Lewis Nixon

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Sitting on the sofa with your head on your hands you couldn't help but wonder how you got to where you are now.
Almost two years after the war and you feel like things just aren't changing.
You've been with Lewis for 4 years now and there have been many good times together, but there was more bad times than the good at this point.
You always knew lewis had a drinking problem and he knew it as well but he never wanted to do anything about it, this is why you were sat with your head in your hands.

It was past midnight and he still hadn't come home. You knew exactly where he'd be and it made tears slide down your face, he cared more for drinking then being with you it seemed.
The amount of times you had told lewis you had, had enough of his shit wasn't even funny, you had left before but because you loved him you came back, somehow you felt like you weren't coming back this time.
Picking up your suitcase you had already packed you looked around yours and Lew's house, all the photos together hung all around the place, photos of times from the war, shaking your head you walked over to your jacket and put it on and made your way to the door with your suitcase. This really was it for you.
You left a note on Lew's pillow and told him not to come looking for you as you wished to not be found by him of all people.

Getting into your car you just sat there in the drivers seat with the keys in your hand, you really did love lewis and just wished he'd of listened to you the first time, and you wished he'd kept his promise about cutting down on his drinking, and for awhile he did cut down but one night he just went back to his old ways.
Hearing a car pull up next to your car you looked over to see Lewis had just got home.
You slid down into your chair so he couldn't see you but you watched as he leant his head on the stirring wheel and his hands gripping his hair tightly.
After a couple of minutes he got out and walked towards the door to your guys house.
Watching him you noticed he didn't look drunk at all, he never drove home drunk and always got a cab home or walked, so where had he been?
The first thing you thought of was he was seeing someone else and it made you feel even worse thinking about it.
Seeing the lights to your room go on you knew Lewis was looking for you, tears formed in your eyes as you sat there in your car.
The next thing you knew Lewis was running out the front door but stopped when he saw your car in the drive way, he couldn't see you yet as it was so dark outside, but you could see confusion hit his face, Lewis walked up to your car and saw you sat there playing with your car keys, he opened your door slowly, you didn't dare look up at him, you knew you'd break if you did.
"Honey" he whispered as he knelt down and placed a hand on your thigh, he heard you take a breath in. He had read what you said on the paper, but just didn't want to believe it.
"Come back inside Zelda... please" you heard the pleading in his voice, you pushed his hand off you and looked him dead in the ears before scoffing.
You had no idea where this new attitude came from but you could see it hit lewis hard.
"Why should I come back inside lewis! I'm Over it, I'm done with your bullshit" he couldn't even look at you as you yelled at him for the whole street to hear, but he knew he deserved it, just like he didn't deserve you.
"So that's it then? You've got nothing to say for yourself? If you don't then please close my door so I can leave" putting the car keys in and starting the car, Lewis looked up at you this time, he didn't actually expect you to leave, he was hoping you'd talk it all out, he's rather have you yell hell at him then leave him.
"Please don't go Zel, just please come inside" shaking your head you tried to push him away to close the door but he was a lot stronger then you even still after the war, groaning you punched his shoulder which he groaned at but didn't move.
"Just let me go Lewis!" You yelled but he shock his head no.
"Not until we talk first and then if you really want to go then I won't stop you" looking at him you saw the tears forming in his eyes as he got up from kneeling and walked up to the house, sighing you turned the car off and followed him inside, he sighed knowing it was a start.
You sat at the dining table opposite each other, you playing with mat in front of you while lewis just watched you. He sighed before starting
"I know I don't deserve you Zel and I know so many guys who would be a load better for you, but I do love you and I always have and you know that, and I know I promised I'd work on the drinking, and I know I haven't made any change and I am sorry okay, I really have been trying, it hurts me seeing you so hurt because of something I can fix and just haven't" he paused for a moment and wiped away a tear that slipped past his eye.
"Seeing you weren't here when I came through the door made me realise how alone I'd be if you weren't here, and reading that note broke my heart" he stopped and you could hear how chocked up he was getting, you knew he was being honest with you, Lewis never cried and never let his emotions get this bad.
"I just don't want you to go, if you go then there really is no point in be living anymore" taking his hand in yours over the table you wiped away your tears that were forming.
"Don't say that Lew, you deserve a happy life and deserve to live, so don't say that" pausing for a moment you felt his fingers glide over your knuckles, something he did to show you he was still listening and still there for you.
"I don't want to leave you lewis, I just-
I can't keep living like this! I never see you and if I do you aren't even sober, I spend more time on the phone to the guys then with you, I can't keep doing it, so unless you are actually gonna do something and actually do it then I'll stay" Lewis got up from his chair and came around to yours and pulled you into his arms, the sob that left his mouth made you hold him tightly against you, his arms wrapped around your shoulders and yours around his waist, his face was up against your neck and you felt the tears fall onto your skin, pulling away you cupped his face and wiped away his tears.
"I'll help you Lew, even if it kills me I'll help you get back on track" he nodded and pulled you against his chest again.
"I love you Zelda" he whispered as his hands ran up and down your back.
"And I love you Lew" he kissed your head and pulled away to look down at you.
"Let's go get your bag out of the car" nodding you watched him go get your bag, you knew you were meant to be with Lewis, even if things like this happened.
But you wanted to help him and you promised yourself that you were going to help the love of your life.
You hadn't noticed he had walked back in until he cupped you're face in his hands
"You okay?" He asked while looking into your eyes.
"Am now" you whispered as you walked into his chest for another hug, he sighed into your hair, he was content and happy for once.
Looking over your head he saw his liquor cabinet, he knew he needed to get rid of it all.
Stepping away and walking over to it you watched and raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't see it.
You watched him pull every bottle out and pour them all down the kitchen sink, you smiled knowing this was his way of starting fresh.
He looked up at you and smiled.
"It starts now" nodding you walking over to him and kissed his check.
It starts now you thought

A/N Hello lovely reader's! I've finally been able to get one finished, I have a couple requests I need to do as well and I hope to have them with you soon, again so sorry for wait.

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