Ronald Speirs

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Sitting out watching the line was something that you wasn't always such a fan of, even more now that it was freezing cold outside with snow falling all day and night. Being a sniper you were always put out on the front line to keep watch, the only crap thing about being a sniper was you were always on your own and never had a partner like the other guys did while being on watch. You wished Shifty was aloud to take watch with you just to have someone to talk to while freezing your ass off. Norman Dike had put you as far away from the company as possible to which you didn't understand, you were closer to Dog company  then your own company, you and the guys didn't understand why Dike deiced to put you so far away but nobody could do anything about it. 

Being close to Dog company you always had lieutenant Speirs wondering over to your post to check up on you through out the day and night, you hadn't really spoken to the man till now but you started to get small feelings for him over time. You had been sat in the same spot for almost a week now and in that week Lieutenant Speirs had made it his mission to make sure you were doing okay as he had heard of Lieutenant Dike putting you this far away from Easy on purpose. As you sat there in your foxhole you watched the snow fall down around you while the sun was finally setting on yet another long and boring day, to your left you heard the snow crunch under someones boots, turning your head you pointed your rifle in the direction of the noise. "just me" hearing that husky voice you grown to love so much you lowered your rifle and turned back to the front. Hearing his boots crunch in the snow as he got closer to you made your heart beat faster by the second, as Speirs got to the edge of your foxhole he jumped down next to you and sat down pulling his helmet off in the progress. You both were quite for a little bit until he turned his head towards you, you could see out the corner of your eye how he was watching your every move. 

"How you holding up Grace?" looking over at Speirs you just gave him a nod as you continue to look out over the frozen forest line in front of you. Hearing him sigh you looked over to him and saw him still looking over at you. "What?" you asked while watching the snow fall into Ron's hair as it started to fall down faster. Ron took your rifle and sat it down so you could give him all your attention. "Well I can see right through you and I can see you are lonely Grace, and it's Christmas Eve and you aren't around your company because of your stupid CO so I have come to give you some company" Looking at him you couldn't help but smile at how thoughtful he was being. He had a reparation around the men of being this cold hearted officer who would hurt or kill you for looking In his direction, but to you he wasn't scary or coldhearted in any way he was thoughtful and loving in his own way. "I hadn't even realised it was Christmas Eve" you had meant for it come out as a whisper but Ron heard you loud and clear. Just as Ron was about to open his mouth the shelling started and everything went up in flames around you both, So much for a Christmas Eve you thought. Ron grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into his chest while covering your head with his arms, you wrapped your arms around his waist as the explosions rang out all around you both. It felt like a life time before the shelling stopped and everyone went about there business like nothing happened. Pulling away from Ron you looked up at him to see he was already looking at you. "you okay?" he asked all the while not pulling away from you. Slowly nodding you couldn't stop looking into his eyes as he looked into yours, he took your breath away just by holding you from all the danger around you. As you looked into Rons eyes you saw him look down to your lips and then back up at your eyes, you could see him debating with himself, you were doing the exact same thing as well. You wanted to kiss him so bad, you didn't care that you hadn't know each other that long, everything about being with him  just felt so right. Before you even had the time to think about what you wanted Ron leaned down and smashed his lips to yours, you gasped as you felt his lips met yours, it was exactly how you had imagined it to be. Cupping his jaw you kissed him back which you groaned into while pulling you closer to him, you were both do Desperate for each other, it was like this whole time you both knew you were meant to be. Pulling away from his lips you still had your eyes closed as you felt him give your nose a peak and then your forehead. 

"I have wanted to do that for awhile now" opening your eyes you are met with his blaring blue eyes and a small smirk on his handsome face, chuckling you shook your head. "Took you long enough Lieutenant" you saw a dark lust form over his eyes and it made you weak at the knees even though you weren't event standing. "Careful now Sargent, you don't know what you are asking for" smirking at him you climbed onto his lap surprising him, leaning towards his face you peaked the corner of his mouth before leaning down to whisper in his ear, "I think I know full well what i'm asking for Sir" you heard his breath hitch and his hands grabbed your hips to hold you in place. Pulling back you looked Into his eyes before chuckling and moving off him. Ron was about to pull you back down before your name was being called. "Grace you're wanted by Captain Winters, he wants you to take a look around" looking up you saw Lipton, you smiled up at him before grabbing your rifle, "ill be right there lip" he nodded and walked away. 

"You better careful out there" turning to look at Ron before you climbed out of your hole you grinned and sent him a wink before climbing out, as you walked two steps you turned around to see Ron looking at you, you jogged back over and he stood up in the fox hole so he could reach you, you bent down to his level and kissed him like it was your last. "Come back to me Sargent that's an order" kissing him on last time you stood and saluted him which he chuckled at. "Yes sir" with that you walked off with your rifle in one hand and your helmet in the other. You had no plans of leaving that man behind and you weren't going to start now. 

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