Ronald Speirs

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Since coming off the line things have been difficult, the nightmares that linger in the air, the fear that's spreading all around the men of what will be next.
Everyone's been keeping themselves busy in the day to try keep there mind off all the people you have all lost.
Some killed and some pulled from the line for injuries or in bucks case just to get away from it all.
You felt like you were trapped in your own mind most of the time, some of the guys had taken notice to it but didn't want to say anything.
They knew you wouldn't want to talk about it so all they could do was leave you to it.
One person took very big notice in your moods, the far away look you have when being in your own world, and he'd been told of the nightmares that linger at Night.
Ronald Speirs took notice of everything to do with you, and has done since Georgia.
Ron had fallen in love with you somewhere between Normandy and Bastogne.
He didn't expect to fall for you but he did, seeing you so far away and hurting really upset him.
Being off the line was a good thing for they got rest but he knew that it was eating you alive and doing more harm then good, He kept a close eye on you as the days went on.

Walking into CP with your medic bag hanging off your shoulder and your hands stuffed into your pockets to try keeping the cold away, the officers could see something different in you. Eugene had told you to come back to CP and get some rest, and eat but all you wanted to do was to keep yourself busy, sleeping made everything worse.
As you walked into a room Dick,Lewis and Ron stopped talking and looked over when they heard footsteps.
Seeing you Ron turned his body all the way to face you but you hadn't realised the three officers were even in there.
He watched you take off your bag and let it slip out of your hand onto the hard wooden floor, he watched you run your hands over your face and then through your hair that you had not long cleaned.
Lewis patted Ron and nodded his head towards you.
You had sat down in front of the fire on the floor.
"Sargent" jumping you turned around to see three sets of eyes on you. You were about to stand up until dick waved his hand for you to stay seated.
"Sir" you whispered as you looked back at the fire.
"Everything alright Zelda?" Ron watched you nod but not answer. He looked at dick and Lewis and they left the room.
Ron walked over to you and knelt down on your left side, his hand landing on your back making you flinch.

Seeing you flinch at his touch made his heart break just a little. He's been so in love with you for a long time now that he will do anything for you, but little did he know you felt the same way towards him, but being a medic had made you want to be distant from the men since Bastogne, you were scared that you wouldn't be able to save Ron if he got hit and you didn't want to be the person to watch him die right in front of you.
"Zelda" turning at his voice he could see the tears welling up in your eyes and sighed.
"Come here" he pulled you into his side as he sat next to you.
You sat in silence for a little while until Ron spoke up.
"How about we get you to bed and get you to sleep?" You shock your head no and he didn't understand why, he could see you were exhausted.
"Can I ask why not?" His hand running up and down your right arm.
"You'll think I'm stupid" you whispered out, it came out a bit choked as you hadn't spoken since he had sat next to you.
"I bet I won't Zelda" pulling away from him you looked into his eyes. You knew he wouldn't but you also didn't want to give him the burden of knowing your struggles.
"Bet you will" was all you could think of saying.
Hearing him sigh you thought he was just going to get up and leave you to it, but he didn't.
"Well I don't think anything you've told me has made me think your stupid sweetheart, how can it when I'm so in love with you" you snapped your head up when you heard him say he was in love with you.
"You what?" You whispered. A small grin spread across his face and he grabbed your hand.
"I said I'm in love with you Zelda" blushing you looked back at the fire.
"Well I'm in love with you as well" Ron didn't say anything, you felt him move so he was behind you and you felt his legs lay on either side of you as he pulled you into his chest with your back laying on his front, his chin coming to lay on your shoulder as his hands snaked around your waist and landed on your stomach. You sighed in content.
"Now that we have that settled will you please tell me why you don't want to go to sleep?" Sighing you nodded. You started to play with his fingers and he chuckled.
"It's the nightmares Ron" he hummed in response.
"Well how about you come sleep next to me? I'll be there when you wake up" you thought about it for a bit before nodding. He kissed the side of you neck and it sent goosebumps up your spine.
"I don't want to lose you Ron, it's my biggest fear In the world" he didn't answer as he helped you up onto your feet and kissing your check, he took your hand and lead the way to his room. He turned to look at you and just smiled before answering you.
"Well you won't have to worry about that darling, cause I don't plan on getting hit" a smile formed on your face, an actual smile that Ron had missed so much.
"I've missed that smile" you blushed and hit his arm as he opened a door leading you in.

As you sat down on the end of Ron's bed you watched him shut the door and place his helmet and hun down on the small table that was in his room, his gun laying up against the wall.
His eyes meet yours and he gave you a small smile.
Looking down you could feel the bush on your checks.
You heard his footsteps walk over to you and he knelt down so he was in front of you.
"Let's get your boots off huh" he asked and all you did was nod.
As Ron took your boots off you lay down on his bed and you heard him walk around the other side of the bed before laying next to you.
Closing your eyes you let a long sigh out which caused Ron to look over at you, rolling onto his side he took one of your hands in his, rubbing his thumb on your hand made you relax.
"What's on your mind sweetheart?" Opening your eyes you looked at Ron before signing again.
"It's nothing" you whispered and you heard Ron scoff.
"That's bullshit, and everyone knows it. Now tell me what's wrong" he watched you sit up while crossing your legs, he let go of your hand and sat up against the headboard while watching you.
"All I see every time I shut my eyes is the men I couldn't save, I see the fear in there eyes, I see the blood on my hands, I just don't know how much more of this I can take Ron" by this time you had tears rolling down your face and a small sob left your mouth.
Ron pulled your back against his chest and wrapped his arms around your waist.
His chin resting on your shoulder.
"You can't save everything darling, it's not how life or war works, and I know it sucks but you have to remember your one of the best medics in the 101st, you've saved so many people and you've put your life on the line more times then I can count, as for everything else I'll be here and you know that" turning around in his arms you lay against his chest as he moved down the bed so he was laying on his back.
Ron's hands ran through your hair to calm you down and you playing with his dog tags, something about running your hand over the groves of his name made you feel safe and protected.
"Get some sleep darling, I'll be here for when you wake up" you slowly nodded your head and closed your eyes, Ron kissed your head and tightened his grip on you as your legs tangled with his.
For the first time in a while you had a full 8 hours sleep without waking up.
And true to his words Ron was there when you did wake up the next morning, he had a smile on his face and it made you feel better knowing you had Ron looking out for you, just like the rest of easy.

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