill, and you owe me a date do you not?" You asked. You saw him give you a small smirk but it soon vanished.
"Zara you should be with someone else, I can't even look after you, I can hardly walk" you scoffed at him.
"Bill shut the fuck up will you, I'm staying and I'm not leaving, all because you have lost a leg... I don't care Bill, I- I love you" Bill smiled and pulled you in for another hug.
"Are you sure?" He asked. You laughed and nodded.
"Yes Bill, I'm positive."
"I love you too" he whispered into your ear as he looked over your shoulder to his sister who had tears in her eyes.
"Sis bugger off will you" you pulled away and turned to his sister.
"I'm so sorry, I'm Zara" you stuck your hand out but was surprised when she pulled you in for a hug.
"I've heard a lot about you Zara, I knew it was you when I opened the door, and I'm bills sister Maxine"
"Well it's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you as well Maxine" Maxine turned to Bill and scoffed.
"At least I hope it was all good things Bill."
"Always max, now fuck off" you both rolled your eyes at him and laughed once you both saw each other do the same thing.
"Lord help me" you heard Bill whispered under his breath.
Maxine walked off and you walked up to Bill.
"Kiss me please?" You asked, you couldn't help but laugh as you saw the smirk on his face.
"With pleaser" with that Bill cupped your check and kissed you hard. You had waited for a long time for this, and you weren't disappointed

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