Carwood Lipton (Requested)

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You stood in the bathroom, cleaning the sink from the food you had just brought back up. Tears dropped down your checks as your chest heaved up and down at a fast rate. Your head was down looking into the sink. Your fingers clinched into the side of the Sink bowl. Hushed cries left your mouth as you refused to look up into the mirror at your reflection.

After a few moment, you gathered the courage to to look at yourself. You looked up and held the tears that threatened to spill. You looked over your reflection in the mirror and your bottom lip quivered.
You could still see the hand marks on your neck. You looked down at your wrists to see the small finger prints he left on you. You blinked the tears away as you took one more deep breath. The memories of last time still Engraved in your head.


You bent down to grab your towel off the cot, along with your pt shorts and top.
It was late, probably ten o'clock at night. You hummed a song as you grabbed your hair soap.

"Hey Lucy what are you doing?" Luz asked as he was laying in bed having a smoke. You looked over at him and smiled slightly.

"I'm going to go take a shower, I just need some alone time and some privacy so I figured after all the guy had showered I'd take mine." He mummed In response and carried on doing what he was doing. As soon as you got everything you needed to you made your way to the shower. You loved the hot water after a long day, it relaxed your muscles completely.

All was fine, you peeled off your clothes and hung your towel on the coat hook just outside the shower curtain. A long sigh escaped your mouth as the hot water hit your body and relaxed you completely. As you started to wash your hair you hummed a song your mother used to sing to you as a little girl and you smiled at the memories of your child hood, you got lost in your thoughts for awhile.

The sound of boots hitting the water made you jump. Turning quickly to the source of the noise, your eyes meet with another trainee who was from Fox company you believed. Your eyes widened as you tried to cover your body with your arms but it wasn't doing anything. You shock your head as he started to walk closer. You backed up but hit the shower wall in the progress. A little smirk came onto the guys face and his eyes were filled with nothing but darkness.

His hands were rough along with his actions. When you tried to remove his hands from your skin he slapped you across the face. You remembered how hard he grabbed your waist and how he took a fitful of your hair and yanked it back as he turned you and pushed you against the shower wall.

After he finally left you alone, you was on the shower floor all alone. Your scalp hurt from the yanking of your hair, your body was littered with bruises and red marks.
Your bottom lip was slip open on the side and blood came from it dripping onto your legs and soon washed away with the water from the shower still going. You wrapped your arms around your torso and cradled back and forth a little. You was in shock. What had just happened to you? And soon with the realisation of what had just happened hit you m, you began to sob but tried covering your mouth with one hand. The tears never stopped.

Sargent Lipton was the one who found you in a ball on the floor sobbing. He turned off the water to the shower and grabbed your towel and wrapped you in it. He didn't say anything to you for the first 15 minutes but he already knew what had happened.

"Jesus Lucy it's alright I've got you, I'm going to find the son of a bitch who did this to you but let's get you to Doc huh?" You couldn't move, you just cried for 10 minutes into Liptons shoulder.
You hadn't talked with the man much before, but here he was comforting you and caring for you after the events that not long ago took place.

It was Lipton who helped you get dressed, he didn't care that you were naked, he just wanted you to be alright.
He called for Winters, Nixon and Doc Roe.
Lipton was the one who went out looking for the guy who had done those horrible things to you, he was the only who actually came and talked to you to see how you were doing. You felt warmth when being near Carwood Lipton. He was your safe Hoven.

Someone was to watch over you when ever you showered now.

You felt scared, you doubted your job in the military. You contemplated on quitting that night. But once again Lipton was there to talk some sense into you. He stayed and comforted you all night until you went to sleep. You thought this was the beginning of something special with Carwood Lipton, something so god awful had happened but brought the soft beauty out at the same time.


You could still feel the guys hands on your body and it made you jolt awake. You looked around to see Lipton asleep next to you on your bed. You didn't want to disturb him from his sleep. You sat up a little and immediately regretted your decision. Lip opened his eyes and saw you sitting up.
"You alright luc?" You loved how your name rolled off his tongue.
"I just had a flashback to what happened"
He sat up a little, he then moved so he was next to you.
"You know if I could I'd kill him for what he did but I'm not aloud" you laughed a little and he smiled.
You didn't know but lip had a soft spot for you.
Once he saw you on the floor in the shower his heart broke in two half's.
"Also Luc I know this will be on your mind but I didn't look anywhere but your face when we were in the bathroom"
The level of respect that he had was unreal.
"I hadn't really thought about it really to be honest. But thank you. Really that means the world to me"
He nodded at you and looked down at his hands. You looked over at his hands and placed one of your hands in his, he wrapped his hand around yours and rubbed his thumb along your knuckles. It soothed and calmed you down.
"You know your amazing right? Like your an amazing young women and you really didn't deserve to go through that tonight" you looked at Lip and you had tears in your eyes.
"Why can't all guy be like you lip? So nice and caring and loving"
"I'm sure there are plenty out there for you Luc" he was watching you and your eyes both locked with each other.
"Yeah but they won't be like you Lip" you placed a hand on his check and rubbed his check with your thumb just like he had with his and he smiled a little at you.
Lip didn't know what to say to you, you had gotten him, he couldn't give you an answer.

You decided to go back to sleep and lay down on your bed. Lip watched you and went to get up to go to his bed this time.
"Lip" he turned around.
"Please stay here with me" you asked him.
"Sure" he said and climbed back into your bed, he lay down and you put your head on his chest and you hand rubbed circles into his side. He draped one arm over you and the other went to hold your hand.
You were just dosing off when you heard Lip say "This is how you should be treated Luc"
You kissed his hand and he pulled you closer.
That was the beginning of an amazing relationship with you both.

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