Joe Liebgott

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It had been almost half a year of training with Easy company and you were loving it. You had so many good friends and you even managed to get a boyfriend. Your boyfriend was Joe Liebgott. Originally you both disliked each other but as Joe got to know you he began to fall for you.
You weren't an ugly girl. Very easy on the eyes. You had piercing Blue eyes and blonde hair that went down to your shoulders, you weren't a short girl but you weren't tall either.
Being a girl in the military you knew it would be tough, but one thing that held you up was when you got your period. The boys never really knew when you got it and you wanted to keep it that way but that was all about to change.

Everyone was lined up in the hot sun in pt shorts and shirt, It was a very hot summers day. You stood in front of Lewis Nixon and beside George Luz and Chuck Grant, behind you stood your boyfriend Joe.

Everyone was waiting for about an hour until Sobel came out. You were stood there when you felt something drip down your leg.. it was warm.
"Fuck" you whispered. You had just gotten your period.. it was three days early.
You weren't about to look down cause you knew Sobel would tell you off but he was looking at you anyway. He looked you up and down. He saw the blood.
Here we go you thought.
" Corporal sawyer I know you are a female but I will not allow you to just bleed when ever you feel fit. Excuse?" What the hell were you meant to say to that. Agree so you wouldn't get in trouble or argue back and get in more shit.
"No excuse sir, but may I just add that I can not control when I bleed sir" you looking him right in the eyes as you said that. He was pissed but you weren't going to let him tell you off for something you can not control.
"Corporal for speaking out of line you will run on your own up currahee, 3 miles up and 3 miles down is that understood?"
"Yes sir"
"Then what are you waiting for!" He yelled in your face. You could feel more blood tripping down your leg. All the boys felt really sorry for you. They knew just like you that girls can't control it.
You ran past everyone and started your run.
Meanwhile lieutenant Nixon watched you go. He was your platoon officer but also a very close friend.
The rest of the boys got to go shower while you had to run in your own blood.

As you were running you could feel the tears forming in your eyes.
Don't fucking cry now. You told yourself.
You missed a step and went crumbling to the ground and cut your knees open. You picked yourself back up and carried on.
While you were running Joe was going crazy in the barracks.
"Joe calm down" toye told him.
"How the fuck am I meant to calm down Toye when he's just made Gemma run that mountain while tripping in her own blood.. he knows just like everyone else here a girl can't control when she gets her period" Joe snapped back and sat down on your bed waiting for you.
"He's got a point fellas.. it's not right." George said.
"Thank you George" Joe nodded.

You were making your way down when you saw someone running up. It was Nixon.
You really didn't want him to see you like this but he wasn't going to care.
"Gemma you alright?" He asked as you got to him. You slowed down to a walk with him.
"Yeah I'm great. Just swimming in my own blood for a Friday afternoon" he chuckled a bit but did feel sorry for you.
"All the boys a pissed about Sobel making you run this you no" you looked up at him.
"Really? Why?"
"Because your Easy's girl. Even if you are swimming in your own blood." You laughed at him but didn't say anything else.
Nix ended up running off so you weren't court running with him and you made it back to the barrack's.
As you walked through the door everyone went silent. You walked past all your friends and went to your bed and found Joe sitting there. When he saw your knees and your pants he jumped up.
"Fucking Hell Gem look at you. Let's get you cleaned up" you looked at Joe and your eyes started to tear up. George walked over to you as did joe and chuck and helped you grab some things for a shower and walked you out to the bathroom.
"I'm so sorry guys, you shouldn't have to see this" you told them.
"Hey don't you be sorry Gemma, it's completely natural and plus I've got sisters at home. I know what it's like" you smiled up at George and then Chuck patted your back. "Yeah George is right, and it's only blood" you chuckled at that.
You got to the bathroom and the boys walking in and put your stuff down for you and went to walk out.
"Uh Joe" he turned around.
"What's up darling?" He asked. Your emotions were all over the place and you just let a sob out and covered your face with your hands. Joe walked right to you and pulled you into his arms.
"It's alright Gem, everything's going to be okay" you cried into his chest and he rubbed your back.
"Let's get you in the shower huh, I'll stay with you yeah?" You nodded your head. Joe let you go and walked over to turn the shower on.
As you stood there waiting for the water you took your top off and was just left in your bra. You didn't care that joe was stood there. He's seen it all before anyway.
He turned around and just looked at you. He shock his face head and came to help with your boots and then your shorts.
You walked over to the water and stood under it in your bra and underwear.
Joe stood leaning on the frame of the shower and watched you.
"I didn't want anyone to see that joe.. not even you" you whispered and looked at him. He had a small smile on his face.
"Gem I have sisters it's okay, I've helped my sisters through this and I'm going to do the same for you, like Chuck said it's only blood" you smiled at him. He really knew how to make you happy when you were sad.

Once you had your shower you went straight to bed. Most the men said goodnight to you and told you not to worry about what happened today.
Joe cuddled with you that night so you didn't feel so alone, even though his bed is right next to yours anyway.
"Thank you Joe" you told him as you drifted off to sleep.
"Anything for my girl" he whispered and kissed your forehead and drifted off to sleep as well.

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