Floyd Talbert

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(Writing this I was listening to Be my baby by the Ronettes and just couldn't get enough of it while writing so I replayed it until I finished it 😂)

Being back in England really made a difference to ones mind. Being able to be around just a little bit of normal was enough to make someone forget the little things going on around them.
Easy company had just gotten back to England and everyone wanted to spend there first night out at a pub drinking with there mates.
Getting ready you felt hands land on your hips and a chin rest on your shoulder, looking over to your left in the mirror you saw Floyd behind you with a smile on his face.
Smiling back at him he kissed your neck before resting his chin on your shoulder again.
"You look lovely honey" Floyd was always one to shower you with compliments any where, anytime that he could.
He loved to be able to see you blush at his words and show off the smile he fell in love with.
"Thank you Floyd but I'm only in my dress uniform just as you are" he shrugged his shoulders while letting a small chuckle out.
"You still look lovely though, and it's been awhile since I saw you all clean" laughing you elbowed him in the stomach for his remark. He coughed a little bit but laughed as you turned around to put your arms around his neck.
"It's gonna be hard for any guy to keep his eyes off you tonight" Floyd whispered in your ear as his hands slide up your sides and he gave your neck small kisses, chuckling you couldn't believe he was already thinking about other guys looking at you, you knew Floyd got a bit jealous when someone else tried to get your attention, but You weren't interested in anyone other then Floyd Talbert.
Pulling his face out of your neck you rolled your eyes while looking at him.
"I only have eyes for you Floyd and only you" watching his face turn up into a smile really made your heart melt, to know you could do that to him made you love him even more.
"Lets go then" nodding you both made your way to the pub.


Standing at the bar with a couple of the guys you scanned the room to look for Floyd, he had wondered off to go find Chuck and shifty, catching them in your eyes you smiled once seeing Floyd laughing with his friends while sipping on his drink.
Turning back to your conversation with George you could feel eyes on you but knew it wasn't Floyd as you had just looked away from him.
Thinking nothing off it you carried on talking with George.

Floyd looked over your way ever so often to make sure you were okay and that you weren't alone, he told the guys not to leave you alone when being in the pub, it's not that he didn't trust you cause he did but he didn't trust other guys.
When Floyd had looked over to where he last saw you he had to do a double look, he didn't see you sitting on the stool beside George.
Sitting up a little in his chair he scanned the room but couldn't see you, it wasn't until he did a whole double look that he saw the back of your head over by the door talking with someone he had never seen or met before.
Watching your interaction with the guy, Floyd could tell you knew him, seeing you smile up at the guy or laugh at what he was saying made Floyd's heart sink, he wouldn't say he was insecure about himself but he just didn't think he was good enough for you, and seeing what someone else could do for you really made him feel worthless.

As the night went on he saw the guy put his arm around your shoulder and you wrapping yours around his back. It almost felt like he was third wheeling in his own relationship.
Deciding he wanted to leave he stood up and downed the last of his beer. In a way he felt like you were cheating on him with this guy, you never had gone off without telling him, or he had never seen you put your arm around another guy like that before, apart from him.
He knew he was being silly but that's how it looked and felt from were he was sitting.
Ignoring the looks and questions from the boys in front of him he left the bar and made his way back to the barn easy we're staying in, he didn't know when you'd be back or even if you'd come back, but Floyd hoped he was enough for you.

After a little while you made to go to the toilet but bumped into someone on the way.
Looking up you were about to apologise when you froze on the spot. Standing before you was your brothers best friend from home, you knew he was sighing up for the army but did t know he was a paratrooper like you.
"Oh my god James hey" he smiled and hugged you.
"Look at you, you'll all grown up" shacking your head you punched him in the arm.
"Still weak I see" he scoffed as he put an arm around your shoulder.
James was like another brother to you, he just got in with your family so well.
You both got talking and you told him about Floyd and how you wanted him to meet each other.
As you looked around the room you could seem to find Floyd at all. Frowning you looked over at Chuck who shrugged his shoulder and nodded to the door.
"Look James it was really good to see you but I gotta go" before he could say anything you hugged him at made you way out the door in search of Floyd.

Making your way into the barn you saw a small candle lit in the corner where you and Floyd both were sleeping, he was laying down on your guys makeshift bed with his back to you. What was up with him? You thought as you made your way over to him.
"Hey honey you okay" you asked while sitting down at the end of the bed, Floyd moved his head down so you couldn't see his face, you scrunched your face up at that.
"Floyd?" You asked while putting a hand on his leg.
"Hmm?" Sighing you moved off the bed and knelt down beside him so you could see his face, what shocked you the most was seeing Floyd crying and trying to hide it from you.
"Floyd what's the matter? Why are you crying?" You asked while wiping away a single tear. Floyd looked up at you and sighed.
"I saw you with that guy" frowning you didn't understand. Until it his you.
Floyd saw you with James.. and he thought you were cheating on him.
"Oh Floyd he's my brothers best friend, he's like another brother to me, if you think I'd leave you for him that's just nasty in so many levels" Floyd locked eyes with you. "Really?" He asked while sitting up on one elbow.
"Yes Floyd really, I can 100 percent say you are all I need Sargent Talbert" you saw the smirk form on his face and knew you had him right where you wanted him.
Crawling up onto the bed you straddled him while wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him in for a short kiss.
Pulling away you felt his hands land on your hips
"I'm sorry for thinking you were off with someone else" he whispered and it made you chuckle seeing Floyd all vulnerable.
"No need to be sorry my love" leaning down so your mouth was right as his ear you bite down on it a little
"All you need to do is show me how sorry you are and I'll forgive you" you heard his voice hitch in his throat and his ha da tighten on your hips.
"God you do things to me you know that" chuckling you pulled back to look into his eyes.
"Then show me" with that flipped you over so he was above you and kissed you hard but full of love.
You definitely forgave him after that night.

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