Ronald Speirs

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You were sitting in a nice hot bath in Austria while socking up all the free time you had, you may as well make the most of it right?
It had been a pretty hard couple of years to say the least, all this fighting in a war had really made you change in so many ways.
One massive thing that had changed for you though was you boyfriend. That's right your boyfriend Ronald Speirs, he had been a massive change in your life. When you first joined the army you were shy and very quite, now you are the complete opposite to the girl from three years ago.
Now you weren't scared of many things, you talked back to people if they were out of line, you did things that may girls would never do, and you date someone who is very much the opposite of you.
You loved Ron to bits, he had been there for you since day one, he definitely was your rock through out this god damn war, one thing that Ron wasn't good at was showing emotion to you. But you didn't really mind all to much.

As you sat in the bath while listening to the birds sing, you couldn't help but think about the future, about marriage and kids, one thing you knew Ron wasn't overly excited about. He had never told you that but you just knew he wasn't a fan of kids, or not yet anyway.
You had rose petals in the hot water and you picked one up while still listening and thinking.
Things really have changed you thought.
You hadn't realised that Ron was standing at the door watching you with a smile on his face.
"Hey darling" you looked up from the rose petal and smiled at your boyfriend.
"Hey Ron, what's up? You want me to get out?" You asked him and he shock his head no, he walked over to you and knelt down so his face was at your level.
"No you stay in there, you look comfortable. I was just going to actually come join you" you chuckled as Ron stood up and started taking off his clothes, he had a small smirk on his face as he made eye contact with you.
You went back to looking out the window while feeling the petal in your hand. You heard Ron's feet hit the water and he pushed you forward a bit and climbed in behind you. He sat down in the bath and slid his legs down on either side of you, you felt him pull you into his back.
You learnt right into Ron's Chest and he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him.
Your head resting on his shoulder as his fingers rubbed circles into your sides, those were the little things you loved about him, he just knew what you liked.
"You feeling ok?" You asked him and he chuckled at you.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He asked while kissing your head, Ron never did things like this, you had even asked him to do these things with you, and the answer was always the same 'maybe another time'.
"Well you just don't normally do these kind of things is all" you sighed and put your hands over Ron's.
You felt his lips kiss your check and you smiled, he was being very loving right now, it was weird for you but you also loved this side of Ron.
"Just decided to join in on all the fun I miss while doing all that stupid paper work, and plus I wanted to spend some time with my amazingly beautiful girlfriend" you giggled as he kissed your check again.
You turned around so you were facing Ron, with your legs stretched out behind you and your hands holding your weight up, you looked up into his eyes and you could see love. You loved him with every bone in your body.
You chuckled at him. "Well That makes me feel very special Ron, I'm happy you decided to join me after all" you said as you leant your face into him and kissed his lips, his hands cupped your checks and pulled you in closer. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his.
"Ron do you ever think about the future? Like about kids and marriage?" You asked while still looking at him, he still had a smile on his face while looking at you.
"Honestly babe yeah I do, I want to get married, but only to you of course, and one day I'd like you to be the mother of my kids" you froze at his words, he had never once told you that. You felt a small smile come onto your face as you looked at him.
"What?" He asked while laughing at you.
"You have just never told me that before? I always thought you didn't want kids" you told him and he chuckled.
"I mean yeah I didn't want kids but the more I think about it the more I'm coming to terms with the idea of you and me with little Speirs running around" you giggled and turned around to lean into Ron's chest again, his arms went straight around you, you just wanted to start the future now.
"I love you Darling, never forget that okay" Ron whispered in your ear as you leant your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.
"I love you as well Ron" you whispered back and you felt his smile on your check as he kissed you.
You loved moment like these, just sitting there with Ron and just enjoying being next to each other, and of course the odd little conversations about random things to do with the future, it's what you looked forward to while being at war. Was the future, the future with Ronald Speirs.

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