Ronald Speirs

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It was Christmas Eve out in Bastogne and you were walking around checking up on everyone.
That morning you had gone into town and got your hands on some smokes and you were going to surprise the boys with them.
You went up to a foxhole with skip, penkala and malarkey in it and jumped in sitting next to Don.
You pulled out a pack of smokes, "Merry Christmas boys" you said handing them one.
"Where did you get those?" Skip asked while taking them out of her hands and lighting them.
"I have my ways, now stay warm for me okay?" You said while getting up and jumping out of the foxhole.
"Your an angle you know that" Don said and you just smiled and whinked at him.
You were walking around again checking up on the guys and saying Merry Christmas to them when you heard a snap from a branch.
You stood still and looked around you. You weren't near any foxholes so it wasn't one of the guys.
"Flash" you said
"Thunder" you knew that voice. The voice you missed so much.
Ron came out from behind a tree but you couldn't see because you had your back to him.
"Hey baby" he said while wrapping his arms around you
You jumped a little and then looked to the side to see his face resting on your shoulder.
You turn around and slapped his arm.
"What the fuck Ronald you scared the shit out of me" you snapped at him
"What my little machine gunner is scared?" He said while smirking at you.
You just rolled your eyes at him.
He came Closer to you and pulled you to his chest.
"What are you doing here Ron?" You asked
"Well it's Christmas Eve babe and I needed to see you" he said while rubbing your back. He had heard from Dick and Nix that you weren't doing so good with losing your machine gunner partner and he also heard you got shot as well which made him uneasy.
You pulled away from him and looked up into his brown chocolate eyes that you loved.
"Well that's very nice of you isn't it" you said and he just nodded with a smile.
You took your helmet off to push back your hair and that's when Ron saw the scar.
"Is that were you got hit baby?" He asked and put his fingers on the scar. You just nodded and then put your helmet back on.
Ron watched you as you put your helmet on and then he pulled you close so your chests were touching and you looked up at him and put your arms around his neck.
"Merry Christmas darling" Ron said as he leant in and kissed you with so much love you didn't know he was capable of that kind of kiss.
After you pulled away you looked at him and put your hand on his check.
"You've never kissed me like that before" you told him.
He looked down and just smiled
"Thought you just needed some love babe that's all"
And with that you pulled him down and kissed him again.
Even though it was freezing and it's not how you wanted Christmas to go, just being with Ron was enough.

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