Geroge Luz

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Sitting on the bedroom floor that you shared with your Husband to be with tears flowing down your face was not how you had planned to spend your afternoon.
You and George had found out you were expecting a baby less then two months ago, George was so excited to become a dad, it's all he ever talked about when he came home from the war.
George was at work for the day and you had an appointment to see your midwife.
The appointment hadn't gone as you had hoped.
You thought it was all your fault and still was blaming yourself for it.
You had lost the baby. How are you going to tell George he isn't going to be a dad after all?
The sound of keys unlocking the front door made you snap out of your thoughts, you didn't move off the floor, you didn't wipe away the tears, you made no point in going and greeting George as he got home.

George loved coming home to be greeted by you, the smile you always gave him or the peak on the check as he closed the door always brightens up his day.
Today though you weren't at the bottom of the stairs as he came through the front door, there was no smile or kiss waiting for him.
He knew you were home as the car was outside, he was a little confused as to why you hadn't greeted him, it had always been what you did.
"Honey!" He yelled out as he put his keys on the hall table and hung his coat up, he didn't get a reply.
Making his way up the stairs he saw the door to your guys room half open. Smiling he though you were in the shower or something, as he pushed the door open he saw you sat on the floor with your back up against the end of the bed, you knees pulled up to your chest and your head hung low.
"Baby?" You didn't dare look up at him, you heard his footsteps move closer to you.
Kneeling down he bent his head to try see your eyes, he could see tear marks on your face and sighed.
"Honey what's got you so upset?" A small sob came out of your mouth and George pulled you into his arms.
George rubbed your back with his hands while giving you small kisses to your hair.
"I have to tell you something George" you felt him freeze up a little.
"You aren't leaving me are you?" He whispered and that made you laugh while pulling back to look at him.
"God no George, it's about the baby" he smiled but then it dropped when he saw how upset it was making you.
"What's wrong with the baby?" He asked and you took a deep breath in.
"I went to my appointment today and I found out that I-" you didn't know how you were going to finish your sentence.
"Found what out?" He asked while cupping your face.
Looking into his eyes that were full of worry you just knew you had to tell him.
"I lost the baby George, I'm so sorry- It's all my fault and I just I don't want you to leave-" George didn't let you finish your sentence as he pulled you in for a hug.
"It's not your fault, never is your fault okay. It happens and it happened to us, but we will just keep trying" pulling away from George's chest you looked up into his eyes and he gave you a smile.
"I feel like it's all my fault George" you whispered out to him but he wasn't taking any of it.
"Well it's not honey, I'm not mad or angry with you if that's what's going through that gorgeous head of yours" you shock your head at him.
He always knew how to lift your spirits.
"Can we keep trying then?" You asked and you had never seen him smile so wide before.
"Baby any chance I get from now on I'll fuck you till you can't say your own name" gasping you smacked his arm.
"George Luz! That it no way to talk to your soon to be wife" he rolled his eyes and gave you a peak.
"Fine, I'll make sweet sweet love to you when ever I get the chance- better?" You nodded and giggled at him.
"Such a child sometimes" you glared at him but you couldn't help but smile.
"I'm not a child, I just prefer you to talk to me proper then all dirty. But if that's what it takes then George Luz fuck me till I forget my own name" the smirk he sent you gave you goosebumps that ran down your spin.
"Yes Ma'am" he whispered as his lips touched yours, picking you up off the floor George thrown you onto the mattress before stopping while hovering over you.
"Wait can we do this right now? With the whole" he waved a hand around your stomach and you laughed.
"Yes George we are good to go" he grinned and got to work with removing your clothes.
Let's just say George wasn't wrong about fucking you when ever he got the chance.

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